King's Business - 1968-01



by Leuis C. Hobenstein

WHY^ ° r a,ovinff Hoiy G°d allow my loved nnp to suffer?” This is often heard°by he pastor as he speaks to those who are watching a loved one in a final illness, We readi]y that we do not know all the an­ swers, but we believe it is of God’s grace. To the believer God always shows His grace to be sufficient, true T w f * 1 iHneSSes this ^ true. Though we might fear the experience called death, and though we naturally shy away from ,t, when the Christian comes to the experience, he finds that Gods grace is s u f f i x ^ e also nnds His grace sufficient for the ”A nT e? Ct S WWch Precede death : And o f His fulness have all we received and grace for grace.” Secondly, the time o f illness is a ime for God to teach us the transient nature of life. Material values to the Christian are S int0 a right hen he passes through the expe­ rience oi seeing a loved one ta t final illness. Thirdly, the time of terminal dyimTch °ft8rraCe’ for jt the y ft Christian an opportunity to S T „tr* -» 5 earthly problems settled. There ay be quarrels to settle, debts to K T T ionf ofsinto il n L t h a ^ T 86 ° f *erminal th6Se tWn®

iUn^ fourth Place, terminal diness gives loved ones who are S w i ianS an opportunity to min- ister as a servant o f Christ to the t i m f w T Wh° iS dyinff' Tt is ^ love car ^ ^ unhyP°critical ove can be expressed. Then to the unbelieving loved ones, it is a time when God speaks to their hearts and there is a strong moti­ vation to turn to the L o rd ness°ri tfc nbelieVin|r’ termina] 111- HZ J gracious opportunity rded o f God to repent and be- lieve m Chist as Saviour. ying is always a sin, but it is never as hideous as when it i " ' Ku God thc opportunity to final d ?S eXt™ded grace in the eartilv o’ , “nd h°Urs of part^of tu T mT - Death is a Part of the harsh reality of this Present world. But when the be! i n u C°meS to face death, he ^ nds that Christ has removed the

7 “ * * * ■ » cannot un- derstand this and their counsel is °t 0 ? that ™ ‘ be, but because they think & £ T t a",- * the“ Christ y 8 “ d00 rea r to i e c t ' S “ " eVT a PIeaaant suh- the sight 3 T ’1Iber' "Precious in o f H i f s t a „ t? f L° r d i s t h e



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