King's Business - 1912-08/09

Three Dozen Doctrinal Dont'i " Rightly dividing the Word of Truth. "


Don't boast t h at the world is growing better, Jn. 17, 9; I Jn. 5, 19. Don't deny that it is more comforta- ble. Mat. 5:45; Jno. 1:9. Don't prate of the divinity of human- ity. Rom. 3, 12-19. Don't ignore differences; the brother- hood in Adam is not a brotherhood in Christ, Eph. 2, 3. Don't lay unequal stress on the value, or validity, of one Testament against the other, II Ti. 3, 16. Don't exalt the gospels above the epistles, Jn. 16, 12, 13; II Pet. 3, 15, 16. Don't reduce a " t h us saith the Lo r d" to a t h us saith t he prophet, II Pet. 1 , 2 1. Don't parallel the cross of Christ with the cross of the Christian, II Cor. 5, 21 ; I Pet. 2, 24. Don't preach Christianity but Christ, Jn. 14, 6. Don't seek members of the church but members of the Christ, Phil. 3, 18. Don't confuse reformation of the man- ner with regeneration of the man, Gal. 3, 10, 11. Don't confound civilization with Christianizatiôn, Rev. 18. Don't mistake t he elevation of society for t he salvation of souls, Rom. 3, 6; Acts 15, 14. Don't offer fancy soap to filthy sin- ners, Jer. 2, 22; Heb. 9, 22. Don't trample the blood of Christ un- derfoot, Gal. 2, 21. Don't merge "this present age" with " t he age to come." The proclamation "precedes the consummation of the King- dom, and between, lies the revelation of the King, Acts 15, 14-17; I Pet. 1, 4, 5. Don't delocalize King and Kingdom, and make "reign on e a r t h" read "reign in heaven," Rev. 5, 10. Don't identify "my Father's t h r o n e" with "my throne," the throne Divine with the throne Davidic, Rev. 3, 21. Don't make God a liar. He swore to Abraham that Abraham's seed should have t he land forever; He swore to David that David's throne should be for- saken never, Ps. 105, 8-12; Ps. 89 35 36. Don't, therefore, rob the patriarchal tombs of their covenant jewels, Heb. 11, 13, 39, 40. Don't spiritualize what God has liter- alized, Matt. 5, 18. Don't cudgell the Jew with the curse

of the Law, and coddle the Gentile with the grace of the promise. "To the Jew first and, also to the Greek" works un- der both, Rom. 11, 28, 29. Don't deem immortality synonymous with resurrection, I Cor. 15, 13. Don't substitute the abstract for the concrete. "Rise from d e a t h" is not equivalent to "rise from the dead" (ones). Acts 4, 2; I Thes. 4, 16. Don't juggle with prepositions; we look not for a house "in heaven," but for a "house f r om heaven," I Cor. 5, 2. Don't t r a n smu te adjectives to adverbs] a "house eternal in heaven" is not a house eternally in heaven, II Cor. 5, 1. Don't think you preach the glorious gospel unless you preach t he gospel of the glory, II Cor. 4, 4 (Greek). Don't assume that ecclesiastical unity and evangelical unity are one and the same thing, I Cor. 1:10; Jno. 17:22, 23. Don't yoke believers and unbelievers for team work in the field of the King- dom, it is forbidden, 2 Cor. 6:14- Deut 22: 10. Don't expect the fruits of the Spirit apart f r om the roots of the doctrine, Col. 1:4-6; Tit. 2:7, 8. Don't deceive yourself that you can have t he Word of God without the words of God, Jno. 17:8; Gal. 3:16. Don't malign dogmatism as dogged- ness. Wh at is t r ue hold with a bulldog grip, Pro. 23:23; I Thes. 5:21. Don't define indifference as broad- mindedness, nor inanity as peaceable- ness, Ac. 18:17; Jno. 18:38; Gal. 2:5, 14. Don't fight for the faith with a fiery tongue, but contend for it with a fervent spirit, 2 Cor. 10:1; J u d ge 3. Don't preach Christ for imitation till you preach Christ the propitiation. Rom. 3:25; 8:2, 3. Don't fail to put first things first: first faith, then works, Jno. 6:28; Heb 11:6. Don't break the saint's bread to sin- ners, nor feed the sinner's portion to saints, 2 Tim. 2 : 1 5; Lk. 12:42. Don't think to destroy the old man with the new theology; nor to build the new man without the old. Eph 4-20-24 4:20-24. Don't imagine you can hold a virgin Christ without the virgin birth, Luke 1:35. SAMMIS

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