King's Business - 1968-01

filan Tlow lo Ú llsnd Iha The 33rd Annual T O R R E Y T T C O N F E R E N C E Jan. 28 to Feb. 2, 1968 di&ah Jh&A& OuiAiandinq ßibln JnachsihA

DR. RALPH L. BYRON, JR. REV. STANLEY COLLINS DR. BRUCE W. DUNN DR. L. S. JOHNSON, JR. DR. RALPH L. KEIPER DR. S. F. LOGSDON Chairman, Department of Supt., Glasgow U nited Pastor, Grace Presbyterl- Pastor, First Presbyterian Dallas Theological Semi- Assoc. Prof, of Pastoral Bible Teacher and Con-^. Oncologic a n d General Evangelistic Association an Church, Peoria, Illinois Church, Chattanooga, nary, Dallas, Texas Theology and Evangelism, ference Speaker, Whea - n Surgery, City of Hope Tent Hall Tabe rn acle Medical Center Glasgow, Scotland Tennessee, Speaker, ''Bi­ ble Study Hour." ton, Illinois DR. BEN HADEN

Conservative Baptist The­ ological Seminary, Den­ ver, Colorado

DR. HUBERT MITCHELL REV. NORMAN NELSON DR. J. C. WHITCOMB, JR. REV. GORDON WISHART Founder-director, In te r- Singing Ambassador with Missionary leader from Missionary speaker and Bible teacher and pastor Professor of Old Testa- Bible Teacher and pastor C h u rch Ministries, Mis-Overseas Crusades, Con- South America, serving representative of Pocket of the First Baptist Church ment, Grace Theological of the Omaha Gospel sionary Leader, Los An- ference Soloist w ith Overseas Crusades Testament League, Sunny- Yucaipa, California Seminary, Winona Lake, Tabernacle, Omaha, Neb. geles, California in Brazil vale, California Indiana REV. LUIS PALAU DR. DON B. ROOD REV. WILLIAM SLOAN


Hereis your opportunity to enjoy some of the nation’s finest Bible teachers. Under their dedicated ministry you will have the opportunity to grow in thegrace of our Lord JesusChrist. Eachoneof these menhasa distinctive message for these urgent times in which we are living. Select a church nearest you. Makeit a point to be at every service possible. Services will be conducted morning and evening on Sunday, January 28, and each evening of the week. Callyour local church for exact times. Take along your friends andenjoy together this important "Week with theWord.”

T â DR. RUEBEN A. TORREY First dean of Biola, this staunch defender of the faith was used of the Lord in soul-winning around the world. Bible teaching and evangelism were his effec­ tive tools.

DR. S. H. SUTHERLAND President of Biola Schools and Colleges, Inc., since 1952 it has been under h is dedicated leadership that the school moved to the Campus in 1959 and now has a record enroll­ ment.

JhiAinsm Çonvsminili JlocaiionA

HEMET First Baptist Church

LA CRESCENTA First Baptist Church Rev. Bernard Travaille, pastor 4409 La Crescenta Avenue

BURBANK Calvary Bible Church Dr. Jack

COSTA MESA Central Bible Church Rev. Henry E. Jones, pastor 23rd & Orange Avenue

DOWNEY First Baptist Church

ANAHEIM Magnolia Baptist Church Rev. Kenneth Fischer, pastor 720 So. Magnolia

Dr. Edward L. Rodda, pastor 26089 Girard St.

Rev. Harold L. Adams, pastor Third & Dolan Sts.

MacArthur, pastor 1101 So. Main St.

B I O L A C A M P U S 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada

ONTARIO Temple Baptist Church Rev. Roy V. Nelson, pastor 224 W. California Street

RIVERSIDE Magnolia First Baptist Church Rev. Melvin N. Krug, pastor 3624 Arlington Avenue

SAN GABRIEL San Gabriel Dr. W. Joseph Hemphill, pastor Union Church Pine at Las Tunas

NO. LONG BEACH North Long Beach Brethren Church Dr. George O. Peek, pastor 61st & Orange

LONG BEACH First Baptist Church Dr. Frank M. Kepner, pastor 1000 Pine Ave.


Calvary Church of Pacific Palisades Rev. Ralph Hetrick, pastor 700 Via de la Paz

Conference sesions are held each evening (exceptSunday) at 7:00 P.M. In addifion morning me tings for studentsand interested guests will be conducted at 8:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M.,and 10:30 A.M.

