He finds this an admirable place to meet and confer with t he boys and to prose- cute the work. We commend the work to the friends of the Institute. Any communication may be sent tç this point. MR. MULLEN AND THE YOKE- FELLOWS The good work goes on at the JLos Angeles Street Hall. The street meet- ings are more and more interesting. Mr. John H. Hunter, J. H. Sammis, Dr. E. P. Ryland, Pat Beban and Supt. Horton have spoken at the Sunday after- noon service during the past month. There is something interesting trans- piring at every service. There are no dull times at these meetings. One Sun- day an Infidel Club of about fifty mem- bers came to interrogate Mr. Mullen. He is up to the game of these fellows and never fails to give an answer that carries the crowd with him. Every night the Hall is filled with men. Sometimes Mr. Mullen is alone. No one to play the organ or conduct the singing, but the men flock to hear him open the Scriptures and the evening meetings are Bible expositions. The Yoke-fellows' band is growing and many of the men are becoming well founded in the Word. dus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteron- omy. It would be wise, however, to buy one volume at a time, beginning with Genesis. Question. What is the most satis- factory book on the Higher Criticism? Answer. There is no better book to begin with than "Old Testament Crit- ics," by the Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, M. A., D. D. Published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London, Eng. The book is thoroughly scholarly and easily understood by the reader. It ut- terly annihiliates the pretensions of the destructive critic. It has never been answered and never can be. The ordi- nary student of the Bible will not need to read further on this subject after he has read this book, though of course there are other good books on the sub- ject. Any of these books can be secured through the Los Angeles Bible Institute Book Room, 262% South Main street, Los Angeles, Cal. Answered Torrey
towns and camps. The number of meet- ings held was 291. The average attend- ance 40. There were 98 conversions, 56 of whom united with churches. Sixteen were baptized. He held two communion services, conducted two funerals and performed two marriage ceremonies. Mr. Sloan has been accompanied by George Hampton, who conducts the music and assists in personal work. These men do not travel In palace cars, nor are they privileged to live in hotels. With a two-horse conveyance, which is their sitting room, dining room, kitchen and study, they live from day to day a life of real sacrifice for the Lord, and the above report shows how graci- ously God has blessed them. There is no account of the homes vis- ited, the personal conversation had with men and the other helpful services ren- dered. For the most part the men min- istered to are without any other gospel privileges and the yearly visit is an event to which they look forward. We greatly rejoice in the opportunity af- forded us giving t he gospel to these men and we congratulate our workers also upon great good done the past years. BIG BROTHER WORK Don Youngken, in charge of this work, has his desk in the Yoke-fellows Hall. mentary on the Bible? Answer. There Is no best commentary on the whole Bible. What is best for one part is not best for another. It de- pends a good deal upon the purpose for which the commentary is desired, and who desires it. As a rule it is best to get a commentary on a single book and make a thorough study of that book. For example, if one were studying the Epistle to the Epheslans, the most help- ful thing for the plain reader of the Bible and also for the scholar, is "The Epistle to the Epheslans," by Rev. H. G. G. Moule, M. A.," published in the Cambridge Bible for schools and col- leges. If one simply wishes a com- mentary for the whole Bible for spiritual suggestiveness, Mathew Henry's com- mentary has never been superseded. Everyone who desires an understanding of the first five books of the Bible should read C. H. M.'s Notes on Genesis, Exo- Questions Question: What Is the best com-
By R. A.
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