are upon the righteous" (Psa. 34:15). Mark says He saw them toiling (Mark 6:48). He knows all. He sees all. He understands all. We have a High Priest who is touched with a feeling of our infirmities (Heb. 4:15). "He remembereth that we are dust." The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth" (Psa.. 34:17). The Lord is going to the disciples, walking on the waters. The Egyptian emblem of the impossible is human feet walking on the waters. They fail to take into account the mir- aculous power of the mighty God. Every step of the Son of God is attended by supernatural signs (Acts 10:38). He does not come rushing in the wind: as calmly as He prays, He walks the waves. All power is given unto Him. (Matt. 28:18). He puts all world powers under His feet, knowing their need, heeding their call; He comes to their .relief. The disciples look at Him through doubt-dimmed eyes and think Him a spirit (Luke 24:36^39). It was difficult for Jesus to secure a recogni- tion from His followers down here. He lifts His voice (Jno. 16:33) and speaks words of comfort. "Be of gcod cheer" (Matt. 9:22). " It is I." It is the mighty miracle worker—their friend— their leader—the one who loves them. How He longs to speak to us, to help us, to comfort us. the love of our hearts, and attention of our ears. Jno. 15:14; Rev. 13:9; Lk. 10:27; 24:32; Rom. 10:10. THE FATHER'S LOVE Aug. 18. Luke 15:11-30. Note. We emphasize the character of the father, not of the sons. 1. Let the children tell how the father treated each. Put in tabular form, how he treated the prodigal: (1) was sorry for him; (2) looking for him; (3) ran to meet him; (4) hugged and kissed him; (4) put on him a fine robe, shoes, and a ring; (5) gave him a welcome party. Matthew Henry says: "Eyes of mercy are—quick sighted. Bowels of mercy—have compassion. Feet of mercy—he ran. Arms of mercy—he embraced. Lips of mercy—he kissed. The prodigal came home between hope and fear expecting to be treated like a servant; came in rags and was adorned; came hungry and was feasted.
sources, poor as they are, to Him; fourth, take from His hands the needed supply; fifth, distribute to the world as far and fast as possible; sixth, con- serve all our powers and possessions for further service; seventh, follow where He leads. LESSON I. Golden Text—Matt. 14:37. "In the world ye shall have tribula- tion."—John 16:33. There are strongly contrasted pictures in our lesson. There is the calm Christ in the mountains in. prayer, on the troubled sea are the distressed disciples battling with the elements. It is a life picture of the Church in the struggles in the world sea, against the powers of darkness. Just a few hours ago these disciples prided themselves upon their high position and privileges. They looked for the immediate setting up'of the kingdom. Then they were the envy of the people, now they are drifting helpless at the mercy of the winds and waves. Yesterday when He broke the bread and fed the multitude they had said, "We can never doubt again." Now they • wonder if they can ever believe again. Thank God. The eyes of the Lord Martha and Mary Aug. 11. Luke 10:38-43. 1. Locate Bethany on the map. 2. Tell the story of hospitality in that home that Jesus loved. 3. Tell about the sickness and death of Lazarus, and show what Jesus had risked and done for him, and his. 4. Show how all this brought them into relations of tender love. 5. Give a glowing word picture of each sister's love for Jesus and how she showed it. One by attention to the details of good housekeeping, good ser- vice, and attractive arrangements. The other keenly alive to the fact that He was more than an ordinary guest, and wishing to spend most of her time lis- tening to the "beautiful words of life" t h at fell from His lips. Both sisters did well, but which did Jesus say did better? 6. Show that worshipping Jesus must preceed working for Him. He wants the help of our hands, but first
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Junior Endeavor Topics By S. L. M.
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