Dedicated to the spiritimi development o f the Christian home X h . e K i n g s B u e i n e e e A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 58, No. 1 • JANUARY, in the year of our Lord 1968 • Established 1910 A r t i c l e s TH E RIDDLE OF TH E CALENDAR — Charles Kalisky ....................... 8 THERE WAS A MAN — Louis T . Talbot .......................................... 10 THE POWER OF GOD — Ben Haden ...................................................... 11 THE MARK OF THE BEAST — S. Franklin Logsdon .......................... 13 THE BLESSING OF A PURE HEART — Gordon Wishart .................. 16 WHEN GOD BREAKS THROUGH — Vance Havner ............................ 20 TH E BIBLICAL TEACH ING ON DEMONOLOGY — Merrill F. Unger 23 GOD'S GRACE IN TERM INAL ILLNESS — Lewis C. Hohenstein..... 26 TH E BIBLE BY RADIO — Betty Bruechert .......................................... 27 TOOLING UP FOR A NEW LINE — W . M. Whitwell .................. 44 MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .................. 6 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ......................... 31 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ........................................ 32 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ...................................................... 34 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .............................. 35 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf .......................................... 36 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ...................... „ .............................................. 38 CULTS CRITIQUE ............................. ............................................................ 40 CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CLINIC — C. Chester Larson ..................... 42 C o v e r January 28 to February 2 will be the 33rd annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference at Biola and 12 key churches throughout Southern California. (See advertisement on page 2.) In front of the Rose Memorial Library are students Jacque Couloumbe and Larry Allen looking over some materials while standing at the pulpit Dr. Torrey used when he was dean of Biola and first pastor of the Church of the Open Door. At the right. Dr. James O. Henry, Chairman of the Division of Social Sciences, shows an article by Dr. Torrey to students Shirley Nelson and Robert Thune, the latter of whom is holding a stack of books authored by Dr. Rueben Archer Torrey.

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor


JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

BILL EHMANN: Advertising and Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: Bill Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker


ADVERTISING— for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — 'T h e King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'T h e King's Business."

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P eop le in th e N ews


On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen­ ters, our workers faith­ fully proclaim the story of redemption accord­ ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos­ pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney General Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, III. 60645 to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the Lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs. generous income, and

Hendricks, Professor of Christian Education, Dallas Theological Semi­ nary, Dallas, Texas. Registration information can be obtained by contacting the seminar registrar, Rev. C. Chester Larson, Box 527, Fullerton, California 92632, tele­ phone—714-879-8040. Dr. Harlin J. Roper, presiden t o f Through the Bible Publishers, Dal­ las, Texas, has announced a new re­ vised series of lessons for the Pri­ mary ages. The 3 year series of quar­ terly workbooks presents all the im­ portant Bible stories in a consecutive study of the Bible itself. Dr. Roper stated that the new series has been in preparation for several years and is now being distributed both domestic­ ally and overseas. The National Association of Evangeli­ cals has outlined a plan whereby membership may be carried in the Association by local churches and or­ ganizations even though their de­ nomination may hold membership in the NCC, WCC or the ACC. Dr. Billy A. Melvin, executive director of the National Association of Evangelicals, said action to clarify membership status was taken by the association’s Board of Administration at its semi­ annual meeting at Chicago. “ This is not a new practice for us,” said Dr. Melvin. “ Throughout our 25 years, we have provided mem­ bership at several levels, denomina­ tions, associations, organizations, and local churches.” Dr. Willard Aldrich, president of the Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland, was elected President of the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges. The election took place at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting which was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago during No­ vember. AABC now includes 47 ac­ credited and 14 associate schools in the Association. The meeting reports a record attendance of 325 Bible College representatives and mission­ ary leaders. Others elected on the executive committee include L. C. Johnson, President of Free Will Bap­ tist Bible College of Nashville, Ten­ nessee and L. David Beckman, President of Rockmont College in Denver. Medical Assistance Programs, Inc., has begun construction on new headquar­ ters and warehouse facilities just north of Wheaton, Illinois. A $250,- 000 complex will allow expansion of services to medical missions which ships supplies to more than 70 coun­ tries around the world. The organi-

Rev. Donald E. Pugh of La Crescenta, California has been named Youth Edi­ tor in the Periodi­ cals Department of Gospel Light Pub­ lications, Glendale, according to Dean A. Dalton, Division­ al Director of Edu­ cation and Infor­

A Jewish boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Por­ trait of Messiah" and immediately asked, "Can you tell me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicago a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac­ cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav­ iour. A middle-aged Jew­ ess, after hearing the gospel for several years at Miami Beach called and said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come over. I must find the Lord today."

