Consultation Paper - Review of Excellence in Research for A…

4.3.10 EI and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research In EI 2018, universities could also choose to submit an impact study for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research was identified at the most detailed level of the ANZRSC 2008 21 and EI 2018 reported at the broadest level. Therefore, impacts related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research would not have otherwise been reported, or where included in impact studies submitted to other broad disciplines like health or education, may not have been assessed by the most relevant experts. Early feedback from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers, and universities more broadly, indicates support for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research impact study continuing to be included in EI. In addition, a considerable number of impact studies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research content were submitted to other FoRs. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research was not submitted or assessed for engagement as there was no data available at that time.

Issues to be explored

The ANZSRC 2020 has a new two-digit code for Indigenous Studies which includes separate codes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Māori, Pacific Peoples and other Indigenous peoples. It is anticipated that through these new codes, more data on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research will become available from universities. The ARC is investigating the most appropriate way to assess Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research engagement and impact. The ARC will undertake further consultation regarding how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research is assessed in EI.


Should the EI low-volume threshold be applied to the unit of assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research in EI 2024 with the option to opt in if threshold is not met? Yes/No. Please explain your answer. Should the unit of assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research include engagement in EI 2024? Yes/No. Please explain your answer.


21 for further explanation, see Section 3.2.10


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