M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — Facility Management — May 21 - June 17, 2021 — 13C F acility M anagement
By Caroline Shelly, LEED AP, CID, HF Planners, LLC Utilizing Facility Management Software
he first CAFM (Com - puter -Aided Fac i l - ity Management) sys -
the facilities team take charge of the overall space and assign space as needed. Employees who need to reserve space or find teammates will be glad they have the resource available to them, andmanagement will be happy to see their operations running smoothly. The facility management team can benefit directly from a CAFM software that makes day-to-day job functions eas - ier and more efficient. When used daily, a CAFM system can help determine which shared office spaces are open
for a reservation so teams can make plans to collaborate in a meeting room with a monitor, whiteboard, or other available technology. The CAFM func - tionality can also keep track of where departments and employees are along with va - cancies within the space. The process of putting together the allocation of space for finance, HR, management, and logisti - cal physical concerns can eas - ily be addressed by overseeing space and physical resourc - es. Companies can even hire CAFM administrators to take care of their CAFM systems,
allowing the facility manager to focus on big-picture tasks and planning. In addition to CAFM pro - grams, there are other acro - nyms bantered about such as IWMS, BIM, and CMMS. CMMS (ComputerizedMainte - nance Management Software) is a type of facilitymanagement software that takes a deeper look into a company’s mainte - nance planning and execution. CMMS software is particularly geared towards preventive maintenance. BIM (Building Information Modeling) covers spatial relationships related to
2d and 3d placement, quanti - ties, and properties of building components and can include manufacturers' details. IWMS (Integrated Workplace Man - agement System) integrates real estate, capital project management, facilities man - agement, and maintenance along with sustainability pro - grams. Whichever system best fits your needs, HF Planners, LLC has the capability to help you implement them. Reach out to us today. Caroline Shelly is found- er and principal at HF Planners, LLC. MAREJ
t ems we r e launched in 1985 when CAD (Com - puter Aided D r a f t i n g ) was integrat - ed with facili - ties manage - ment. Essen -
Caroline Shelly
tially, database information was assigned to a floor plan which helped keep track of peo - ple, square footage, and assets. Over the last 36 years, Facil - ity Management Software has morphed into a powerhouse and is used as a key component in running a facility. In addi - tion to accurate floor plans, the software can assist with computerizing the work order process, simplifying preven - tive maintenance schedules, and providing a wealth of important data around facility performance and expenditures. Different industries have dif - ferent needs when it comes to facilities management. CAFM software serves primarily as a database for FM-related equipment, spending, and activities. From the everyday management of desk space and conference rooms to a big- picture inquiry of whether the current office space is meeting a company’s business plan. A CAFM system provides the ideal solution to addressing problems. Before implement - ing an FM software solution, the following needs should be taken into consideration: What assets need tracking, how they will be managed, will future planning and constant changes need to be captured, what physical spaces, and howmany business locations should be involved? Capabilities to support the ever-changing needs of an agile workplace that allows employees to take charge of their days and work when and where it makes the most sense for their unique working style and needs is what these sys - tems are all about. Workplaces with open, unassigned seating can make it much easier for employees to find a place to sit that is not currently oc - cupied. Hoteling assignments have become a way of life in this COVID-19 environment. CAFM programs with daily sign-in capabilities can help
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