Rev. Pugh

mation Services. Mr. Pugh will assist in developing a new line of youth materials to supplement the present expand ing Bible-teaching curricu­ lum. For the past few years, Mr. Pugh has served as minister of Education at the College Avenue Baptist Church of San Diego. The Campus Crusade for Christ head­ quarters at A rrowhead Springs, north of San Bernardino, will host a special seminar on “ The Church’s Ministry to Families,” sponsored by Scripture Press Foundation, of Glen Ellyn, Illinois. More than 400 pastors, ministers of Christian education, and their wives are expected to attend the three-day seminar, January 22-24, 1968. Sensing the moral breakdown of many American families and the challenge this presents to churches, Scripture Press Foundation is spon­ soring this seminar (along with five others like it in other parts of the country) which will deal with the following and other family-related topics: Why he concerned about families? The church and Christian sex education, Helping parents in­ culcate Christian standards, Helping parents with child training, Prepar­ ing young people for marriage, Help­ ing families with family worship, Bu ild ing parent-teen communica­ tions. Wives are encouraged to attend the sessions w ith th e ir minister-hus­ bands. In addition, there will be sev­ eral separate sessions for wives only. National authorities on Christian education and the family will lead the seminar session. Some of these leaders are Dr. Henry Brandt, psychol­ ogist, Flint, Michigan; Rev. Arvld Carl­ son, Pastor, Evangelical Free Church, Orange, California; Rev.Harold Carlton, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Lake- wood, Long Beach, California; Dr. Bernice T . Cory, Editorial Director of the Children’s D iv is ion and Co- Founder, Scripture Press Publica­ tions, Wheaton, Illinois; Dr. Howard

A N N U ITY PLAN Payments as high as eight percent for those in the higher age brackets. Annuitants are enabled to receive throughout life a

AMF - 7448 N. DAMEN STREET CHICAGO,4LLINOIS 60645 □ PLEASE SEND COPY OF AMF M ONTHLY & LITERATURE □ I AM INTERESTED IN INFORMATION O N AN N UITY PLAN. NAME ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________ C ITY____________________STATE _ _ Z O N E ___________ W A N T E D ! ! Used cars for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re­ tail value. Write: ASSISTANCE IN MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif. BRAZIL GOSPEL MISSION A fundamental faith mission dedicated to soul-winning in the area of Sao Paulo, one of Brazil's largest cities. • Establishing Churches • Bible Institute • 40 Acre Bible Camp • Jewish Evangelism P.O. Box 816 Tempe, Arizona 85281


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zation’s executive director, J. Ray­ mond Knighton, and Dr. Everett1 Van Reken, secretary of the Board of Di­ rectors, joined in turning the first spade of earth at the ground-break­ ing ceremonies. Dr. Hudson T . Armerdlng, president of Wheaton College, has been named chairman of the Wheaton site ac­ quisition committee. Consisting of nine members, the committee was appointed by Governor Otto Kerner to review guidelines for the acquisition of 6800 acres for the Weston atom- smasher plant. It will be their re­ sponsibility to provide the most eco­ nomical approach, coupled with fair and equitable treatment of land own­ ers and a minimum of condemnation or damage action. Dr. Armerding will preside as chairman of the com­ mittee. Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society has announced the release of a new motion picture 16mm color and sound, featuring the true story of a Brazilian pastor. The film seeks to answer the question, “Why do mis­ sionaries go to a foreign country?” It features Pastor Joao Da Cruz (John of the Cross) and gives his life story and an account of the ministry car­ ried on in Brazil. The 25-minute film was produced entirely on location in the poverty-stricken farming land of northern Brazil. Those interested in renting or purchasing the film are encouraged to write to CBFMS, P.O. Box 5, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. The Los Angeles Baptist College at Newhall, California dedicated the new Robert K. Bross Gymnasium in November. The bu ild ing , located

