NCC Group plc Annual Report 2022

Nomination Committee report continued

Training • Providing unconscious bias training for leadership groups (the Board and ExCom have both now undertaken unconscious bias training). Continuing with NCC Conversations and our colleague resource groups – promoting equality and celebrating our difference • Our commitment to Action Ally, a programme to support allyship at every level of the organisation, creating a safe and inclusive environment where colleagues feel they belong • Continuing to embed a Manager Essentials programme which covers recruiting and managing a diverse team Colleague voice • Our commitment to an ongoing open dialogue with our colleagues, through our annual engagement survey, colleague forums, live leadership ask anything sessions, Board engagement sessions with colleagues, the colleague resource groups, listening sessions and our whistleblowing line, all play an active role in creating a great place to work (for further information, please see the Stakeholder Engagement section on pages 24 to 27) • Continuing to develop and assess the broad range of opportunities for colleagues to ask questions, to provide feedback and to play an active role in creating a great place to work Long term • Developing our employer brand to broaden our attraction strategies supported by a flexible, distinctive proposition to ensure we remain current and attractive in a hot tech talent market globally • Building strategic partnerships with organisations to support our commitment to create an inclusive and diverse environment • Connecting the initiatives at every stage of colleagues’ lives and careers to create enriched career pathways and achieve the best return for investment with improved colleague retention. Initiatives include work experience, the Next Generation Talent programme, mentoring and CyberFirst bursaries, and Alumni programmes Committee effectiveness During the year, the Nomination Committee carried out an internal self-evaluation on its effectiveness. A number of recommendations were made, including the need to: • Continue to build on the strong initial progress with our firm commitment to have at least 33% female representation and at least one person of colour on the Board by 2024 • Focus on succession planning for the Board and senior management • Continue to improve succession plans for senior executives and improve exposure to senior executives at Board meetings and within more informal settings External search consultancies During the year, we used the following search consultancies for the following recruitment: • Julie Chakraverty – Independent Search Partnership LLP • Mike Maddison – Heidrick and Struggles International Inc • Lynn Fordham – Sam Allen Associates Limited None of the three agencies named above have any other connection with the Company.

Activities during the year During the year, the Committee: • Recruited a new CEO

• Recruited a new independent Non-Executive Director • Evaluated the skills, knowledge and experience around the Board table • Reviewed the structure, size and composition of the Board • Reviewed the Directors’ length of service • Reviewed the diversity of the Board • Reviewed the memberships of all Committees • Reviewed the expected time commitment of the Chair and the Non-Executive Directors • Evaluated its own performance as a Committee During the year, the Nomination Committee has had several in-depth presentations from the Chief People Officer which focused on people, talent and succession planning. These presentations looked at the overall current position and in particular senior succession, i.e. the Executive Committee and its direct reports. Presentations and updates during the year This year has been a busy one for the Committee and it has had a number of presentations and updates on various colleague matters across the Group. These include the following: • Reviewed achievements over the previous year for the global people team and looked forward to priorities for the year ahead • Reviewed our development of capability with a particular focus on senior succession and talent. We have also reviewed our approach to accelerating and developing our global leadership capability • Received an update since the previous year on our future state ambition of being “a hub for cyber talent and a destination employer with a quirky, distinctive environment” • Reviewed the pipeline of step up candidates within the Group • Considered the generational perspectives of colleagues within the Group and their differing needs from an organisational and leadership perspective • Reviewed colleague engagement results from the annual colleague survey (BHeard) when mapped against current colleagues and former colleagues. Exit interview data and key themes were also presented to the Committee • Reviewed both present and former colleague sentiment on social media channels • Explored our current global leadership KPIs and discussed opportunities for improvement as we launch our leadership development programme in FY23 • Received a comprehensive briefing on the annual colleague survey results (BHeard), along with the agreed next actions • Received a briefing on the Action Ally programme being rolled out across the Group Our ambition for our future state is to be “a hub for cyber talent and a destination employer with a quirky, distinctive environment”. To support the ambition and our commitment to improving global diversity, we are focusing on: Processes • Removing barriers to entry and making our talent attraction and acquisition experience world class • Continuing to review all our processes/documentation to ensure all bias is removed including adverts and job descriptions

Chris Stone Chair, Nomination Committee 6 September 2022


NCC Group plc — Annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 May 2022

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