King's Business - 1928-10

f t } ^ I t a q o ^ i u c

October • 1928



-Volume 119—Number 10 25 cents a copy

$1.25 a year in U. S. $1.50 foreign

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The K i n g ’s Bus ine s s Motto: “I, the Lord, do \eep it; 1 will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, 1 will \eep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3 PUBL ISH ED M O N T H L Y BY AND R EPRE SEN T ING THE B IB LE I N S T I T U T E OF LOS ANGELE S J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief ^ : C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor E rnest E. N ichols , Circulation Manager Volume X IX October, 1928 Number 10


Table of Contents


D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter ^ Secretary o f Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , Secretary Cor. School R ev . A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt R ev . A lva J. M c C lain C hristian M. B ooks R ev . K eith L. B rooks ■ P rof . A lfred A. B utler M iss F lorence C haffee R ev . J ohn A, H ubbard P rof . H. W . K ellogg M iss R uth W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge H. W . B oyd , M.D. M rs . A lma K. M oss P rof . R aymond C onner B. G. P inkerton , M.D. Advertising : For information with reference to. advertising in T he K ing ' s B usiness ad­ dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate o f postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. F. J ean H olt , M.D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. M argaret M orris , M.D. Miss A lta D avis

J. M. I rvine , President J. M. R ust , 1st Vice-President L eon V. S haw , 2nd Vice-President A lexander M ac K eigan , Secretary M rs . L yman S tewart , Asst. Secretary H oward F rost C. E. F uller N athan N e . wby W illiam H azlett J. O. S mith

ED ITOR IALS The Preeiousness o f Christ.................................... .579 Possessions That Slip Through Our Fingers......579 The Old Bible and the Stone Bible...................... 579 “ In Season and Out o f Season” .............................580 When Conveniences Are a Curse...........................580 The Holy Spirit is Science—-Says the Professor 581 Muddling the Issue................... :............................. 581 The Only Crime Deterrent..................... ................582 Editorial Flashlights.................... ...................... ,......583 * * * ART ICLES The Life That Blossoms Red—Editor-in-Chief..585 The Age o f Drift— Rev. D. Beaton..... .................586 The Biological Failure o f Evolution — Dudley J. Whitney.,...................................... „.588 Selling Real Life Insurance —Rev. Wm. S. Bowden..................................... 590 Biola Glee Club Given Warmest Welcome Everywhere—Hugh Peterson,................... ....592 Dr. Holden’s Keswick Key-Note........................ „595 The Withheld Portion— Pastor W . Mallis..........596 The Sons o f Sinim in the South Seas ■—R. A . Jaffray................................... ............ ......597 “ Thou and Thy House”-ADr. Frank A , Keller....609 The Story o f the Apis—Dr. Arthur I. Brown......632 Outline1Study o f The Four Gospels — Dr. J. J. Sims....................................................633 * * * DEPARTMENTS Passages That Perplex—K. L. B ......................... 602 Heart to Heart With Our Young Readers............604 The B.B.B.B. Page—K. L. B ..................................605 Striking Stories o f God’s Workings.......................606 Hymn Story—/ ‘My Jesus, I Love Thee” ............610 Finest o f the Wheat................ ................................. 611 The Junior King’s Business— Orah G. Brooks....613 International Lesson Commentary.........................615 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce....624 Illustrated Daily Texts,...........................................627 Our Literature Table................... 635

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean W m . A. F isher , E x e c u t i v e Secretary and Treasurer. Terms : $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun-’ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs of 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “ Bible Institute o f Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date o f expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts: T h e K i n g ' s B usiness cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change o f Address: Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date o f desired change.

? 9 L1CT* DEFtNED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Low Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work-and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: and to teach the transforming .power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. ■ , , v ; ‘ : 1 / I • mum “ 6 536-558 S. Hope Street -BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, California