JO IN TH E A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach an evan­ gelical message, associate yourself with a recognized Churchy Body which will provide you with all the rights of the Clergy and at the same time allow you to teach or preach without being restricted by man-made doc­ trines. Send stamp for literature. American Evangelical Christian Churches 192 North Clark St., Chicago, III. 60601 CAMELBACK GIRLS RESIDENCE A new concept in group living for the adolescent and teen-age girl. Problems of girls handled: through Christian counseling in a warm, home-like, and pleasant atmosphere. Public schools attended. Rates upon request. Address inquiries to Directors, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Maxon, Camelback Girls Residence, 3324 East Camelback Road, Phoenix, Ari­ zona, 85018. THE CO NV ER S IO N CENTER A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to “ MAKE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC.** W ill you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for soul-winning material. 18 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania 1_ RUSHING TORUSSIANS! A TT E N T IO N : CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ALL ORGAN IZATIONS • Excellent Profits • Little Effort • Effective Results • Does Usual Task's Better SELL SUNFLOWER DISH­ CLOTHS to Build Clubs, Churches, Help Needy, etc. Write SANGAMON MILLS, Inc. COHOES, NEW YORK 12047 THE ORIGINAL IRENE B. RANNEY R A N N Y G R A P H S BIBLE Lessons With Riel) SPIRITUAL Message Large, FULL-COLOR Figures & Teacher's Manual A T Y O U R BOOKSTOR E OR THROUGH THE B IBLE PUBLISHERS 4032 K Swiss Avenue • Dallas 4, Texas GOSPEL ILLUSTRATIONS X) Tric k Paper Tears $1.60 Postpaid FREE SAMP l V c HAPTER VISUAL EVANGELS. PUB. 1401 O hio S treet MICHIGAN CITY. INDIANA ______________ 46360_______________ $1600 CONTEST for WRITERS OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Send for contest rules and free Brochure on publishing your book. Dept. KB Pageant Press, 101 Fifth Avenue, New York 3 AUTHORS WANTED BY NEW YORK PUBLISHER Leading book publisher seeks manuscripts of all types: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, scholarly and religious works, etc. New authors welcomed. For complete information, send for booklet KB. It’s free. Vantage Press, 120 W. 31st St.. New’ York, N.Y. and others with the Gospel. Your pray­ ers and help needed to support Rus­ sian and other Missionaries in Europe, Alaska, and the Americas, sending Gos­ pel literature, and broadcasting the Gospel to Russians. Write For Free Slavic Gospel News | S L A V I C G O S P E L A S S O C I A T I O N P e te r D e y n e k a , G e n e ra l D ire cto r. | Dept. K 2434 N. Kedzie B lvd ., Chicago, III. 60647^


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across the street from the college parking lot, includes 19,000 square feet and cost $300,000.00. The school has an enrollment of 262 students. The International Foreign M ission Association has appointed Dr. Ray­ mond J. Davis as president of the or­ ganization. In commenting on his appointment, Dr. Davis remarked, “We take our hats off to the glorious achievements of the 50 years now past; we take our coats off in glad commitment to the glorious oppor­ tunities of the future.” Dr. Davis is the General Director of the Sudan Interior Mission, which has 1300 missionaries serving in 11 countries in Africa. EE

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ANOTHER CIVIL WAR? | s su e s a r is e from time to time which cannot be classified purely as religious, political, or sociological. Instead, they incorporate all o f these general facets o f American life. It is then that these issues must be discussed by leaders in each o f these areas o f society. One such issue that is at the very forefront o f the thinking o f the Americans today is the racial problem. At the moment it might be classified as primarily an economic or sociological situation, but it has assumed such frightening proportions that it easily could affect the entire religious life o f our country, in a rather disastrous manner. It may be assumed that the vast majority o f the Negroes liv­ ing in the United States are peace-loving and anxious to solve problems in a peaceful manner, but there is a growing element which is assuming an increasingly belligerent attitude and mani­ festing itself in widespread rioting, looting, burning, and ter­ rorizing throughout the entire United States but particularly in the Northern States. The Southern States where the race prob­ lem is supposed to be most acute has never known anything like the rioting which has occurred in recent months in such widely scattered areas as Los Angeles, Newark, Phoenix, Detroit, Chica­ go, Cambridge, to name but a few o f the more than eighty other riot-torn cities throughout the country. The question, "Is rioting which is spreading from city to city a prelude to civil war between the races in America?” was dis­ cussed in the May 22, 1967 issue o f U.S. News and World Report. A well-known Negro leader, who is utterly opposed to the vio­ lence that seems to be running rampant throughout the country at the moment, says this in reply, " I regard it [civil war] as very real, but it would not happen all at once. There has to be so much organization . . . so if it is comforting to you, it is going to be quite a while off yet, though not so far off as to be outside o f our life span.” The possibility o f such a thing is horrible to contem­ plate, but it is real! Nearly one thousand "black power” leaders meeting in Newark, New Jersey, immediately following the re­ cent riots there, adopted some dozens o f resolutions. Among them

