Sobriety has given me a very unanticipated, extremely wide open space and new found time to live a life worth living. With this, comes a full appreciation that life is great, and then it really sucks, and then it's great again--this allows me to revel in the greatness, and put the suckiness in reasonable (as much as possible) perspective-- and fully understand that neither lasts forever.
-J.M. Pledge 100 Tara
The secret weapon. The Pause. The seemingly meek yet powerfully strong p a u s e commands the Ménage à trois between the past, present and future to STAND DOWN. Taking a pause is 100% CRUCIAL and never failed at making my situation better. And at times a pause is not enough. Those times required pregnant pauses and Usually, reaching out to sober reinforcements before positioning half baked thoughts on a structurally sound sober foundation. When my head, heart and feet are all headed in the same direction, and I am following my breath, I know, it’s a structurally sound piece to my sober life.
-R.W. Pledge 100 Tara
Not today lady, not today
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