NCC Group plc Annual Report 2022

Nomination Committee report

A continued focus on succession planning and diversity

During the year, we have made strides to improve the diversity around our Board table and in the executive team and completed a successful search for a new CEO and Non-Executive Director.

Chris Stone Committee Chair

2021/22 highlights • Recruitment of a new CEO • Recruitment of two new independent Non-Executive Directors • Sessions to review senior management and Executive Director succession plans • Focused on diversity and inclusion in every meeting, including undertaking unconscious bias training • Undertook a review of the colleague engagement results and continued with the non-executive colleague engagement sessions 2022/23 priorities Our priorities for the coming year focus on three areas: • Broadening our approach to talent and succession enabled by Workday • Continuing to support the development of a diverse leadership profile and pipeline • Creating the right working environment to support colleague engagement and working post pandemic

The members of the Nomination Committee are Chris Batterham, Julie Chakraverty (from 1 January 2022) and Jennifer Duvalier, along with me. Jonathan Brooks also served on the Committee between 1 June 2021 and 27 January 2022. On 1 September 2022, Lynn Fordham was appointed to the Committee.

The Nomination Committee’s objectives and responsibilities

The Nomination Committee is responsible for reviewing the size, structure, balance, composition and progressive refreshing of the Board and its Committees and as such its duties include: • Reviewing the structure of the Board • Evaluating the balance of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity on the Board • Making recommendations for further recruitment to the Board or proposing changes to the existing structure of the Board, or individual Directors • Reviewing the leadership needs of the Company, both Executive and Non-Executive • Succession planning for Directors and other senior executives within the business • Recruiting, appointing and exiting of Directors • Overseeing membership of, and succession to, the various Board Committees • Reviewing the time commitment required from the Non-Executive Directors on NCC Group business


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