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as quoted in the August 7, 1967 issue o f U S News and World Report, are the following: "Massive efforts to disrupt the economy o f the nation unless Negroes are given a guaranteed annual in­ come” ; "A boycott o f every black church and all religious insti­ tutions that do not join the black revolution” ; “ Mass opposition to the military draft” ; “ Negro refusal to accept programs for birth control on the ground that such programs are aimed at exterminating the Negro race” ; “ A school [doubtless to be paid for by the government] for black political organizers” ; “ A black university with subsidiary colleges in every city” ; "Refusal o f all black athletes to take part in the 1968 Olympic games, until Cassius Clay is restored to his former title” ; "An international black congress to meet within 18 months.” Rap Brown, a Negro militant leader, declared in Baltimore, Maryland: "Burn this town down, but don’t tear down your own stuff. When you tear down the white man . . . you’re hitting him in the money. Don’t love him to death; shoot him to death. Get yourselves some guns. I don’t care if it is a BB gun with poison BB’s.” On July 25, Rep. Thomas G. Abernethy, o f Mississippi, gave an address in the House o f Representatives and for the first time to this editor’s knowledge, he seemed to pin-point properly the problem as it presently exists. He stated: “ One political side o f the House has just accused the other o f being responsible for this horrible state o f lawlessness . . . then in turn the other side accuses the other side and so it goes. Well, you know who is responsible? Both sides are responsible. It all goes back through two or three Presidents and down through 6 or 7 Congresses, Democrat and Republican. Both sides have been in a bidding contest around here for about 14 years in an attempt to curry favor with these [colored] people and you know it. For several years, some o f you [Congressmen] actually cultivated rebellious incidents in my part o f the country — the deep South. Even now some o f you are accusing us o f starving the Negro people to death all at a time when the colored in your own areas are burning you to the ground. You have more trouble with this issue in one Northern state than you will find in all o f the South combined. Lay the blame where it belongs — in the White House, in the Congress, in the headquarters o f the two political parties. You were right in blaming one another. You were both to blame.” The politically-minded Supreme Court members who have been selected by the recent Presidents (chiefly Democrat because this party has had more Presidents in recent years) probably have done more to foment this present chaotic condition than any other one segment o f our government. Their utterly weird interpreta­ tions o f our Constitution and Bill o f Rights give excessive rights and privileges to the lawless element in almost every instance. And the latest member o f the Supreme Court recommended by the President and approved by Congress was chosen for his "liberal views” and sympathetic attitude toward the interpretation o f (Continued on p. 33)

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The Riddle of the Calendar

Why was the calendar changed?

by Charles Kalisky

N o o n e s t o p s to ask for an. ex­ planation of what is perhaps the most extraordinary fact in the world — the fact that all civilized time is dated from the birth of Jesus Christ. This is the 64th year o f the twentieth century; and from what event are those 1964 years counted? From the birth o f a Jew, Who, on the skep­ tical theory, if He ever existed at all, was nothing more than a manual laborer in an obscure province of a now defunct empire in a far-off age; Who wrote no book, made no discovery, invent­ ed no philosophy, built no tem­ ples, and Who died when, as men count years, He had scarce ly reached His prime—and died the death of a criminal. And even be­ fore His death the little band of disciples He had succeeded in gathering together all forsook and left Him! This is a story that has every characteristic and ele­ ment o f defeat and failure. Yet civilized time is dated from the birth of this Jew. The centuries carry His signature and the years of the modern world by universal consent are counted from the time of His birth. And nobody knows for sure

how this extraordinary datum mark began to be used or when or by whom it was established. Not one educated man out o f a thou­ sand can tell, off-hand, why all civilized calendars are reckoned from that distant birth in a tiny Jewish village in Palestine. Every morning all the newspapers o f the civilized world, although some of them have in their columns at­ tacks in one form or another on Jesus Christ, adjust their date to His birth. Almanacs, Acts of Congress and Parliaments, busi­ ness and politics, literature and the very dates on our letters and checks all unconsciously bear tes­ timony to the birth of this Jew so long ago. From the dawn o f history there have been many great men whose contributions have left indelible marks on history, culture and civilization. The dialogues o f Soc­ rates, the philosophy o f Plato and the plays of Shakespeare are studied in every college in the world. Nor is education consid­ ered adequate unless the achieve­ ments o f such great, historical figures as Hannibal, Alexander the Great, Galileo, Newton, Roent­ gen and Einstein and many oth-

ers are known. These great fig­ ures have profoundly changed the direction of science, and some of the things they taught or discov­ eries they made have reached in­ to and changed rad ica lly our everyday life. Yet, outside the college campus who can state just when or where these great bene­ factors of mankind were bom? None of them have left their mark on time itself, although we may all derive some benefit from their contributions to knowledge. No M a t e r ia l A c c o m p l is h m e n t s Time is dated from the birth of a Jew of Whom we know so lit­ tle. He came from an insignifi­ cant village in an obscure part of the great Roman Empire; we are not even sure what language He spoke in his home; and of the first thirty years o f His life we know p ra ctica lly nothing. The only record we have gives precise details of the facts concerning His birth and the last thirty-six months preceding His trial and execution on a Roman gallows. He led no great armies to victory, nor conquered worlds, nor subjugated masses of people; He founded no dynasty, propounded no new phi­ losophy, and at His death the small group o f peasants who had





