King's Business - 1912-08/09

GRADUATING EXERCISES There was a happy gathering o f the Faculty, students and friends o nt h e evening of June 27th. I t was the Spring Graduation and three o f the students who had successfully pursued the two years' course and obtained the necessary credits were the honored guests. Dr. A. B. Prichard, Vice-President of the Institute, presided in the absence of President Lyman Stewart. Rev. J .H . Sammis of our Faculty delivered the ad- dress to the class, using the word Bible as a n acrostic. I t was the unanimous testimony o f those present that Mr. Sammis had exceeded himself and given the best message he had ever delivered

in the School. The subject was agpriP priate and handled with consummate art and gave all present a new love for the old Book. Dr. Torrey, Dean o f the School, pre- sented the diplomas to Mrs. R. C. Lewis, Harry Hill and Oscar Zimmerman. Ap - propriate music, including a solo, was arranged by Prof. Peckham. Following the exercises a reception was tendered the class b y the Ladies' Auxiliary, Mrs. A- G. Wells, the untiring and devoted President, standing a the head o f th ereception line. Refresh- ments were served i n the dining room and a delightful evening was recorded by all.

Harr y J .Hill .Mrs . » .C .Lewis . Osca r Zimmerma


THE LYCEUM CLUB The LyceumTüub i s holding its own through this whole summer. The num- bers i n constant attendance i s a matter of surprise t o those not i n the inner circle. We feel our great loss in the departure of our beloved President, Helene Mc- Vay, but congratulate her husband o n his gain. The interest i nBible Study grows deeper and i t is a surprise and gratifica- tion t oal l t osee the iritentness with which t he girls participate i n the study of the evening. The new girls are made so welcome and they find the fellowship so grateful there i s little need o f pro-

motive work. Their leader, Mrs. Hor- ton, received a n hilarious welcome o n her return from the East and was made to fully appreciate the love and loyalty of the many daughters. The girls are seeking to honor God in their daily lives and t ob e used i n leading the "other girl" into the light and gladness they have found i n their Saviour. WORK AMONG THE OIL MEN From the report o f our Mr. William Sloan, the Superintendent o f the work upon the Oil Fields who has just finished his third years' service, we cull the fol- lowing facts: From June, 1911, to June, 1912, h e held services i n3 4 different f

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