QMUL - Senior Project Manager

Equal Opportunities

Queen Mary University of London is a Russell Group University with a difference. Our vision is to be rec- ognised across the world as the most inclusive re- search-intensive University. We will strive to achieve that goal. We are very proud of our teaching and learning and were awarded a ‘silver’ in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) (2016-17). We are also deeply embedded in the local community and were the first UK University to be awarded an Engage Watermark Gold award for public engagement by the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement. Unlike many other Russell Group universities, we attract a very diverse student population. Of our 32,000+ stu- dents, approximately 41 per cent are from overseas. Our international students are drawn from over 170 nationalities. 93 per cent of our home students are from state schools, 72 per cent are Black Asian Mi- nority Ethnic (BAME), 46 per cent are the first in their families to go into higher education and over 30 per cent are from households where the household income, as assessed by Student Finance England, is less than £15,000. We attract a lot of local students, owing to our strong relationships with schools in the surround- ing boroughs, coupled with a strong reputation for inclusivity. 37 per cent of our students commute to our campuses daily. Our staff body is also diverse and is drawn from over 162 countries.

Inclusivity is one of our fundamental core values at Queen Mary: it is intrinsic to who we are. Our diver- sity of cultures and backgrounds is key to the vi- brancy of our community and to the knowledge and ideas we are able to generate and pass on; without that diversity, we would not be who we are. We are extremely proud that we attract such a diverse staff and student body, and are fully committed to pro- viding an environment where everyone is supported to flourish and fulfil their potential, irrespective of their background. To be truly inclusive requires sustained, proactive, hard work, and we know there are areas where we have work to do. Our core objectives are focused on reducing the BAME attainment gap and increas- ing the proportion of female and BAME staff at the higher grades, both for academics and for Profes- sional Services. We are looking to see how we can ‘hard-wire’ inclusivity throughout all our policies and practices: we do not see this work as belonging to one team or unit, but rather as being embedded in all that we do. Being inclusive makes us better at everything we do, it improves our daily lives and the delivery and impact of our work.

Queen Mary is committed to advancing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and champions a num- ber of EDI initiatives across the University. Queen Mary holds a Silver Institutional Athena SWAN award for advancing gender equality, and is also a Stone- wall Diversity Champion and commits to advancing LGBTQ+ inclusion by submitting to the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. We also offer a number of development programmes including Springboard, Aurora and B-MEntor. We are committed to championing EDI relating to all pro- tected characteristics and other underrepresented

and marginalised groups under the Equality Act 2010. We offer ‘Introducing Inclusion’ training for staff to give them an understanding of EDI related issues and provide them with the toolsneeded to champion inclusivity and embed best inclusive practice in all the work they do. EDI is built into everything we do at Queen Mary, and is championed through a well-established govern- ance structure. If you are interested in learning more about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Queen Mary and how to get involved then please contact hr-equality@qmul.ac.uk.

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