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i become His disciples fled and dis­ persed for fear of their own lives, Thinking men as they consider this strange phenomenon know that it can be no accident. It is a sign and a witness written on time itself by the One Who is the Lord of time. But if we accept the theory of those who reject Christ, and try to explain Him away, the very calendar of mod­ ern times becomes inexplicable and an absurdity. How does it come about that not by some acci­ dent of circumstances, a conspir- acy o f fanatics, nor by an imperi­ al edict, but by the combination of silent, unrecognized, uncon- scious forces, all civilized time is baptized into the name of Jesus F a il u r e o f A t t e m p t s T o S t a r t N e w C a l e n d a r s History records many attempts ■ to establish a different calendar. , The Romans used the letters A. U.C. (ab urbe condita) — “ from the foundation of the city” (i.e., Rome). The Calif Omar imposed the date of the Hegira of Moham­ med as the starting point o f the Muslim calendar; the Jew dates his calendar from the creation of the world, and in the Middle Ages the astronomer, La Place, tried to convince people that the celes­ tial event that took place in the year 1250, when the orbit of the earth was exactly at right angles to the equinox, should be used as the starting point o f history, rath­ er than the transient names of earthly events and kings. But the birth of Christ is still used as the datum mark of civilization. Modern history shows attempts to change the calendar. In France, the first year of the Revolution was to be counted as year 1. This calendar lasted only 13 years, and then France reverted to the ac- cepted calendar starting with the birth o f Christ. When the State of Israel came into existence in 1948 it was decided to abolish the “ Christian” calendar, and all offi­ cial communications were dated from the creation of the world. Within a very short time this was JANUARY, 1968 j! [; ¡ tl i ' k j Christ? 1 Í

found to be impracticable, and now both dates are to be found on official correspondence. Try as they may, men cannot take Christ out o f the calendar; He still domi­ nates time. All the forces of his­ tory, and all the ideas that have been derived from human imagi­ nation have been used in attempts to change the calendar; and all have failed. Only one event so towers above the horizon of his­ tory because it is so transcendent and important that it can serve as a landmark and measure for civi­ lized time. Christ . . . who being the holi­ est among the mighty, the mighti­ est among the holy, lifted with His pierced hands empires off their hinges, turned the stream of centuries out of its channel, and still governs the ages. Jean Paul Richter W h o I s C h r i s t ? Who is this Christ — this One Who governs the ages? Whom the whole world acknowledges in­ voluntarily, yet refuses to accept? Let us see what He said: “ I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). He came, the incarnate Son of God, the Word made flesh. It is fitting that the very years should bear homage to His name. The calendar represents the seal of Christ’s kingship of time itself. Have you thought of this ? Do you think that an imposter, in a re­ mote, forgotten province of a perished empire could so deeply stamp himself on time itself as to compel all the centuries to bear His name, unless God so willed and desired ? Or have you stopped to consider that Christ’s claims may be true and worthy? And if His claims are true, is it nothing to you? Can you afford to pass Him by, or do you need Him as your Saviour and your Messiah? As He has changed history He can change you, too, if you but believe on Him Who said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). EE

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Special tribute to Dr. R. A. Torrey, in whose memory this issue is pub­ lished.


by Dr. Louis T. Talbot Chancellor, Blola Schools and Colleges, Inc.


down to the place where folks live. He had a brilliant mind, but he could go down to the Pacific Garden Mission and preach there in simple, understandable terms. He was like his Lord in this re­ gard. Jesus used the language of the people; the common people heard Him gladly. When I sat at his feet as a stu­ dent at the Moody Bible Insti­ tute, two things especially im­ pressed me. First, he said, “ I never sit by the side of a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, with­ out realizing that if anything is going to be accomplished in the life o f that person, the Holy Spirit o f God must do it.” The second thing I remember his saying was that the test o f disci- pleship is the depth o f your inter­ est in fishing for men. Is it the business o f your life? Or do you just fish once in awhile for the sport of it? The fourth thing that made this man great was that he lived in the very atmosphere o f prayer. When a man has these charac­ teristics, God can use him. In these terrific days, God is look­ ing for men. I pray His hand may rest upon each o f you and upon me, that some day someone will be able to say o f each of us, “THERE WAS A MAN.” HE

his mother’s God. He fell on his knees and offered every inch of his being to God. He was bom again and God laid His hand on him. We must have what Dr. Tor­ rey had—an old-time conversion with the hand of God on our lives. The second thing was that Dr. Torrey preached with authority, and his authority was the Word of God. He believed the Bible was God’s revelation. He accepted not a part of the Bible, but all o f it, as inspired and without error. Dr. Torrey not only had a great heart, but he also had a great brain. He graduated from Yale and Heidelberg Universities and was prepared for the legal profes­ sion. He would have made a great prosecuting attorney, but the Lord called him from the practice of law to be a herald of the cross. He stated often that he was com­ pelled intellectually to believe the Bible was the Word of God. One of his great literary masterpieces was his little book, “Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is the Word o f God,” and it is unan­ swerable. He preached the whole hook. He could melt a heart with the love of God, but he also em­ phasized the sterner attributes. The third thing that made Dr. T o rrey g r e a t was tha t he preached with simplicity. He got

