OBTS_Celebrating Father's Day and 4th of July

LASER Open House at all four locations JULY 17TH AND 19TH Hello, During our recent Health Fair, we had a lot of questions about our new class 4 LASER that we purchased this year… 1. “What is a LASER machine?” 2. “Does it help with all injuries?” 3. “How does it work?” 4. “So you have a magic laser that takes away all my pain when I move?.. Come on…” The best way to answer these questions, or any questions you might have, is to come in for a free 20-minute screening during our Laser Open House. We are hosting a LASER Open House at each of our 4 locations due to popular requests from patients. This might seem goofy, but paste this URL {VIDEO} into your browser and see what happened after they treated this penguin with a laser, like the one we have… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfguNBUKnRU

Why would I show you laser treatment on a penguin?

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