our good brother and friend, Dr. J. Q, A. Henry, could not be with us. He was detained at home by the critical illness of his wife. Addresses and Bible readings were given by Dr. Torrey and Revs. Prichard, Kellogg, Hunter and Sammis and Messrs. Hanney, Jamison, Lewis, Sloan and Mullen, all of which were attended by marked blessing and hearty appreciation of the audiences. The Conference was made emphatic- ally Missionary in tone by the unex- pected but very welcome presence of three missionaries of the Christian Church, who were of a party of five who were touring the country in the interest of their different fields. Dr. Royal Dye of Africa had a message of wonderful power concerning the work on the Congo. We have seldom witnessed an audience moved as was his. He gave one of the finest illustrations we have ever heard of the Gospel as the power of God unto salvation. Dr. Cunningham of India and Dr. Corry of China also gave us splendid addresses which stirred the hearts of the people to renewed in- terest in missions. The afternoons were devoted to con- ferences upon vital themes and proved exceedingly helpful. Among the sub- jects considered were: House-to-House Visitation, City Mission and Shop Work, Young People's Work and Personal Evangelism, Aliens at Home, Jews, Bible Study, Methods and Teaching. There were many pastors and evange- lists present and good audiences at every session. In place of the Spring Conference we expect to have one in the Winter. THE SHOP WORK Mr. Lewis has opened a meeting in a new location. The firsts service was granted by a proprietor with some mis- giving; he was afraid Mr. Lewis might preach the men away. After Mr. Lewis had mounted upon a bench and gave the men a little story of his own experience in shop life and of his conversion from infidelity, he had the hearts of the men and, crowding around him, they re^- quested him to come again. The pro- prietor is satisfied that Mr. Lewis knows his business and so are we. There is no let-up in this work. Sum- mer and Winter it goes merrily on. The old Gospel has a flavor that men relish and if we know how to pass it out we need not fear concerning its reception.
woman, a college graduate and teacher and the mother of two beautiful chil- dren; The following conversation took place: "Are you a Christian?" "I am a member of the Established Church," was the reply. "But are you saved?" was the next question. "I do not know, and I do not know anything about the Bible. Never have had a chance to study it. My people were worldly people and I had no time in college, but I do truly want to study and want iny children to know this Book." As the result of this visit and conver- sation the woman has faithfully at- tended for nearly a year the Bible Class conducted by the Bible Women and has a living faith in Christ and a glorious testimony to the saving, keeping power of Christ and in September will open her home as the center of a neighbor- hood Bible Class. There has been a real and, we believe, a lasting interest in all our class work connected with the students of High School age during the past year. Scores of the young women have been brought into vital touch with the living Word and even in this vacation time they are actively planning for and looking for- ward to enlarged classes in the Fall. It is very necessary to these future moth- ers that their lives be illumined by the Word of God and it is a matter of sin- cere thanksgiving that our Lord has permitted us to keep in touch with so many of our young people. Both in Los Angeles and Pasadena we have many open doors and are glad to enter in, for the dear Master's sake. We never seek to amuse, but desire only a , definite work for definite results, for the glory of our Lord. THE JUNE CONFERENCE A "week with the Word and Work- ers" was the sentence which character-- ized our June gathering. It was the best Conference we have had. Our pro- gram was providentially tentative and the Lord gave us some happy surprises. The chief speaker from abroad was Dr. R. H. Glover, who .for many years has been a missionary in China, and the wisdom of our choice was made mani- fest in the strong spiritual messages which he brought to us. His addresses were accompanied by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Glover is loyal to the Truth and lovingly logical. He is both sweet and strong and he will long be remembered by the friends who -were privileged to hear him. We were sadly disappointed because
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