
2A — May 21 - June 17, 2021 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal

M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal Publisher, Conference Producer . .............Linda Christman AVP, Conference Producer ...........................Lea Christman Publisher ........................................................Joe Christman Editor/Graphic Artist ......................................Karen Vachon Contributing Columnist ............Jason Salmon and the Kay Properties & Investments Team Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal ~ Published Semi-Monthly Periodicals postage paid at Hingham, Massachusetts and additional mailing offices Postmaster send address change to: Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal 350 Lincoln St, Suite 1105, Hingham, MA 02043 USPS #22-358 | Vol. 33, Issue 5 Subscription rates: 1 year $99.00, 2 years $148.50, 3 years $247.50 & $4.00 single issue - plus postage REPORT AN ERROR IMMEDIATELY MARE Journal will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion Phone: 781-740-2900 www.marej.com

Six reasons to sell the income property you love…

And how to avoid taxes when you do

By Jason Salmon, Senior Vice President and the Kay Properties & Investments Team


any investors recoil at the thought of selling a piece of investment

property. And they usually have a good reason, whether it’s miss- ing out on future appreciation, having to pay a massive tax bill or some other factor. Yet it can often make good sense to sell your property, thanks to a real estate invest- ment alternative that simplifies your life and lets you defer the taxes via a 1031 exchange. Let’s take a look at six reasons you might want to consider selling and reinvesting in this alternative… Reason #1: You’re sick and tired of having to actively manage your real estate. Let’s face it, managing your real estate is often a real hassle. You have to keep your eye on the ball 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And dealing with tenants, toilets and trash just gets old after a while. Sometimes even the sound of a ringing phone can fill you with dread.

Sure, you can use a prop- erty management company to handle many of the details, but they come with their own set of hassles and can cost you a big chunk of your rental income. But imagine if you could con- tinue investing in real estate while eliminating all those hassles and costs. The good news, you can. How? By investing fractionally in a carefully selected portfolio of income-producing investment real estate that you don’t have to manage or have someone else manage. Instead, you can just relax and enjoy your life while some- body else does all the worrying and deals with all the hassles.

I’ll tell you more about the alternative that lets you do that in a moment, but first let’s look at… Reason #2: You can take advantage of passive real es- tate investing for continued incomewith nomanagement responsibilities When you invest in real estate the way I’m going to show you, you’ll be a true passive investor. You quite literally won’t have a single responsibility when it comes to managing your prop- erty, nor will you have to worry about any of the day-to-day hassles. They’re now somebody else’s problem. And that means you’ll have continued on page 22A

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