King's Business - 1968-01

“ The Word became flesh . . . Em­ manuel, God with us.” God broke through in His Son, visited us, died for us, rose from the dead. “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.” The Gospel is the Good News that God has not only said something but that God has done something. God has rent the heavens and come down! Pentecost was a break-through. There is only one explanation of what happened to that handful of believers, hidden behind closed doors, that suddenly put them in the heart of town before the rul­ ers and religionists and the rabble testifying to the wonderful works of God. Only one thing will ex­ plain how a church o f one hun­ dred and twenty members could add three thousand in one day. A church of three thousand adding one hundred and twenty would be amazing now! “ This is that” said Peter for God had promised long before to pour out His Spirit. God visited His people, turning fearful believers into flaming witnesses. Things did not con­ tinue as they were from the be­ ginning of the creation. God has broken through again and again in church history. Only that will explain Lu th er and Knox and Wesley and Moody, the Reformation, the Great Awaken­ ing, the Welsh Revival. How we need such a visitation today! “Oh that Thou wouldest rend the heavens, that Thou wouldest come down!” There is much that is good in our churches but so little o f it gives the impression that God is breaking through. We have meetings and drives and projects galore but the deep sense of God is a rare thing. When God breaks through, we break down and there is not much of that nowadays. We speak of “ a break in the meeting” and that is just what we do not have, God breaking through and ourselves breaking down. God breaks through in Chris­ tian experience. What else but that is the new birth? Long ago

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GREAT PROPHET IC BOOKS 1. Daniel’s Great Prophecy of the Great Wonders at the End of the Afire. The latest on fulfilled prophecy. 2. “ The Second, Coming of Christ E x­ plained.” This subject is dealt with in arreat detail, comparing: the two different events of His coming. 3. “ The Kingdom of God Explained, and the Gospel of the Kingdom .” It explains all the wonderful prophecies pertaining to Christ’s everlasting kingdom which is close at hand. 4. “ The New Jerusalem, the City of the Living G od” This book explains the marvel­ ous wonders of heaven, God’s (Treat capital of the universe. 5. “ M ystery Babylon the Great Explained .” This most difficult of all prophecies is at last made clear to readers, for it explains the greatest mystery in the world today. 6. “ The Coming United States in Europe According to Prophecy .” It explains what ten nations will unite in Western Europe as a balance of power against Russia. 7. “ The Great Problem of the Middle East in the Light of God’s Prophetic Word.’* AU seven for $1.65 REV. ANDREW OLSEN Bible Expositor Sequim, Wash.

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