King's Business - 1968-01

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i become His disciples fled and dis­ persed for fear of their own lives, Thinking men as they consider this strange phenomenon know that it can be no accident. It is a sign and a witness written on time itself by the One Who is the Lord of time. But if we accept the theory of those who reject Christ, and try to explain Him away, the very calendar of mod­ ern times becomes inexplicable and an absurdity. How does it come about that not by some acci­ dent of circumstances, a conspir- acy o f fanatics, nor by an imperi­ al edict, but by the combination of silent, unrecognized, uncon- scious forces, all civilized time is baptized into the name of Jesus F a il u r e o f A t t e m p t s T o S t a r t N e w C a l e n d a r s History records many attempts ■ to establish a different calendar. , The Romans used the letters A. U.C. (ab urbe condita) — “ from the foundation of the city” (i.e., Rome). The Calif Omar imposed the date of the Hegira of Moham­ med as the starting point o f the Muslim calendar; the Jew dates his calendar from the creation of the world, and in the Middle Ages the astronomer, La Place, tried to convince people that the celes­ tial event that took place in the year 1250, when the orbit of the earth was exactly at right angles to the equinox, should be used as the starting point o f history, rath­ er than the transient names of earthly events and kings. But the birth of Christ is still used as the datum mark of civilization. Modern history shows attempts to change the calendar. In France, the first year of the Revolution was to be counted as year 1. This calendar lasted only 13 years, and then France reverted to the ac- cepted calendar starting with the birth o f Christ. When the State of Israel came into existence in 1948 it was decided to abolish the “ Christian” calendar, and all offi­ cial communications were dated from the creation of the world. Within a very short time this was JANUARY, 1968 j! [; ¡ tl i ' k j Christ? 1 Í

found to be impracticable, and now both dates are to be found on official correspondence. Try as they may, men cannot take Christ out o f the calendar; He still domi­ nates time. All the forces of his­ tory, and all the ideas that have been derived from human imagi­ nation have been used in attempts to change the calendar; and all have failed. Only one event so towers above the horizon of his­ tory because it is so transcendent and important that it can serve as a landmark and measure for civi­ lized time. Christ . . . who being the holi­ est among the mighty, the mighti­ est among the holy, lifted with His pierced hands empires off their hinges, turned the stream of centuries out of its channel, and still governs the ages. Jean Paul Richter W h o I s C h r i s t ? Who is this Christ — this One Who governs the ages? Whom the whole world acknowledges in­ voluntarily, yet refuses to accept? Let us see what He said: “ I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). He came, the incarnate Son of God, the Word made flesh. It is fitting that the very years should bear homage to His name. The calendar represents the seal of Christ’s kingship of time itself. Have you thought of this ? Do you think that an imposter, in a re­ mote, forgotten province of a perished empire could so deeply stamp himself on time itself as to compel all the centuries to bear His name, unless God so willed and desired ? Or have you stopped to consider that Christ’s claims may be true and worthy? And if His claims are true, is it nothing to you? Can you afford to pass Him by, or do you need Him as your Saviour and your Messiah? As He has changed history He can change you, too, if you but believe on Him Who said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). EE

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