NCC Group plc Annual Report 2022

Sustainability continued

Risk management

TCFD recommended disclosure

NCC Group disclosure

Developments in FY22

Focus areas for FY23

Risk management

• Climate related risks are managed through our Enterprise Risk Management framework • Climate related risks are documented, mitigating actions considered, a risk rating assigned and associated actions documented and followed up • Climate related risks are managed through our Enterprise Risk Management framework

• Climate related risks identified and categorised over the short, medium and long term • Climate related risks identified with associated actions which are being actively followed up

• Monitor actions arising from risk register

A. D escribe the organisation’s processes for identifying and assessing climate related risks. B. D escribe the organisation’s processes for managing climate related risks.

• Monitor actions arising from risk register

• Climate related risks identified with associated actions which are being actively followed up

• Monitor actions arising from risk register

C. D escribe how processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate related risks are integrated into the organisation’s overall risk management.

Having identified and assessed our climate related risks based on short (<1 year), medium (1–5 years) and long-term (>5 years) horizons and categorised them into physical and transition risks (see Strategy section) we have determined that climate change is not currently a significant risk for NCC Group. However, we have included a climate related risk within our Principal Risks section as it is a key reporting area; see page 71. The ERM Committee has reviewed the risks, their mitigations, controls and associated actions and will continue to monitor these going forward.

Climate related risks are managed through our NCC Group Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework as published on our website and included in the Risk Management section in this report. All risks are assessed and scored in terms of likelihood and impact in line with our framework on a consistent basis. We adopt both a “top-down strategic” and “bottom-up operational” approach to managing risk in the pursuit of our strategic objectives. The approach is one of collaboration and we believe this is the most efficient and effective way to identify risks.

Secure leadership buy-in

Establish Committee oversight

Integrate into reporting

Assess financial impacts

Perform scenario analysis

Obtain assurance

Collaborate across the business

Implement internal control

Adapt ERM

Use existing tools

Solicit investor feedback


NCC Group plc — Annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 May 2022

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