King's Business - 1968-01

Uncle Bill was a wise man. He knew much about animals and plants. Although he knew much about nature, he also knew the One who made nature because he was always faithful to read his Bible. So Uncle Bill went on to tell Duffy and Darla a most unusual story. “You know what this snake re­ minds me o f?” he asked. “ It re­ minds me of God and Satan. Al­ most all snakes are good snakes. I’ve had lots o f pet snakes. God gave us good snakes to eat up the rodents who destroy our gardens and ground. God also gave us rat­ tlesnakes, but He put rattles on them to warn us to leave them alone, or else we will be sorry. “The rattlesnake is like Satan. Satan gets into our lives and causes us to do bad things which we call sin. We are sorry when we tangle with a rattlesnake, but we are also sorry when we tangle with sin, aren’t we?” “Yes,” answered both Duffy and Darla. “ Because of this,” explained Uncle Bill, “we should pray every day that God will keep Satan out of our lives. If we do sin, we should ask God to forgive us for each sin. But be careful,” warned Uncle Bill. “Remember how the snake’s body could still wiggle, even though its head was gone? Don’t forget how its head could still bite, even though its body was gone. Well, sometimes when you think Satan is gone, he will wiggle right back into your life and make you sin again. So, re­ member this, the rattlesnake will always warn you by buzzing its rattles. Also whenever you think something is bad, don’t do it, be­ cause God is warning you not to sin. That is your conscience that He gave you.” “Wow!” said Duffy, “God’s na­ ture sure taught us a lesson to­ day!” The three then buried the snake’s head so that it could not still hurt anyone, and walked to the ranchhouse. Pel *Next month: Duffy and, Darla Discover a Cave.

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