King's Business - 1968-01

The badge of the Beast will prove that the bearer has capitulated, that he has agreed to forced co-op­ eration with the new order. Many will receive the mark without compunction or without hesitation. Jesus said, “ I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive” (John 5:43). Some will register unwillingness but will be forced to accede. We cannot now imagine with what alarming threats and vicious mistreatment the objectors to the mark of the Beast will be met. Even under such favorable conditions as we have been privileged to live, we know of a man who was bluntly informed upon refusal to join a labor union that he should not be surprised to find his car overturned when returning to it from a shopping errand, or to find a collection of stones in his living room some morn­ ing when arising, with broken windows to show the direction o f their arrival. Ruthlessness in the Tribulation will certainly dwarf the enormus atro­ cities of the inquisitions o f history. It will be a time o f unprecedented sorrow. I t s P r o m in e n c e i n W o r s h ip p in g B e a s t The worship of the Beast which will begin when Satan is cast out of heaven and incarnates himself in this leader, and when his image (the “Abomina­ tion of desolation” ) is set up in the restored Jewish temple (about the middle o f Daniel’s 70th week), apparently will not assume any particular ritual or ceremony. It is likely that every assembly, in every place, will be required to open or close (or both) with some expression of devotion and allegiance to the ruling power, such as the national anthem’s being played or sung at athletic contests, political assemblies, on festal occasions, or as “God Save the King” is sung, even in churches, where royalty is regarded. Because the Beast will be boastful, egotistical and proud, and because many will court his favor, various means will be found to laud and magnify him. It must be remembered that, when the mark of the Beast is required, all religion will have been outlawed. Since it is instinctive in man to worship in some manner, and since worship of the Beast will be required, the Beast universally will be the object of acclaim. Placards and banners and streamers will abound, and conspicuous on all will be the “mark” like the trademark on a prominent product. I t s P r e c e d e n c e D e n o u n c e d The ninth and only other occurrence o f the Greek charagma from which we get the word “mark” is found in Acts 17:29 in which it is translated “ graven.” The context is very revealing. Paul came to Mars’

All are found in the Revelation and all pertain to the Beast, the Antichrist, and the world power of which he will be the acknowledged head. The word comes from the Greek charagma, and means an etching or stamp (as a badge of servitude, Strong’s Con.) It probably will be pictorial, containing a word slogan. In any event, it most surely will set forth the idea o f great prosperity and equal oppor­ tunity for all. This is what the world desires, and political leaders are past masters in promising the people what they want. While this prominent per­ son in prophecy is termed a “beast,” when he is manifested and is operating, he will have a name. However, the Bible refers not only to the “mark of his name” (Rev. 14:11), but also to the “number of his name” (Rev. 13:17; 15:2). The number is said to be 666, but since it has to be counted (Rev. 13:18) in order to arrive at this figure, the number is apparently arranged in the design of the insig­ nia. This, too, is not unusual. In the contest for presidential nominations in the United States (1964), one contestant, Senator Goldwater, was publicized as “Au H20 .” Stickers on the bumpers of cars and elsewhere bore only this chemical equivalent o f his name. This unique badge of the mark of the Beast must be displayed. It must be in evidence at all times, or else available at once when demanded. His mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands (Rev. 20:4 ), has led many to believe the mark will be tatooed on the skin. This could be true. Indeed it may be true with the fanatical followers of the Beast. If, on the other hand, it is an idiomatic expression, it could mean a choice of either displaying it on the person or carrying it in the pocket or purse; but, as is required of an automobile driver’s license, it must accompany the individual at all times. W h y I s I t C o m p u l s o r y ? There are two reasons: (1) It is to assure loy­ alty to the ruling power. (2) It will be a means of detecting objectors. While not in the Scriptures, the very nature of things would dictate that some such identification will label the homes of those who subscribe to the Beast and to his regime. And woe unto those who dwell in unlabeled houses! Firing squads, concen­ tration camps, exterminating centers and sudden, unaccounted-for disappearances are the usual ac­ companiments o f dictatorial leadership. Opposition, though unobstrusive, is never tolerated very long. A Jewish friend of the author was sitting on his veranda in Austria awaiting the supper call when a Gestapo paddy wagon drew up to the curb. An officer simply said, “ Come with us.” With no oppor­ tunity to bid farewell to his wife (a Gentile), Josef was hurried away to Dachau, the scene of horror and death.



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