HE first thing to do when your K ing ’ s B usiness comes is to turn to the back and note the date the daily devotions begin. Each day, be sure to read your text and the comment. ((Remember that the International Lesson Comments are published one month in ad­ vance. You must keep each copy at least two months on this account. ((In the back part o f your magazine you will find the C. E. Topics and comments for the current month. Be sure to read the Feature ‘Page opposite first editorial for important announcements., ((The first editorial is always devoted to Jesus Christ. It will feed your soul. A ll Editorials and “ Flashlights ” should be given careful atten­ tion. ( ( I f you love Gospel music, be sure to look for the new Gos­ pel Solo. ((Turn to Finest of the Wheat section for new Bible study material. Read Dr. Morgan’s Searchlight at the top. #T[ Carefully read the Bible Briefs, and preserve them by transfer­ al ring them to the margins o f your study Bible. If your Bible is India paper, use India ink. Bible outlines may be clipped and pasted in scrap-book or transferred to a note-book, topically arranged. ((What have the Atheists been doing this month? How shall we meet their propaganda? Be sure to read the School Bag Gospel League department. ((Passages That Perplex. Here you will find some o f your difficulties cleared up. Don’t miss these discussions. File the material for future reference. ((For up-to-the-minute strik­ ing stories of the workings „of God’s grace, be sure to turn to Strid­ ing Stories. ((A re there children in the home? Be sure to have them read the Junior King's Business. You can keep them busy many an hour by having them do the written work prescribed in this little paper. ((What new books have come out? You’ll find all the latest books reviewed in our Literature Table section. JJI And now for a good, solid spiritual feast! Nestle down in your j Jbig easy chair and read and digest the contributed articles. One more thing! When you find something especially good, ask your neighbor or friend to read it. Some o f our readers keep their copies in circulation until they are entirely worn out.

October 1928


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The Preciousness of Christ “ Unto you therefore which believe^-the preciousness." (Lit­ eral rendering o f 1 Pet. 2:7.)

through the Book. In 1874 this man’s aunt had died and one clause o f her will read: “ To my-beloved nephew I will and bequeath my family Bible and all it contains.” . The nephew cared little for the Bible, and neglected it for many years, not knowing „of the treasures it contained. He had lived in poverty most o f the time. While packing his trunk to move to the home of his son, he discovered the money in the old Bible. He had failed, up to that moment, to possess his possessions. So it was with the former owner o f Signal Hill. He lived in poverty, not knowing that underneath his feet was a lake o f oil worth countless millions of dollars. We say such cases are sad, yet in heaven’s estimate such cases are not comparable with those of Christian men and women who fail to possess their spiritual possessions. The “ unsearchable riches o f Christ” are the heritage of every believer. God’s Word is a treasure chest burst­ ing with golden promises to sustain, encourage afid ener­ gize us under all conditions. Alas, how few there are in the church today who have explored their own possessions or even begun to know what their inheritance is. And What shall we say o f the folly of the. Christ-rejecter,: who, for the sake of gaining a few of this world’s fleeting pleasures, turns his back upon “ the riches . o f grace-tin Christ Jesus” ?- )) The Old Bible and the Stone Bible O NE o f our subscribers writes (and others have writ­ ten in the same v e in ): “ Lam very glad T he K ing ’ s B usiness did not take a liking to the superstition about Cheops (the Great Pyramid) being ‘a stone Bible,’ and by means, trying to fix dates for the Lord’s coming and other prophetic events.” We fear that some of the earnest servants of the Lord have short memories of the results o f date-fixing in times past. Baxter’s book, “ Forty Coming Wonders,” over which so many Bible students became so excited a few years ago, furnishes a good example o f such attempts. A writer in an exchange recently told o f finding one of the older editions o f this book in a second-hand book store. He had an interesting time checking the changes made in Subsequent editions when prophecies and dates failed to materialize. Four times, this writer declares, dates were advanced as new editions came out. Some are still reading this book and recommending it with great enthu­ siasm. There are those who have similar memories of the dis­ coveries in “ the stone Bible.” At the beginning of the eighties we read that the length o f the great gallery o f the pyramid was 1,882 inches. In some mysterious way an inch was supposed to stand for a year, and 1882 was to mark a great epoch in the world’s history. 1882 was the year o f the Bombardment o f Alexandria, o f the bat­ tle o f Tel-el-Kebir and o f the commencement o f the British occupation o f Egypt; but these events did not deliver the goods which were promised. Prophetic stu­ dents who looked upon the Pyramid measurements as prophetic soon found a way out of the impasse.

>HE above rendering, found in the Re­ vised Version, gives striking emphasis to the preceding words in which Jesus Christ is presented as the precious Corner Stone of the Christian Faith. By whom is this preciou'sness discerned ? Peter answers: The preciousness is felt

