NCC Group plc Annual Report 2022

Sustainability continued

Governance continued The Board takes overall accountability for the management of all risks and opportunities and considers climate related issues when reviewing and guiding strategy, budgets and business plans as well as when setting performance objectives, monitoring implementation and performance, and overseeing major capital expenditure, acquisitions and divestitures. Our commitment is published through our Environment policy available on our website. Climate related risks and opportunities are managed within our broader sustainability framework and have executive oversight by the Global Director of Sustainability and Corporate Affairs. All key issues are reported up to the Board by the Executive Committee or Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Committee as they arise, climate related or otherwise. Now the TCFD risks and opportunities have been identified, and we have completed our climate related materiality assessment, this will be incorporated into business as usual and managed as per our risk management approach.

Since the start of calendar year 2022, climate change risk has been discussed in the quarterly ERM Committee meetings, which includes progress against our climate goals. To date, no climate related issues have required Board notification. However, going forward the effect of climate issues on future acquisitions, disposals and major capital expenditure, as well as an update on NCC Group’s net zero journey in particular, will be raised and discussed at all Board meetings. The Board and Executive Committee have both recently had climate awareness training delivered by Planet Mark, have seen our carbon footprint measurement and reduction targets and will be actively involved in the net zero journey planning led by our Global Director of Sustainability and Corporate Affairs and the role they play in reducing our impact on climate change.

How ERM fits into the Group Committee structure


Audit Committee

Cyber Security Committee

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Committee



NCC Group plc — Annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 May 2022

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