مصر وإثيوبيا وصراع الهيمنة على حوض النيل

2. AU: Communique of the 2nd Extraordinary African Union, (AU) Bureau of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government Video Teleconference Meeting on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Held on 21 July, 2020 3. African Union Commission, Agenda 2063, Final Edition 2015 4. Cairo, Framework for General Co-Operation Between the Arab Republic of Egypt and Ethiopia, 1 July 1993, The Food andAgriculture Organization (FAO) Website( Visited on 15 Aug.,2020) https://cutt.us/F5Jo4 5. Cairo, Agreement 63 Between the Republic of the Sudan and the United Arab Republic for the full utilization of the Nile waters, 8 November 1959, The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Website( Visited on 15 Aug.,2020) https://cutt.us/pHJHI 6. Cairo: Exchange of Notes between Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government on the Use of Waters of the Nile for Irrigation ,Signed at Cairo, on 7 May 1929 (Visited 10 Mars,2020) ttps://cutt.ly/ojC0tbg 7. CIA, Egypt Fact Book,( Visited, 1 July 2020) https://cutt.us/lkyKp 8. CIA, Ethiopia-Fact Book ,(Visited on 15 Oct.,2020) https://cutt.us/p1LX5 9. Egypt, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Water Scarcity in Egypt: The Urgent Need for Regional Cooperation among the Nile Basin Countries, Feb., 2014 10. Ethiopian Economic Association Report: Development, Prospects and Challenges of the Energy Sector in Ethiopia, No,7, 2007/08 11. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: EthiopianAuthorities and Staff Estimates 2019 12. International Panel of Experts( IPoE) on Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam(GERD),Final Report: Addis Ababa, 31 May2013 13. International Monetary Fund, Direction of Trade Statistic Yearbook, September 2018 14. - International Monetary Fund, Ethiopia: Real GDP Growth (Visited on 1 June.2020) https://f24.link/s4Cem


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