King's Business - 1912-08/09

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ness', pain, toil, care, poverty, weari- ness, t- oppression,- discontent, unrest, s t n f g, cruelty; sin, guilt, fear of death! of judgment; ignorance, and dense

,, I r e a c h - ' fc e - "P r °~ Kingdom of God; that glad t l m e w h e n Israel should flourish, Mes- ( 1 )




There is no remedy in all • siah reign, heaven's richest gifts be en-


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tion, and but one order shall realize it viz., the Kingdom of God. He not only saw them as a scattered flock, but as a neglected farm (1 Cor 3 9- Jno 4 - ^ 1 A vast field, a promising harvest but few laborers to cover the one, and

"Heal." (a) "He gave then*



(v. 1).

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a u t h o r l t r "

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ideas. " P owe r" to heal, to raise the dead, and cast out devils, because having " a u t h o r i t y" over the devil, t h e


gather the other.



" P r ay ye t he Lord of the harvest that author of all these evils (b) "Freelv ** I « « s s k s ^ J S ; r e r cha rge - christian scient ^ and effect, are so linked that the Lord d e m a n d P ^ f ° r their alleged healing; himself cannot act in the latter without Doctors grow more and more extortion- the former. " P r ay ye t h e r e f o r e !" Do ate, whose calling should be above i i n P M M R A S S O T R Fn P r a y ! even ministers and evangelist. III. 1-KAlfJiK NSWERED. are often greedy of gain. 1. Jesus prayed. All night Jesus 4. "Provide neither gold," etc (1> prayed and then appointed His "labor- They were on the King's business; (2> ers (L,k. 6:12-16). The command to to do no trading on theii own account' pray is emphasized by His example, and (3) would be gone but a short t i me r ' w e should do what we can to (4) the King's business required answer our prayers. He prayed for haste (1 Sam. 2 1 : 8 ); He would suu- laborers, and then sent them out. If ply their wants, and by those to whom we pity sinners, pray for them; if we they were sent. "You tend to my busi- piay for them, go for thsm, or send to ness, and I will look u f t er yours," • m - Queen Elizabeth told a business man to IV. THE MISSIONARIES. whom she gave commission. His twelve disciples. A disciple is a "Search out the worthy." (1> learner, pupil, follower. Jesus sent Some godly homes in most cities (Gen such as had learned of Him, trained in 19:1-5; 19:1-3; 2 Kgs. 4:8, 9; Jno the t r u t hs and methods He preached 1 8 : 2 ). (2) "Salute," say "Peace t o and practiced. But one was " J u d as this house." Such a wish is not vain who betrayed Him." Many a preacher f r o m the lips of loving faith. The Lord has turned traitor. We have such now. w i l 1 make it good to them who enter- Yet he gives such "power" to cast out t a i n H l s own. devils, and some way Christ is preached V I - JUDGMENT. (Phil 1:15-18; Mt. 7:22, 23.) ' " It shall be more tolerable," etc. (1) V. HIS CHARGE. There is j udgme nt to come . (2) Sodom 1. "Go not." He charged not to go h a d l e s s l i g h t ( 3 ) There are degrees to Gentiles, or to Samaritans. We would o f Punishment (Lk. 1 2 : 4 8 ). (4) Jesus have said that they were the more endorsed the story of the overthrow needy. Which shows how insufficient o f S o d o m - human wisdom is; we need divine gui- ITTT dance. Wisdom comes only through V I L P R E S E N T BEARING OF TH IS consecrated, close, and prayerful walk CHARGE. W i a " B u t ^ i ^ i h 1 0 ; 2 , 2 : 1 J - 2 1 K , U N o t t h e precepts, but the princi- tribes o ^ Israel ' 1 f t ° f " l e p l e s o f t h e s e instructions apply to t h e O^P« ( 1 l Th ® u J e w s a r e present. They can not be followed lit- w l * « 6 + n ^ D a t l 0 n ; J 1 8 t h e l r p r l v i " e r a » y now, a n d were not intended to be go g spe ° ( R o o f . a n i i / S t r P r e a C . h o ^ e t Vs ; S - S belonged m " 5 ' £ 5 * 4 : 2 2 ) - t o the apostolic mission till the crJci- (2) The "lost sheep of t he tribes of Is- fixion; vs. 16-24, cover the period (40 rael" are not tribes lost to sight and years) from the crucifixion to the de- history, as some teach, but those lost as struction of Jerusalem, the period of spiritual wanderers from their high Jewish persecution of the church vs their" f a n d t h < 3 ir G o d ' w h i l e ^ to the present, a„d n S c o n S U m m a -

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