by those who daily behold Him with the eyes of faith. This is a heart-searching word. Is your soul, like a photographer’s plate, sensitized so as to receive a daily renewal o f the sense o f His preciousness? Here is the secret o f all joy and spiritual growth. To experience it we must daily see Him for ourselves as He is mirrored in God’s Word. How many of our readers can honestly say Christ is constantly becoming more and more precious, to their souls? There are many who admire H im ; who like to hear Him preached about; who are ever ready to wrangle over H im ; but have they, for themselves, entered ifito His sweet secrets and discerned the preciousness? Have they found Him just the Lord they needed when sunshine was all about or when the clouds hung low ? Many' a glittering pebble is as precious to a child as would be a beautiful diamond. The diamond is treasured only by those trained to appreciate its value. So it is with the believer and Christ. His transcendent loveliness is not appreciated by any except those who are ready- to give Him the pre-eminence in all things and to make H im the solution of every problem in their lives. Oh, that we might so present Christ in these pages, that many should find a new personal enjoyment o f H im ! He alone can enable one to walk life’s highway with a satisfied Soul and a song of joy upon the lips.'; But you must discern the preciousness for yourself by allowing Him to dwell in your heart by faith. “ What think ye of Christ?” That is indeed a great test of spiritual standing. But “ What IS Christ to your soul ?” is a question that reveals the state of the soul. Those who daily discern the preciousness of Jesus will make it their perpetual prayer— “ Lord, what wilt Thou have me to d of”’tii> Possessions That Slip Through Our Fingers D R. RUSSELL H. CONW ELL ’S- story, “ Acres of Diamonds,” was recently reenacted when the man who once owned “ Signal Hill,” the great oil field of Los Angeles harbor, returned from the East to look over the old pasture where he used to herd his sheep. Three dry years caused him to dispose o f his property and go back to Michigan. He now grins grimly at his folly. That hill could not furnish enough grass to keep sheep alive. Today it is a veritable forest of oil derricks pumping up the golden fluid. : Some time ago an old man living in New Jersey found $5,000 in a family Bible. Bank notes -were scattered

October 1928

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sprèad indifference to the old Gospel message. Shall we not hold a straight course, remembering the exhortation: “ Preach the Word in season and out o f season,” for we have a guarantee, that “ in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” ■ ■ r ■ JÜ When Conveniences Are a Curse T H AT was a startling statement made in one o f the secular magazines lately— that most of those who have made a study o f the late war, agree that it might have been avoided but fo r the existence o f the telegraph. A hundred years ago, during the era o f the galloping courier, thé news, of the murder at Sarajevo would not have reached the more distant parts o f the world, such as St. Petersburg or Christiania, until two or three weeks

. The queen’s chamber was beyond the gallery, and the inches of that should be added. to 1882, and a corres­ ponding number o f years added to the same figure, bring­ ing the date further dpsjpi. This date, also, failed to work, and later the king’s chamber was added. When the third date failed, a further discovery was made, and this was that the calculations had started from the wrong point. The central point of history was not the change from B. C. to A. D., but the cross. This gave another 29 years with which to play, and calculations began afresh. Some crucial event was supposed to take place May 29, 1928. This date passed calmly by and the students of the stone Bible must now find some new kink in the calculations. W e do well to say with the Psalmist: “ I have stuck unto thy testimonies,” and it is certain that here we shall

afterwards. It would have taken a month before anyone in Berlin or London could have discovered what anyone else in Stockholm or Madrid was thinking about the possible consequences of this political drama. As it was, all the telegraphic wires of Europe were suddenly charged with bristling messages. Some of these came so fast that they overtook each other, con­ tradicted each other, and left their re­ cipients completely at sea, or free to accept any interpretation they wished. Add to this the confusion of trying to revaluate one language into another. Add to this the necessity ' of putting highly technical diplomatic French into some form o f Servian or Russian that would convey a clear meaning to recipients un­ familiar with the jargon. Add to this the habit o f coding and decoding that forced the whole correspondence to be stilted and awkward. Add to this— but enough. If the electro-magnetic telegraph had not been invented, a few quiet weeks of deliberation could almost certainly have shown the way out of the difficulties. We are by no means underestimating the value of these wonders o f modern

discover no dates for future events. W e shall be busy if we faithfully proclaim the essential truths and prepare men for the Lord’s coming, which is to be “ in such an hour as we think not.” “ In Season and Out of Season” H OW many o f our ministerial readers have, from time to time, sat under the juniper tree and said to themselves: “ My usefulness is ended. I am accom­ plishing nothing” ? Even Charles H. Spur­ geon, we are told, had his days o f “ seeing blue” and more than once wrote out his resignation in moments of depression. While often these feelings may be due to a tired body,¿;we cannot doubt that Satan constantly strives to depress the servants of Christ. ,


