King's Business - 1912-08/09

H Next to attendance at the Bible Institute itself The Scofield k Bible Correspondence School Mil Furnishes the best possible instruction and help in Bible study. And even if you should be fortunate enoug'h to at- tend the classes at the Institute, the books of this Scofield Course will prove a very great help in your home study. H It is also A Bible Commentary and Work of Reference of m n « value than any of the merely textual Commentaries to be had THa £ r X e n t a / ? 1 S h a , n d s o m e i y . c l o t h bound, in three volumes which are | S w i vTut n ° t e S ' a n d 18 a CCOmp a n i ed ^ a n Analytfcal lndex of ^ Enrolment can be made at any time, and study begin without delay ¡ e x a . S S ^ ^ n i ^ ^ d i f f i c u l t i eS r e m a i n s whether the We correct examination papers free of charge, excepting postage ior return of papers. Diplomas are Granted to students who successfully pass the exami- nations. *r

The Regular price of the course alone is $10 but to subscribers of the "King's Business"!^ are making a special offer as follows: . . . . 3 Volumes of the Scofield Course... 1 Copy of the Scofield Bible...

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Cost to You

'50 mi

$ 1 °

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