W h e n e v e r I TH INK of Dr. Reu­ ben Archer Torrey, I think o f Daniel 5:11— “There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods.” “ There is a man.” God always has a man. All the great move­ ments of the centuries have re­ volved around men, and Dr. Tor­ rey was a great man. God made him great. When I was a boy in Australia, Dr. Torrey came there for a cam­ paign, and it brought a deep and lasting spiritual awakening in that land. Many of the old pas­ tors in Australia today came to know Christ through Dr. Tor- rey’s campaign there. Some o f us young people were challenged to full-time service and dedicated our lives to God. I was among those who came from Australia to the Moody Bible Institute as a result of Dr. Torrey’s meetings in that land. What was the explanation of this man’s life? Why did God use him? When you answer these questions, you answer the ques­ tion why God uses any man. The first thing was that he had an old-time conversion. At Yale University he was in unbelief and in despair, and was about to take his life. Then he remem­ bered his mother’s prayers and





stopped and he led the Israelites across on dry land. And now God said, “ Build me a monument, a memorial.” Contrast this memorial, if you will, with Kennedy’s memorial, with the proposed Roose­ velt memorial. The cost, the square footage, the vision. God said, “ I want you to build a memorial to the fact that I backed up water and two million of you walked across on dry land.” He bade twelve men, one from each tribe, to go back and pick up a stone. “Bring the stones and put them in a head.” Compare that to what architect Morton Per- reira o f California would have designed for God. Compare that to some of the newspaper and bank monuments that have been built throughout the nation. Compare that to some o f the monuments in which we ourselves live! But for God? A heap of twelve stones—that was good enough! Think of Jericho, that fantastic city. God is going to demonstrate His power and His method is going to be so ridiculous that no one in history will ever miss it. “You walk around it with rams’ horns (which are called trumpets) and on the seventh day you blow those things and then you shout together, and this city—I tell you now in advance of the week—is already yours.” And Gideon? “ I want you to defeat the Midian- ites,” God said. “Ten thousand are too many men. Some are conscripts. Some didn’t want to be draft­ ed. Some came along for the ride. Some honestly want to fight. You’ve got too many men! Three hundred are enough for my battle!” Now think of Samson, an overgrown juvenile delinquent. In his day, when an animal died, they left it in the open air. From a field Samson picked up a jawbone of an ass—it was a jawbone when he picked it up, it was a jawbone when he put it down, it was a jawbone while it was in his hand— but with it he slew one thousand men—and glori­ fied God! That jawbone it not the kind o f thing you would hang in a museum in Jerusalem, or in Rome, or in New York, or in Moscow. It’s not the kind of thing that would attract a crowd, but it was all God needed. Then came David—apparently so weak at this tender age that he could not put on Saul’s armour and still fight. All he had was a slingshot. Not the kind made out of the rubber from an inner tube that we used as boys, just a common slingshot. He

G od is simple . H ow different God is from man! He took dust and made a man. No advertis­ ing, no new element, no test tubes—just plain dust. From dust—and to dust that man will go, and without fanfare. God made a promise to Abraham that his descendants should be “ as the sand of the sea­ shore . . .” and “ as the stars o f the heavens” for number. Abraham got anxious and his wife Sarah got anxious. Hagar, who was a young woman, bore Abraham a son. But God waited until Sarah was 90, and He said, “Now, Sarah, you bare the son.” And God said, “Build me a tabernacle. Not ac­ cording to man’s specifications, but according to mine. I’ll tell you every intricate detail.” Now if you were to build a temple worthy o f God, could the earth embrace it? What would it cost per square foot? What would be the construction plans? But listen to the tabernacle God specified for Himself and His glory: planks, simple planks, covered by badger skins, crude and unimposing! “ I’ll dwell there,” God said. And God raised up a chief priest. Was he a man o f great persuasive power? Some zealot for God who was constant in his faith? Some man that all of us would admire? Not at all! He chose a man who was vacillating, who tended to cater to the crowd! A man who actually fashioned a golden calf the Israelites might worship instead o f the Lord God Jehovah. To this Aaron, God said, “ I’ll make you my chief priest.” Then, Joshua succeeded Moses. And God said, “Joshua, I want my people to know that I am be­ hind you, exactly as I was with Moses. When you get to the Jordan River, have the priests who are carrying the ark wade into the Jordan—I am going to show the people the confirmation of my power in you.” When Joshua obeyed, the waters actually A bout the author : Dr. Ben Haden, pastor of 1st Presbyterian Church of Chattanooga, Tenn., is the featured speaker of “ The Bible Study Hour," Philadelphia. Mr. Haden, with degrees from University o f Texas, Washington and Lee University and Columbia Theological Seminary, has had wide experience as a publisher, attorney, author and evangelist.



