King's Business - 1968-01

J anuary is AN excellent month to take stock o f records, books and re­ cipes. Then, armed with a bright new list, set off towards hearing, reading and trying in the months to come. RECORDS These albums may not be new, but they should be in your record library. “ When Home Is Heaven” by Dr. Louis H. Evans, Produced by Word 3118-LP. I f you are trying to find the patience o f Job and the wisdom o f Solomon in keeping husband, children and home happy and healthy, then the very practical advice on this album will stir you deeply. One topic covered by Dr. Evans entitled “ Table Talk” is a masterpiece. A t one point he says, “ We go away from an empty plate with an empty heart. Let us not mix— tea with tears coffee with correction soup with sourness salad with censoriousness corn with a caustic the anchovies with anger the meat with dull monotony cuisine with quarreling Later he ends w ith: “ When the meal is over, let us push back our chairs with humble thankful­ ness, feeling that somehow Christ was our Guest, was pleased with the con­ versation; that we had added: fellow­ ship to the feast, faith to the food and vitality to the vitals, that love had covered the table as fine linen since man cannot live by bread alone, that He was heard to whisper, ‘I could make heaven out o f such as these.’ Please be at our table, Lord.” In the music department, a bright sound fo r the young at heart: “ The Lang Sisters in Sweet Harmony” pro­ duced by Supreme M-116. I’ve had the privilege o f being on many programs with these talented gals and have watched their lives, heard their sing­ ing, and I’m thrilled with their min­ istry. This album, with the Paul Mic- kelson orchestra, is their finest achieve­ ment. I f you have teenagers in the home, all the albums by Ralph Car­ michael from the films, “ The Restless Ones” and “ F or Pete’s Sake” are ju st their speed. BOOKS Each night our fam ily reads the Bible. Usually we read only one chap­ ter, but quite often it is so exciting that our children say, “ Oh, please don’t stop there!” Never has the reading been so spirited and we are grateful to Zondervan fo r publishing the Berke­ ley Version In Modem English. It’s really quite amazing, because when I say the “ children” are excited about this, I am talking about a big fourteen- year-old son and a delightful 12-year- old daughter. I f you know anything at all about Junior Highers, you know that listening to the Bible being read is ju st not their cup o f tea. Not so with this translation! Imagine Rick and Laurie’s awe when they realized Noah’s ark was one-and-a-half times as big as the football field on which Rick had ju st been playing! Laurie squealed with surprise when she figured out the

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Goffee height and found it was taller than our three-story Sunday school b u ild in g . This translation not only is easy to understand, but also it provides us with the happiest o f times in sharing the Greatest Book in the world. One book that had to be written is Keith Miller’s, The Taste Of New Wine. I have shared this with count­ less friends and it’s never yet failed to awaken a keen sense o f newness. He makes the living Christ a living reality. Look fo r his new book soon to be published. RECIPES Better Homes And Gardens have been putting out the greatest recipes fo r years and, o f course, the best one is the complete book called, Better Homes And Gardens New Cook Book, but if you want some welcome new short editions, try Favorite Ways With Chicken or Cooking With Cheese. These inexpensive books are a busy cook’s delight. Included are lots o f picture helps and true-and-tried recipes.

by Joyce Landorf

make them year after year. Frankly, I think it’s a thoroughly sound idea. A fter all, isn’t setting goals a healthy indication that in our deepest hearts we long to be better than we are fo r our Lord? The Bible is fu ll o f illustrations o f men and women who made great and serious vows. The result? Disciplined lives blessed and enriched by God! True, some o f our resolutions are brok­ en the first week. Others eventually are broken, but we are still strength­ ened in our prayerful determination to “ start over again.” I don’t know about you, but I am reverently asking God to enable me to keep three spiritual resolves this chal­ lenging year o f 1968. I am fully aware that apart from the Holy Spirit ANY vow could be broken in ten minutes. Nevertheless, I make three resolves be­ lieving that God Himself planted them — and the longing to keep them. F irst: I will keep short accounts with God. A peevish resentment or curt word can so quickly spoil an otherwise lovely day. A sting o f self-pity, prick­ ing irritations, little nagging fears, masks o f pretense — any and all of these can so easily throw me off bal­ ance and disturb my peace fo r hours at a time — sometimes days. I resolve to deal with these “ imposters” AS THEY AR ISE , calling them by their real name — SIN. The blood o f Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin, but I must be perfectly candid. Sin must be acknowl­ edged, confessed and cleansed daily. Second: 7 will deal in specifics with God. Too often my requests have been general rather than topical. Instead o f “ Lord, help me to be disciplined,” I must pray, “ Help me to be disciplined with that box of candy.” “ Bless us financially” is not specific, but “ Keep me from being impulsive as I look fo r a new dress” — that is! “ Thank You fo r Your world” is fa r less exciting than “ Thank You that our new lawn is coming up so beautifully! Thank You, too, fo r that glorious sunset last n igh t!” A prayer fo r “ all the unsaved” is sadly diluted, but when I name our faithful milkman and our next-door neighbor, I’m suddenly aware o f a new sense o f direction in prayer.




VERSE FOR TOD A Y W hen God reveals some secret fault That ought to be confessed, The sooner I am on my knees, The sooner I am blessed! “I f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1 :9 ). by Ruth Calkin

"W H A T ABOU T RESOLUTIONS . . . In spite o f our jokes and smiles about New Year’s resolutions, most o f us



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