NCC Group plc Annual Report 2022

Key areas of discretion in the Remuneration Policy The Committee operates the Group’s variable incentive plans according to their respective rules and in accordance with HMRC rules where relevant. To ensure the efficient administration of these plans, the Committee will apply certain operational discretions. These discretions are implicit in the Policy stated above, but we have listed them for clarity. These include, but are not limited to, the following: • Selecting the participants in the incentive plans on an annual basis • Determining the timing of grants of awards and/or payments • Determining the quantum of awards and/or payments (within the limits set out in the Policy table) • Reviewing performance against annual bonus and LTIP performance metrics • Determining the extent of payout or vesting based on the assessment of performance • Making the appropriate adjustments required in certain circumstances, for instance for changes in capital structure • Determining “good leaver” status for incentive plan purposes and applying the appropriate treatment • Undertaking the annual review of weighting of performance measures and setting targets for the incentive plans, where applicable, from year to year • Discretion to override formulaic outcomes of the incentive schemes if an event occurs which results in the annual bonus plan or LTIP performance conditions and/or targets being deemed no longer appropriate (e.g. material acquisition or divestment); the Committee will have the ability to adjust appropriately the measures and/or targets and alter weightings, provided that the revised conditions are not materially less challenging than the original conditions • Discretion to override formulaic vesting outcomes if they are judged by the Committee not to be an accurate reflection of Company performance Legacy arrangements For the avoidance of doubt, in approving the Remuneration Policy, authority is given to the Company to honour any commitments entered into with current or former Directors before the current legislation on remuneration policies came into force or before an individual became a Director, such as the payment of outstanding incentive awards, even where it is not consistent with the Policy prevailing at the time such commitment is fulfilled. Details of any payments to former Directors will be set out in the Annual Report on Remuneration as they arise. External directorships for Executive Directors Executive Directors may accept one external non-executive directorship with the prior agreement of the Board, provided it does not conflict with the Group’s interests and the time commitment does not impact upon the Executive Director’s ability to perform their primary duty. The Executive Directors may retain the fee from external directorships.

NCC Group plc — Annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 May 2022


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