Issues to be explored
The current Engagement definition is appropriate. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree or disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. a. If you don’t agree, what are your suggested amendments to the Engagement definition? Please describe. The current Impact definition is appropriate. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree or disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. a. If you don’t agree, what are your suggested amendments to the Impact definition? Please describe. The current end-user definition is appropriate. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree or disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. a. If you don’t agree, what are your suggested amendments to the end-user definition? Please describe. b. Are there any end-user categories excluded in the current definition of research end-user that you think should be included? Please explain your answer. Are there other key terms that need to be formally defined? Yes/No. If you answered ‘Yes’, please explain your answer.
4.3 EI methodology
4.3.1 Unit of assessment
EI 2018 defined the unit of assessment as the two-digit Fields of Research, or broad disciplines, as set out in the ANZSRC (2008) at each university.
There were three types of units of assessment:
• broad discipline or two-digit Field of Research
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research (Impact only, optional)
interdisciplinary (Impact only, optional)
In EI 2018, engagement was not assessed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research or interdisciplinary units of assessment because universities only reported data to ERA at the specific discipline level. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research 17 and interdisciplinary research were not classified at this level within ANZSRC 2008. As the engagement indicators were drawn from the ERA data, no data was available to calculate engagement indicators in these areas. During the development of EI, several options were considered to define the unit of assessment including the Field of Research codes (broad discipline) and the socio-economic objective (SEO) classification. The SEO classification allows research activity to be categorised according to the purpose or outcome of the research. 18 Ultimately, the decision to use the broad discipline was to ensure that data could be re-used from ERA, thereby reducing the burden on universities.
17 As explained in Section 3.2.10 18 ANZSRC 2020
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