International Sunday School Lessons Brief Thoughts for Busy Teachers By J. H. S. DELIVERANCE FROM THE DEEP
ification would be absurd." The Lord, then, rebuked the author of all discord, and thus unmasks him to us, "the prince of the power of the air" (Eph. 2 : 2 ). That storms have natural causes is not against their rise from created personal agencies. A cannonade may produce one. Satan has wider sway and resource than man (Jb. 1:12, 19). The ship bore Christ and His "fortunes," as one once bore Caesar and his. The prince of the power of the air would "at one fell swoop" overwhelm the in- fant church in the abyss! (4) Its Master. He slept. How weary He must have been! How trustful! "Great is the mystery of godliness (1 Tim. 3:16), the Keeper of Israel slept, yet He sleeps not (Ps. 121:3, 4). So every child of the Father has a right to sleep, if he has the faith to do it, "though the earth be removed:, and the mountains be car- ried into the midst of the sea (Ps. 46:2). He arose and said, "Peace, be still!" in Greek, "Be silent!" "Be muz- zled!" So then we need fear neither the roar nor the bite of Satan (1 Pet. 5 : 8 ). "There was a great calm." The sea knew its "Master's voice," and more, its Maker's (Gen. 1:1, 2, 6, 7). Shall the soul be less obedient than the sea (Jn. 14:1, 27)? the saint than Satan? Even a Titanic sinks, but a tiny smack with Jesus is safe on any sea. 4. The' reproof. (1) Its occasion, (a) They disbelieved the word. They were in deadly fear, although it was written that His hand holds the sea (Isa. 40 : 12 ); and the winds are His servants (Ps. 107:25, 29; 148:8). Like us, they knew these texts by heart, but not in heart. Jesus made them His stay, (b) They discredited the Lord. "Carest Thou not that we perish! (1 Pet. 5:6, 7). Yet they knew the-psalm of the shepherd! It is so much easier in green pastures to sing, "Yea, though I walk in the valley of t he shadow of death, I will fear no evil," than in the vale itself. (2) Its letter. "Why are ye so f e a r f u l? ye of little f a i t h" (Mat.) "Where'is your f a i t h ?" (Lk.) "Ye have no faith (Mk.). As well have no faith as not show faith; as well no shield (Eph. 6:16) as not know where it is when the fiery darts fill the air. Ac- cording to Jesus, where fear is faith is
AND FROM THE DEMONS Lesson VI. Mark 4:35-5:20. August 11th.
Note.—From parables to miracles. Parables give wisdom in words, mira- cles in works. We saw that God's works are parables. The visible para- bles the invisible. Physical light para- bles spiritual. Miracles may be called acted parables. They are historical and doctrinal. r, DELIVERANCE FROM THE DEEP. 1. F r om "calm to storm. Who knows what a day. may bring forth? Now in the peaceful congregation preparing for the storms of life; now on a raging sea battling with them. What we hear in the calm should banish fear in the storm. If you say "I'm saved!" ashore, do not cry "I perish!" at sea. 2. Taking on the Pilot. (1) They needed rest and hoped to find it on the other shore. Jesus said, "Let us pass over." It is safe to heed His "Come," in all weathers. He goes with them who go with Him. (2) "They took Him." Though He took them they took Him. He wants who want Him, he takes who take Him. (3) "As He was." Who take Him at all must take Him as He is. It is the fashion to fashion Him to suit our whim. He . is no wax man- ikin to be moulded to our notion; no dummy to dress after the fad of the season. God's Word), like His world, must be taken as He is. If you would weather the storms take Him as He is, If He takes you at all, He'll take you as- you are. It is a mutual demand of Saviour and sinner, "Take me as I am." 3. The storm. (1) Its suddenness. 682 feet below sea level, the lake was subject to sudden changes of temper- ature, when through "funnel"-like can- yons the cyclones swept down, raising more dangerous tempests than those of the Mediterranean itself. Life's storms fall as sudden and as fierce.* (2) Its severity. Wind and wave pursued the little craft, beat on it, broke over it, filled it, till about to sink. Even the tried and hardy fishermen were panic struck. (3) Its author (the devil), Jesus "rebuked" the wind. "Rebuked" has personal force. Trench says, "To regard this as a mere oratorical person-
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