THE CHILDREN'S HOSANNAS Sept. 29. Matt. 21:15, 16. 1. Hosanna in the Jew's language means "Save, I pray!" It is like our "Praise the Lord." 2. Ask about Palm Sunday. What? celebration of Jesus' entering Jerusalem in triumph. When? the Sunday before Easter, which celebrates His resurrec- tion. 3. Draw out the picture of the tri- umphal procession; how the children loved Him and knew He loved them, and must have joined their parents in shout- ing "Hosanna"_ and waving palm branches, and spreading garments in the way. 4. Show why He rode the ass (see the prophecy); King's rode asses, and this had a royal significance, and how. they cried "Blessed is the Kiug of Is- rael!" Jno. 12:3. 4. The next day (Monday) Jesus cast out the money changers from the temple; healed the blind and the lame; and the children cried, "Hosanna to t he Son of David!" This greatly displeased the priests, but it pleased the Lord who quoted Psalm 8:2. Sing "Coronation." THE GREAT COMMANDMENT Oct. 6. Mark 12:28-31. 1. This lesson is to show that love to God is the foundation on which all love and work for others must be built, to be acceptable to God. 2. To fill your own heart, teacher, with this truth study: Deut. 5:10; 7:9; 10:12; 13:3; Josh. 22:5; 23:11; Ps. 91:14; Pr. 8:7; Mt. 10:37; Rom. 5:5; 1 Cor. 8:3; Rom. 8:28; 2 Cor. 13; 2 Thes. 3:5; Jas. 2:5; Jude 21. .3. By questioning get and put on the board or on paper (a) such character- istics of God as should waken love for Him. He is: Loving, Jno. 3:16; Kind, Neh. 9:17; Pitiful, Jas. 5:11; Merciful, Eph. 2:14; Patient, Rom. 15:5; Generous, Ps. 116:7; Wise, Job 36:5; Just, Pr. 16:11; Gentle, 1 Cor. 10:1. (b) And such gifts of God: Life, parents, friends, health, education, blessings, temporal, mental, spiritual; above all His Son, Jno. 3:16; His Spirit, Jno. 14:16; eternal life, Rom. 6:23. 4. Some may be conscious that they do not love God, yet know not why, Rom. 5:5. "He tha^t h a th seen Me hath seen the Father," Jno. 14:9. It is Jesus, with His life and deeds of love, Whom to love is to love the Father. Sing, "God is love, His mercy brightens."
trious, and beautiful city in the United States." CHRIST AND CHILDREN Sept. 15. Matt. 19:13-15. Picture two scenes in Jesus' life: 1. How He once took a child and set him in the midst of the company and using "him for a text, made Hi3 hearers feel (1) what a sacred trust a child is; (2) how dreadful a punish- ment waits them who lead children astray; (3) and how the heavenly Father gives them guardian angels (vs. 10), who always behold His face, i. e. have access to His presence. 2. Picture the mothers bringing their children to Him asking that His hands might be laid on their heads, and that He might pray for them. They knew that He loved them. Tell how He took them up, (hearted them," Luth- er's Bible has it) caressed and blest them. 3. Tell how He reproved them who hindered it all, thinking that He would be troubled and annoyed with them. But He said that they reminded Him of the kingdom of heaven. Sing such songs as, "I am so glad that Jesus loves me ;" "Jesus loves me, this I know;" " I Think when I Read That Sweet Story," etc. ZACCHAEUS Sept. 22. Luke 19:1-10. Let the class tell the story. It Zacchaeus was rich. What had Jesus said of rich men in Mt. 19:"24? 2. Zacchaeus was a publican. What was the work and usual character of a publican? - 3. Jesus had just raised Lazarus, and everyone wanted to see Him. Zacchaeus ran, and climbed the tree. When Jesus saw and called him, he hastened down with joy. 4. The Lord said, "I must abide (with you Zacchaeus)." So He must have stayed all night at his house. 5. Why did the Jews object to Jesus going with Zecchaeus? 6. Zacchaeus received Jesus into his heart as well as his house. What did it cost him to repent and confess Christ? Show that real repentance and conse- cration touches the pocket; that we must not only do right but make right so far as we can. * 7. Show how much richer Zacchaeus was with Jesus for His Saviour. Zac- chaeus showed the way for the rich to get to heaven. Mk. 16:26.
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