11 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the church
Ski-Vent-Clic Meeting
Military Whist
PCPS marks 40th
The Ski-Vent-Clic cross-country ski club
A military whist is being organized by a
Admission $6.
of Vankleek Hill holds its annual meeting
group of parishioners in aid of the St-Paul
Community Lunch
Sunday, November 20 at 7 p.m. at 6289
Plantagenet parish, November 20 at 1:30
Duval Road. Information: 613-678-3206 or
community lunch will be served at noon
p.m. at the community hall. Door prizes.
November 9 at St. Paul’s Church, 166 John
RSVPbeforeNovember 13.CallMariePaule
Christmas Tea, Bazaar
St.,Hawkesbury. Therewill alsobegifts and
The St. Jude’s Church annual Christmas
Viau (613-673-1986) or Françoise Vincent
cards in the afternoon. Call Aline Leroux
Memories and bargains will combine
at the Pleasant Corners Public School
Holiday Shopfest that will be held at the
BONNE FÊTE CHARLOTTE MÉNARD 90 ans aujourd’hui le 4 novembre 2011
school November 12 from10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Since thisyearmarks the40 th
of the school, former students are being
encouraged to take a walk down memory
lane during a wine and cheese reception
thatwill beheld the sameday from3p.m. to
6 p.m. Organizers are seekingmemorabilia
from students and teachers.People can
contact either Melissa at 613-674-2076 or
Karen Cunning at 613-678-3986.The
Shopfest will feature over 40 exhibitors
offering beauty products, kitchen supplies,
STÉPHANIECHARTRAND Propriétaire,Coiffeuse,Coloriste
sweets andhomedecor. Fashionshowswill
be staged at noon and 2:30 p.m.
Remembering Mr. Kelly
As part of the 40th anniversary
celebration, the school is holding an
assembly for the 400 pupils November 9,
De tes enfants : Monique (Gaëtan), Marcel (May), Yves (Louise) et Joanne (Reynald), tes 18 petits-enfants,
when a school bell will be unveiled at the
entrance to the office and dedicated to the
Venez voir nos deux nouvelles coiffeuses, Annick Morin et Nathalie Payer
memory of the late Ed Kelly, the first
tes 25 arrière-petits-enfants et ton arrière-arrière-petit-fils. On t’aime beaucoup xxxooo
Euro-Coupe - 579, rue Principale, Lachute Tél. : 450 562-0665
principal of PCPS.A mural is also being
created in the library
d’une réception sans stress
Rés.: 613-673-5220 RÉSERVEZ TÔT POUR LES FÊTES ! S ALLE PRIVÉE POUR 60 PERSONNES Buffet chaud et froid pour toutes occasions * * * NOUVEAU * * * BUFFET tous les vendredis, samedis et dimanches de 17 h à 20 h 2,95 $ Bienvenue à tous ! RESTAURANT M OTEL DE C HAMPLAIN Réservation : 613 673-5220 • PLANTAGENET
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Grande sélection de produits maison : Tourtières, pâtés au poulet, pâtés au saumon, dindes fraîches et congelées
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293, rue James, Hawkesbury, Ontario | 613 632-3141
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