Avenues PT. 3 Ways To Beat Achy Shoulders

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Are you looking to start a garden? It’s not too late! Gardening is a great way to getoutof thehouse,enjoy the freshair,andgetsomeexercise–not tomention a great way to enjoy some of those fresh fruits and veggies!

Nutritionstronglyaffectsyourphysical performance, whether you’re a dedicatedathlete,weekendwarrior,or someonewho justsimplywantstofeel more energetic throughout the day.

When gardening, it is important to keep a couple safety tips in mind:

1. Choose the right gardening tools to limit the stress on your body. • The tool should be sturdy but not heavy. • Choose handles that provide a comfortable grip size. The grip should feel soft and should easily fit into your hand. • Choose a tool that is efficient at the task it is meant to perform – one that utilizes leverage and is sharp enough to cut. 2. Protect your back before, during, and after gardening. • Squat or use one knee to support yourself while gardening. • Keep your spine as straight as possible. • Use your hips and knees to lift, rather than your back. • Alternate taskssuchasdigging, lifting,andwalking.This relievesstrain on your spine. No garden? No problem! Ifyoudon’thaveagarden,don’tworry. In fact,ourphysical therapistLindadidn’t plantagardenthisyeareither.Therearestillmanywaysto incorporatefreshfruits andvegetables intoyourdiet– theCheyenneFarmersMarketbeingagreatone. The Cheyenne Farmers Market runs from the first week in August to the first week in October, every Saturday from 7 a.m. – noon. It is located in the Depot Plaza at Lincolnway and Capitol Avenue. There, you’ll find up to 40 vendors from Wyoming and Colorado, offering fresh fruits, vegetables, artisan breads, local honey, specialty foods, native trees, flowers, and organic produce. As an added bonus, all the proceeds from the market benefit Community Action of Laramie County! Areyou lookingformoreways to improveyourhealth?ContactAvenuesPhysical Therapy today tospeakwithoneofourdedicatedandcaringphysical therapists!

Your body does a lot throughout the courseonanaverageday,andthefood you supply it with helps it to function properly, whether you’re hitting the gym or performing your daily tasks. Themoredemandingyouareonyour body, themoreattentionyou’llhave to take on what you are fueling it with. Do you wish to feel happier, healthier, and more energetic? The right foods can help! Adding fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet Fresh fruits and vegetables are perfect for giving you that energy boost you need. As an added bonus, they can also help decrease inflammation if you are recovering from pain or a recent injury! Raw broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage are the best options forananti-inflammatorydiet,butany fruitorvegetablewillsuffice for improving yourphysicalperformanceand increasingyourenergy.Togain themostbenefits from your fruit and vegetable intake, you’ll want to eat up to nine servings per day. Enjoy them raw, cooked, or mixed into your favorite dish! Who has a green thumb at Avenues PT? At Avenues Physical Therapy, we are all about those fruits and veggies! Kelsey had a good crop of Ft. Laramie strawberries this year, due to all the moisture we received. In addition, he has been growing zucchini, tomatoes, onions,cucumbers,andbeets!Hiskidsabsolutely love thebeets.Erichasbeen growingsquashandbeans,whichhavebeendoingokay.However,heandKelsey both likehomegrown tomatoes thebest.Tawnahasbeengrowingbeets,onions, carrots, and squash. According to her, “The beets are unbeatable!”

Rooted in Cheyenne Fall Planting Day is Saturday, Sept 21st! Visit rootedincheyenne.com for more information.

Tawna & Kensey at Rooted in Cheyenne Spring Planting Day

Call 307-634-0298 To Schedule Today!


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