We will our bodies into shapes that mother nature never intended dieting on an emotional trigger that somehow scream at us that our bikini-body is not fit for public consumption. We go back to the gym pushing and pounding our bodies to the limit to be fit and healthy in another great lunge for acceptance with each weight lifted ‘at’ this picture- postcard body we feel we need to fit in. Be bold ladies remembering “the need to impress is gradually replaced with the thrill of being embraced as a fallible human being.”― We as women are also champions at turning all our shame, all our insecurities, all our worries inwards and so rather than admitting ‘Hey I have a problem,’ we drink at it and then drink some more. We arrive at our sobriety having jumped through every hoop and worn every mask that society or our families required and somehow, we walk into our forties, fifties even our sixties, taking a seat at the coolest table in town, Hola Sober. Be bold ladies remembering “the need to impress is gradually replaced with the thrill of being embraced as a fallible human being.” It is daunting to walk into a meeting be that online or on the street. It is singularly the most defining moment to accept that after all the conniving and Moderation Marcus moments, broken promises and internal chaos you have finally accepted your drinking is not normal or healthy
Dear Sober Queens,
and bravely stepped up to the plate making a change It is daunting to walk into a meeting be that online or on the street. It is singularly the most defining moment to accept that after all the conniving and Moderation Marcus moments, broken promises and internal chaos you have finally accepted your drinking is not normal or healthy and bravely stepped up to the plate making a change Be bold ladies remembering “the need to impress is gradually replaced with the thrill of being embraced as a fallible human being.” We come as we are. Somedays we shine, other days we cower away at the back of the classroom, we are in a happy space or a go-f*ck-yourself- space, it’s irrelevant once we come here showing up daily embracing our sober promise. If you feel somehow less than, not wise enough, not profound enough, not clever enough, fear speaking up, fear speaking too much, was not drunk enough, not eloquent enough, too eloquent here’s your Tuesday truth: We belong here knowing being bold means I know the need to impress has been replaced by teh thrill of being embraced as a fallible human being. Be bold today in your choices, in your truth, in your words and in the embrace of those that you love. Hug them hard and tight. Be bold ladies, be f*cking bold in your sobriety. Stand up and own the damn mantel of it all knowing that I made no friends being perfect but have a shed load in my imperfections. Susan C. xxx
Yesterday Brené Brown told us to be awkward and this morning I want us to be bold in our sobriety. I no longer shrink myself to be digestible, I boldly go where I need to go. I don't wait for the door to be opened for me, I kick the damn thing down all by my very own- self. “The need to impress is gradually replaced with the thrill of being embraced as a fallible human being.”― Erica Spiegelman “When you are born in a world you don’t feel part of or feel as though you don't fit in, maybe it's because you were born to help create a new way of doing things, a new way of feeling things and accepting this 'here’ is where YOU belong. ” – I wrote that line in February 2021 and it still stands up today. We seem to go through school trying to fit in, being on the margins not feeling like we are part of the cool gang and telling ourselves that’s okay, but it can hurt. We spend our lives getting the job everyone approves of, marrying the right person, supporting all the right causes, being red or blue politically as our social circle demands and oohing and aaahing over the news of the day at the exact moment we are meant to. Be bold ladies remembering “the need to impress is gradually replaced with the thrill of being embraced as a fallible human being.”― We aspire to the house on the hill with a white picket fence, 2.4 children, a shiny car and killer flowing locks and the perfect family shot for the Christmas card.
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