Consultation Paper - Review of Excellence in Research for A…

• human resources policies, initiatives and strategies

• financial or other resources made available to facilitate the realisation of the impact

• other strategies used in relation to this unit of assessment that aided in the realisation of the impact. In EI 2018, 159 approach to impact units of assessment received a ‘high’ rating, and a further 325 received a ‘medium’ rating. Further detail on the approach to impact narrative is available in the EI 2018 Assessment Handbook.

Further information on the outcomes of EI 2018, can be located in the EI 2018 National Report.

Issues to be explored

Feedback indicates that the approach to impact narrative was one of the more challenging EI elements for universities and assessors. As with other EI narratives, feedback has suggested a more structured template with examples of what should be included and excluded. There are also general challenges with the interconnectedness of engagement, impact and pathways to impact and therefore there was some overlap of activities reported in submissions for engagement and approach to impact.


The narrative approach is suitable for describing and assessing approach to impact. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree or disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. Please explain your answer. a. If you disagree, what alternative approach could be used to replace the narrative? Please explain your answer. If you are suggesting indicators, please be specific. One approach to impact narrative per broad discipline is sufficient for capturing the activities within that discipline. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree or disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. Please explain your answer. The approach to impact narrative needs to be longer. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree or disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. Please explain your answer. There is a need for additional evidence to be provided. Strongly agree; Agree; Neither agree or disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree. Please explain your answer. Would there be benefit in combining engagement and approach to impact? Yes/No. Please explain your answer.





4.3.9 EI rating scales In EI 2018, there were three separate ratings per unit of assessment—one each for engagement, impact and approach to impact. Ratings were determined by discipline-based panels of experts that comprised distinguished researchers and highly experienced research end-users. EI 2018 uses a three-point rating scale for the engagement, impact and approach to impact ratings: High, Medium and Low.

The rating descriptors for each rating for the above three areas is attached as Appendix C.


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