PT Of Melissa. Sports Injuries & Post-Surgical Rehab

INJURIES INCREASE AS YOU AGE Ifyouthinkbacktowhenyouwere inyour lateteens,youcouldgo intoafullsprint noproblem,takeaflying leapanddoawhole lotwithouttheslightestthoughtabout it.Asyougetolder,yourtissuesbecome lesselasticand infacta little“drier.”When yourmuscle,tendonand ligamenttissueshaveenoughwater,theyaresuppleand stretchy, allowing you to do a lot of activities. Keep yourself hydrated and stretch often to maintain elasticity in your muscles. BEFORE AND AFTER Knowing the right exercises to prepare for fitness activities is key. Our physical therapy experts have years of experience rehabilitating people after injuries and returning thempain-free to theactivities theyenjoy.Whatsomepeoplemightnot know isthatphysicaltherapistsputspecificexerciseplanstogetherbasedonyour needs to prevent injury. If you do start to experience pain with activities, Physical TherapyofMelissacangetyoubacktoenjoyingyouractivitiespain-free.Calltoday to learn more how our programs can help you feel great! PREPARING YOUR BODY It is importanttodosportsactivities,fitnessandahostofotherphysicalactivities tokeepyouhealthyandhappy.Remembertostretchregularlyandundrgostrength, coordination,andendurancetraining.Witha littlebitofpreparation,youcaneasily do these activities and decrease your risk for injury.

There isnothingmoreexcitingthantakingonanewchallenge,sportoractivity.For mostofus,thethrillofaccomplishingaphysicalgoal iswhatwe livefor.However, areyouprepared for it?The term “weekendwarrior”meansapersonwhodoesn’t really train for what they are doing; they just go out and do it on the weekend. HOW DO MOST INJURIES OCCUR? Mostsports injuriesoccurfrom ill-prepared individualswho just jump intotheactivity without first increasing their strength, endurance and flexibility. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues need to be warmed up to work properly. They takeenormousstrainduring runningandsportsactivities.Therefore, if they are not in top condition, they are more prone to injury.

Healthy Recipe: Berry Almond Smoothie Bowl

INGREDIENTS • ⅔ cup frozen raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced banana • ½ cup plain almond milk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon

• ⅛ tsp ground cardamom • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes

DIRECTIONS Blend raspberries, banana, almond milk, 3 tablespoons almonds, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla in a blender until very smooth. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with blueberries, the remaining 2 tablespoons almonds and coconut.

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