By T. C. Horton
prove the Deity of Christ. "These are written that you might believe /that Jesus is the Son of God" Jno. 20:31.The First Epistle of John was written to give assurance of salvation to the believer "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that ye might know that ye have, eternal life." I Jno. 5:13. The life which we receive upon be- lieving in the Lord Jesus Christ is ever- lasting life. Jno. 3:16; 3:36. In the 6 th chapter of John there are fourteen statements of definite assur- ance. No one can read that chapter without the consciousness of God's in- tention to make the matter of our eter- nal salvation definitely clear. In John 5:24 there are three affirm- ations; h a th everlasting life; shall not come into judgment; is past from death to life. The Scripture order in connection with our salvation is clear. "To as many as received Him to them gave He the authority to become the sons of God." Jno. 1:12. The believer is delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of His dear Son. Col. 1:13. Christ gives them eternal life and says that they shall never perish. No man shall be able to pluck them out of His and the Father's hand. Jno. 10:28-29. There Is no judgment to them, Rom. 8:1. For they have already been -judged, found guilty and put to death. Gal. 2:20. There is nothing that can separate them from the love of God. Rom. 8:38-39. The Will of Christ is that they shall be with Him and behold His glory. Jno. 17:24. Their life is hid with Christ in God. Col. 3:2. When the Lord Jesus appears they shall appear with Him in the glory. Col. 3:4. The whole trend of the teaching of t h e New Testament is to give assurance of our absolute safety who are in Christ. The illustration is to be found in - Ex. 12:1-13. The sprinkled blood as- sured safety. God's eye was upon the blood and the death angel passed over. They fed upon the roasted lamb and were filled and satisfied. Every be- liever is safe and secure who is shel- tered under the blood of Christ.
LESSON 7. Personal Evangelism.
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We learn to do things by doing them. No one should ever be discouraged in the work of soul saving. You may have made mistakes, you probably have. You may have failed, you may feel that you have not been called to do personal work. Be on your guard lest Satan shall beguile you and spoil your Chris- tian life by depriving you of the most blessed of all Christian experience. Christ says in Matt. 4:19: "I will make you fishers of men." Go at it and keep at it. Souls cannot be driven or ham- mered into the Kingdom. You must win them. You miist win them. Yon must win them. What can be done, ought to be done, what ought to be done must be done, and what must be done you must do. If soul saving is the business of the Church, and it is, and you are not saving souls you are hin- dering rather than helping the cause of Christ. May the consciousness of the world's awful need and the supreme ob- ligation resting upon you, possess you. The possibilities of this work of win- ning men is illustrated by the testimony of Fred Siebert who in speaking to the Fishermen's Club at one of the July meetings, stated that he had been per- mitted to personally win 1026 people within a year. 23 of them in one day. He had won five people on the train from Chicago to Los Angeles. If one man of very ordinary ability by the power of the Spirit could do that, what might the people in your Church do, if they would? Wh at might you do if you were willing to follow the Lord and allow Him to make you a fisher of men? Lacking Assurance In prosecuting personal work you will find many people who will tell you that they do not know whether they are saved or not. Some are Christians lack- ing assurance of salvation; some are ignorant of the teaching of the Word of God and do not know that it is possible to be assured of their salvation; some think it is presumptuous to claim to be saved; some are persuaded that you cannot know until you die. To all such you must make clear the fundamental teaching concerning the new life of the believer. The Gospel of John was written to
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