King's Business - 1912-08/09

"FRESNO 1913" The young people of the state to the number of over 2000 gatnered at Fresno, June 29th to July 3rd, for the 25th An- nual Convention of the California Chris- tian Endeavor Union, which proved in many ways to be the greatest conven- tion in its history. Much prayer and preparation had been put into the program, and in the selection of t he speakers, in order to make the convention definite along evan- gelistic and soul winning lines. The ^ . Lord abundantly blessed the efforts put forth and a greater harvest was reaped than even the officers had dared to ex- pect. The Theme of the Convention was "Efficient Christian Service," and was admirably carried out in the series of addresses given in the spacious Audi- torium which was almost packed at every session, as the people came to hear the message God had given the speak- ers, among whom were Dr. H. O. Breeden, of Fresno; Rev. H. A. Jump, of Oakland; Dr. R. A. Torrey, of Los Ang- eles; Rev. Wm. Rader, of San Fran- cisco; Rev, J. Whitcomb Brougher, of Los Angeles, and Dr. Edwin Forrest Hallenbeck, of San Diego. Definite practical work is undertaken v at these conventions by giving the young people not only methods for an hour a day for three days, on all lines of Chris- • tian Endeavor activities, but also in defi- nite Bible instruction, for an hour each morning under the best Bible instruct- ors obtainable in the state. Dr. R. A. i^uf» Torrey, Dr. J. R. Pratt, Rev. W. Leon Tucker, and Tom Hannay, Jr., taught the various classes each morning, which were well attended and intense interest was manifested by the Endeavorers to know more of His precious Word. The street meetings each evening in nine different places gave ample oppor- tunity for personal work and a place to give a testimony of a living faith in Jesus Christ, as a result of which a large number of conversions were reported. One of the stirring addresses of the ^ ' Convention was delivered on Tuesday morning by Ng Poon Chew, editor of Chung Sat Yat Po, San Francisco, on "The Real Meaning of the Chinese Revo- lution." A great feature of each Convention is the Veterans' Picnic, one afternoon being devoted to it. About 325 this year took a special train for Selma, where they were royally treated to a chicken dinner and an automobile ride through the valley. The great blessings of the Convention - k«, ^ j. ( S » , ^ y t " X ¡.V r^r

came night after night when at the close of the address our beloved Pas- toral Counsellor, Dr. Lapsley A. McAfee, of Berkeley, would extend the invitation to the unsaved to accept Jesus Christ. Many a child was born into the Kingdom of God during those days. It is con- servatively estimated that there were 200 conversions secured. Then the in- vitation for those who had not sur- rendered their all to Him was given, and another inspiring sight was witnessed as during those five days at least two hundred fifty young people stood up and thus signified for an "out and out" Christian life in the future. Once more the invitation would be given, this time for those who were willing to go into the ministry or mis- sionary service if the Lord opened the way, and to this invitation over one hundred responded. Is a State Endeavor Convention worth while when definite business for the Lord is done as was done at Fresno? We say it is, and we ask your prayers for the young people of this state. Praise God for the victories that have been accomplished through His name the past year. J. P. WELLES. BIBLE WOMEN'S WORK In offfe Parlor Biblg-'Class three dif- ferent women who had been deeply in- terested in Christian Science saw the error of the teaching and turned thank- fully to the Lord Jesus and are rejoicing in their salvation. In another class a fourth Eddyite de- clared: "There is nothing satisfying in all that cult and I am indeed glad I've been liberated from it's snare and have been led to a real Person, a living Power, Christ Jesus." A peculiar phase of work presented itself to one of the Bible Women this month when a young Catholic man came and confessed Christ because of a con- versation he had overheard when the worker was dealing with another person. We never know which shall prosper, but w'e are assured that t he Word never re- turns void when faithfully given. Through the fearless testimony of one of our women, a father and mother, after losing their only child and becom- ing bitterly rebellious against God, re- pelling every offered help, were finally brought to an acknowledgment of their sin and a surrender of their lives to the Lord. The Bible Woman is praising God for 2 Cor. 1:4. One of our Bible Women in visitation work called upon a charming young

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