King's Business - 1912-08/09

Notes by the Way "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning."


Pro. 1:5.

The dictograph is an i n s t r u m e n t similar to a tele-

jarring sound, not only in the F ar East, but in many sections of Christian Amer- ica.' 'Placing the Hindoo Scriptures above the Bible, many women today are studying those teachings who were form- erly Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Catholics, and Jeweses.' (Evidently they were never Christians). 'A greater menace than t h at of image- worship works in the teachings of the Hindu Mystics. The casual observer would not discover it. Only those who reach the inner circles become acquaint- ed with the mysteries revealed to the adepts. The descent from Christianity is by such easy stages that the novice scarcely realizes she is led. (Is not that satanic?) "Another form of Eastern worship practised in the United States—namely, 'the teachings and practices of sun-wor- ship, under the god Salaam Aleikum, the supreme lord of the Zend Avesta, of whom Zoroaster was the great prophet.' 'At least fourteen thousand Americans are joining daily in this worship of the lord Madza, and the daily adoration of the sun. . . . And when all dieting, battl- ing, and breathing fail to bring beauty, there are cosmetiques sold on the side that supplement the results.' Other branches of Hinduism are being intro- duced, one of which 'the tautras, repre- sents the climax of Eastern abomina- tions, and is Hindu idolatry in its vilest stage. Its rites are much in common with the worship of Baal ana Moloch by the ancient Assyrians.' " In all this there is nothing to startle us. Ancient and modern, Assyrian and America—there is no difference; and t h at old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan, has the same subtle snares to deceive the unwary; ladies of culture he is very solicitous of. He began with Eve, and initiated her into the myster- ies, the arcana, of the forbidden tree, and got the man, too. Let the word of God be re-instated, for the-, philosophies of Christendom that are taking its place even in pulpits of the land are merely shaded down into those of Baal, Moloch, and Astarte. We have a warefare in Los Angeles, and on the Pacific Coast that can only be waged with the Sword of the Spirit.

— phone r e c e i v e r . ^ • Secreted in an apartment it transmits what is said by the inmates to the ear . of a listener in another room or place. It may serve a rightful purpose (if ; i,y eavesdropping is ever r i g h t ), or used by persons with evil intent may be an ally of much wickedness. Though none of us wish our private intercourse to be made public property, the dictograph has no terrors for us. But to the evil- minded and the wrong-doer it should be y an imminent dread. The Almighty has ever had His dictograph; nor has He made a secret of it, but given every man due warning. Beyond the thin partition ^ that divides the visible f r om the invis- ible the recording angel writes his indel- ible and infallible record. Jesus re- * ferred to it when He said, " Th at which has been spoken in t he ear in closets, shall be proclaimed upon the housetops" (Lk. 12:3; 8 : 1 7 ), and, again, "by thy •*! words thou shalt be condemned, and by thy wordts thou shalt be justified." (Mt. 1 2 : 3 7 ). Even thoughts are known and shall come abroad (I. Cor. 4 : 5 ). Elisha used Jehovah's dictograph (II. Kgs. 6:8-12). Let wicked men and all sin- ners take heed; like criminals confront- ed with their own words in testimony against them sinful men will be covered with speechless confusion, and not long hence. But the godly are content, t h at the Lord should hearken to hear, and a book of remembrance be written before ' Him for them that fear the Lord, and think upon His n ame (Mai. 3 : 6 ). They need have no fears when the Lord shall come to convince (convict) all t h at a re ungodly, of all their h a rd speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him ( J u de 1 5 ). THE DIGEST gives — :

quotations from an ar- ticle in " The Metho- dist Quarterly Review" from which we quote the following: "The


Ea st is sending its emissaries to us, 'and today, the tinkling temple-bells of heathendom ring out with discordant

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