Consultation Paper - Review of Excellence in Research for A…

3.4.2 Publication of ERA data The ARC publishes a range information for each ERA round in the ERA National Report. This report includes the ratings for units of evaluation as well as data on research outputs, staff and research income aggregated at the specific or broad discipline level. Some universities have suggested that volume data, that is, the volume of outputs submitted in each unit of assessment, should also be published. In ERA 2018, additional data was released through the Data Portal, including the metadata for each output submitted. 14 To improve transparency and accountability the ARC intends to publish the discipline assignment information for each research output in future ERA rounds. Where more than one university has included the same output in its submission, the discipline assignment for each university would be shown.

Issues to be explored


In future ERA rounds, should the volume of outputs submitted for each unit of evaluation be published?


Yes, Please explain your answer.


No, Please explain your answer.


In future ERA rounds, research outputs should be published with their assignment to specific disciplines following completion of the round. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree nor disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. Please explain your answer.

a. What would be the advantages? Please explain your answer.

b. What would be the disadvantages? Please explain your answer.


What other data do you think the ARC should publish following an ERA round? Please describe.

14 Metadata included: Research output title, Research output type, reference year, outlet, publisher, ISBN, ERA round, and Institution.


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