King's Business - 1968-01

A mer ican M o th er o f 1 9 6 6 W r ites on A do pt ion

" I 'm looking for

Christian couples with enough love and compassion to make a home for abandoned Korean orphans"

NA TIV E PASTOR DESIRES MAGAZINES I received yesterday a copy o f THE KING ’S BUSINESS magazine with a notice that it was the last issue to be sent. I have been reading your publi­ cation fo r many years. The more I do, the more I realize how much o f a help it is in the work. A friend in Pennsyl­ vania has sent the magazine to me. I do not know whether this will be con­ tinued. I want to share with you the fa ct that the Holy Spirit is working in our ministry here at the church. Many men and women have accepted the Lord as personal Saviour, and numbers o f new converts have been increasing week by week. W e do rejoice in that which the Lord has done. May God bless each o f you. Pastor Chawna, Kanchanpur, India KB WORTH FULL PRICE I received your notice that my sub­ scription to your wonderful magazine is about to run out so I hereby enclose $3.00 to extend it fo r another year. I am not taking advantage o f your offer o f a little cheaper rate, if I send in my renewal now. I ’m sending the full $$.00 fo r it is worth every cent o f it and more too. May our blessed Lord bless and keep all o f you in your office. Mrs. Marie K., Massilon, Ohio KB IN V IETNAM I found your articles quite helpful while serving my tour in Vietnam. I’m looking forward to future publications. I thank you. Donald L. Hanson, Gig Harbor, Washington USING OLD MAGAZINES I have been going through all o f my old K ING ’S BUSINESSES. They are fu ll o f data Christians can use and apply to daily life. God bless you all. E. Abbott, San Diego, California KB TO V IETNAM Today I am mailing all o f my ac­ cumulated supply o f both THE KING ’ S BUSINESS and the BIOLA BROAD ­ CASTER to the boys in Vietnam. I hope they will be as helpful to them as they are to us and only wish they could hear the wonderful broadcasts. Mrs. Janies Whitney, Pacific Palisades, Calif. E ditor ’ s N ote : A number o f readers of THE KING’S BUSINESS have been sending their used copies to mission­ aries and servicemen. This is an excel­ lent idea and perhaps many more read­ ers would like to follow the suggestion.


W h e n I b e c am e O r e g o n M o t h e r o f 1 9 6 6 , I accepted the honor for one reason: to reach more couples like readers of Kings Business who would consider the needs of abandoned Korean orphans. The honor was followed by teas, receptions, dinners and a big trip to New York for a banquet at the Waldorf Astoria with Mothers of 51 other states and territories. On the way, I stopped at Portland, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis and other cities to greet hundreds of my grandchildren and their proud parents. Tears of joy filled my whole being as I witnessed the marvelous transformation in the lives of orphans who had become loved sons and daughters. And you should see what it does for those couples! O ft e n I t h o u g h t o f m y h u s b a n d , H a rry , and how God had started this work in our home only 11 years before, and of the heart attack that took him from us when the work had grown to where we were placing orphans for adoption in Christian homes in all 50 states. By now, we have placed over 4000. W h e n I w a s c h o s e n A m e r ic a n M o t h e r o f 1 9 6 6 , I was overwhelmed. Again I accepted with thanks to God and prayer in my heart that it might help me reach many Christian couples. Honors poured in from every­ where. I met many of the world’s famous people: governors, statesmen, the Vice President, and finally, President Johnson. I told him I prayed for him every morning at 5:30. He thanked me. I showed him a picture of my family. He said it was a fine family. How thankful I was. But I am equally proud of my 4000 grandchildren, and the hundreds of Christian couples who have opened their hearts and homes to them. ( See “ 1966 Mother of the Year” article in Power Magazine, Dec. 10, 1967.) We’re not looking for just any home for these little ones. We’re looking for Christian homes where they can find the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. That’s why we are appealing to readers of Kings Business. You, dear born-again friends, are the kind of folk that can really help them. Will you think about it— pray about it— and write us? While we care for hundreds of boys and girls in our Korean orphanage, our greatest concern is to find Christian couples who will open their homes to them. We’ll be glad to send you more details on how the adoption program works— at no obligation to you. May we hear from you soon? Mrs. Bertha Holt

A d o p t io n P r o g r a m In fo rm a t io n C o u p o n


ho lt ADOPTION PROGRAM, INC. P. 0. Box 95K, Creswell, Oregon 97426

Dear Mrs. Holt:

) Please send information on adoptions. I understand there is no obligation. ) I cannot adopt a child, but am interested in your sponsorship program. ) Enclosed is my gift for your work. Please send me regular copies of your Newsletter.


Street. City_

-State- I I (Non-denominational, Licensed Agency, Non-profit Corporation, Founded 1956) -Zip.



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