complicated solution to a problem in your life, or perhaps to the particular burden that you have? Do you realize God didn’t need anything more than dust to make man? When it came to a monu­ ment, He didn’t need an architect, just a heap of twelve stones. When it came for a place to dwell and to bless men. He didn’t need anything except planks covered by badger skins. When it came to Samson slaying a thousand people, a jawbone of an ass was good enough. Why? God takes the foolish things to confound the wise. He takes the little things and the power­ less things — the weak things — to confound the mighty things. That is why the greatest offense to the preach­ ers in the Christian church today is a man who never went to seminary, a man who was a farm boy, a man who did not have all the background that so many preachers seek to have. But when he proclaims Christ, sophisticates kneel, lives are changed, marriages are healed — mine was — joy comes where there was sorrow. In Wales in the last century there lived a scoun­ drel. His father died when he was nine. When he was 17, he could neither read nor write. He heard someone talk of Christ, and it spoke to his heart. He was converted. The old gang with whom he caroused attacked him and put out one of his eyes. At 17 Christmas Evans, illiterate but converted, wanted to declare Christ and Him crucified. For seven years he tried to steal other men’s prayers and sermons to memorize them. He would have people read to him. At 24 he was ordained to work among the humble folk like himself . . . they couldn’t find a place low enough for him. But he caused people all over Wales to literally jump for joy of the Lord Jesus. And people said, “The mes­ sage he speaks, speaks to me.” No, his English wasn’t good. He undoubtedly butchered it, but the Lord used him. I wonder today if you are selling yourself short because you sell your Lord short. You say, “ I’m not much, I’m insignificant. You don’t know how un­ trained I am—I lack college. I’m inadequate.” God says, “You I can use. The Paul in Jerusalem who tried to track down the Christians I couldn’t use. He was more self-righteous than anybody, cocky, hung up on himself. But Paul in Corinth I could use, because he spoke not with the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in weakness and in fear, and in much trembling, and for a very specific purpose. He spoke in demonstration of the Holy Spirit and in power, that their faith might be grounded in the power of God. Such is not limited by anything you lack, or anything you are not, or any place you haven’t been, or anything you cannot now do.” This is God. He made man from dust and from man He can make a servant. Why is man so complicated and God so simple? Reprinted from Whitened Harvest.

went over and got five smooth pebbles. Toward him came the oversized Goliath, larger than heavy­ weight Italian boxer Primo Camera, with all the power of physical might against a weak teen-ager! But Goliath is slain. And God is glorified. “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” You may not be on the map, but when all cities are eliminated, you will be the important one. And to a girl — quite probably illiterate — a peasant girl who lived in the little town o f Naza­ reth, the angel of the Lord came and said, “You will bear God when He becomes flesh.” I don’t think anyone who is practical would envision Mary as having finished a finishing school. We make her beautiful because we want to—she was quite possi­ bly plain. But He chose Mary because He had the complete option. And now there are five thousand men (in those days men didn’t count women) there to be fed. There were children also to be fed. He said, “Doesn’t anybody have any food?” And one disci­ ple awkwardly suggests there is one little fellow who has two fishes and five loaves. Jesus said, “ That will do.” He said, “ You pass these out.” And they were all fed ! And we are told that when they had all eaten, there were twelve basketsful left over, not o f garbage, but filled with fishes and loaves, enough to feed many more. Now then, go to the cross. Not an unusual cross. Not one gilded with silver or gold, just a regular cross used for punishment, a common cross between two common men. One thief joins the crowd in jeering; the other strangely sees the glory o f the moment. As you stand and gaze you will see all the bigness of the world focused on the littleness of that moment. Paul said that the Jews required a sign and the Greeks (the Gentiles) sought after wisdom. They were subject to the rational, subject to the logical and reasonable. They wanted to be able to under­ stand things and prove them to their own satisfac­ tion. Paul said he preached Christ crucified. To the Jews it was a stumbling block. To the Greek mind it was foolishness. But the foolishness of God is stronger than men. At the cross, which seems foolish, you see the wisdom of God. And at the cross, which seems weak, you see the strength of God. There is power to forgive and to change your life and to change my life — something intellectualism cannot do. There isn’t a thought you can think, an act you can perform that would change your life. But it is at the cross that lives are changed, in the wisdom and in the power of God. Now, how is it with you? Are you seeking a



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