NCC Group plc Annual Report 2022

NCC Con In June 2022, our celebrated NCC Con events returned to in person, bigger and better than ever before, with around 1,300 colleagues from our Assurance technical and sales community attending one of three events in APAC, North America and Europe. While North America and Europe were established events pre-pandemic, this was a first for our APAC colleagues, with the 100-strong team from Australia, Japan and Singapore coming together.

NCC Con is about sharing knowledge; it’s about colleague collaboration and celebration and it’s always been a firm highlight of our calendar. The learnings and the making of new friends, and reconnecting with old friends, are important parts of NCC Group’s success. Over the three events attendees had c.150 talks/workshops to choose from, and for those who were unable to attend in person, key talks were recorded and are available for colleagues to access throughout the year.

150+ talks/workshops to choose from 1,300 colleagues

It’s just absolutely refreshing to be able to connect after a few years of not having this in-person interaction, so energising is the word. ”

Gene Meltser

I’m very proud of working at NCC Group and making the difference we make every single day. It’s actually one of the honours of my life to work alongside individuals like you all. ”

Bhavana Singh


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