Writing in his paper The Sword and Trowel in 1874, Mr. Spurgeon told of his conversion in a little Primitive Methodist chapel in Colchester, in December, 1850. He had been compelled to turn in thither by a severe snowstorm, which even de­ layed the preacher. The text was Isa. 4 5 :22 and the minister preached most earnestly to a handful o f people. “ Look, young man, look to Jesus,” said the preacher, and Spurgeon looked straight to Jesus and was saved. The Christian Herald (London) has recently brought out the facts regarding the faithful preacher whom God used on that occasion, and concerning whom Mr. Spur­ geon in his lifetime never seemed to be clear. The man Was Robert Eaglen, Primitive Methodist minister, who was in his appointed place on that Sunday morning. It Was left to the Rev. D. Sheen (M r. Eaglen’s son-in-law) to gather all the facts o f the case and give them to the world. He has now “ passed onward,” and those also whose personal testimony he produced, but some o f their descendants ánd friends still remain, and several o f them have strongly confirmed the facts. Mr. Eaglen was at the time a thin, sickly looking man, though laté^he was restored to health. The rough notes o f his sermon on Isa. 45 :22 are still in existence. Mr. Eaglen sometimes told the story to friends but never in public, and so it has never become generally known. Three good men, well known, weré present at the service, and they testified to having seen Mr. Eaglen in the pulpit and young Spurgeon in one o f the pews. Many ministers today áre complaining of the wide-

invention, •but the fact remains that practically all of these conveniences— the telephone, the telegraph, the radio, the printing press and rapid transit—are being made to speed up the devil’s business. Someone suspects a neighbor. The breath o f scandal goes like lightning over the telephone to another friend. Perhaps within an hour a score o f phones have been ring­ ing, as each recipient o f the news imparts it, with a few additions, to someone else. By nightfall the news has spread many miles. There may not be a particle of truth in it, but the victim can never hope to catch up with the story. It cannot be undone. The name of Nobel is known to everyone, in con­ nection with the prize for those who contribute greatly to the cause o f human progress. What few persons know is that Nobel was a kind-hearted citizen who bestowed dynamite upon this world. Nobel expected great things o f dynamite. It was to be a godsend to the farmer con­ fronted by stumps and rocks. The life of the miner was to be safer and happier. It would benefit the whole industrial world. But the inevitable military experts got busy. Dynamite was used to blow human beings into “ kingdom-come,” and old Nobel left the money from his

October 1928


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factories to the human race in general so that it might at least acquire a little indirect happiness from his un­ fortunate invention. Thus we see how well-meaning people are uncon­ sciously 'made Satan’s tools and havoc which was never intended is wrought in hundreds of lives. How much we need to pray that we may be guided and guarded in all our written and spoken words in these days, lest we become the agents o f the powers o f darkness. The Holy Spirit is Science—Says the Professor M ODERN thinkers are laboring enthusiastically to work out mutual relations between science and Christianity. Needless to say, it is Christianity that suf­ fers by their efforts. Much is being written about the scientific spirit in religion and the religious spirit in sci­ ence, but usually the scientist devises the kind of a God in which he wants to believe. An excellent example o f such attempts comes out in an article by Professor Fairchild in a recent issue of The Forum. The professor seeks to demonstrate that the Holy Spirit, the Third Person o f the Trinity, is science. Our Lord’s saying: “ The Spirit o f truth which proceedeth from the Father . . . shall testify o f me,” furnishes the suggestion for this idea. The Spirit o f truth, the professor contends, must mean science. He tries the experiment o f putting the word “ sci­ ence” in the place o f the title “ the Holy Spirit,” or equivalent expressions, where it occurs in sayings of our Lord. He thinks it works out splendidly (fo r the sci­ entists) although it is frankly admitted that in passages other than our Lord’s sayings, it does not seem to fit. We are asked, therefore, to divest our minds o f all “ tradi­ tional ideas” and to assume that the Saviour used these expressions in a different sense from that o f the New Testament writers who followed Him. But how shall we meet the fact that those to whom our Lord spoke were quite familiar. with the doctrine o f the Holy Spirit which permeates the Old Testament Scriptures? Is it likely that He used these familiar expressions with entirely new meanings? If He meant something so entirely different from the historical mean­ ing as Professor Fairchild is inclined to think, He would have experienced great difficulty in presenting His inter­ pretation to the people of His time. The word “ science” certainly will not work as a substitute for the titles o f the Holy Spirit in any place in 1the Old Testament. The Spirit that came upon Elijah and Isaiah certainly was not science, nor was it science that descended from heaven in the form o f a dove and rested upon the Son of God. The Holy Spirit is everywhere presented in Scripture as a divine Person having individual substance, intelli­ gence and will. He is a living, thinking, acting being, the Third Person o f the Godhead, the Comforter o f God’s people, the Advocate o f God residing in every true child o f God. He is represented by our Lord as received through union with Himself (Jn. 7 :39 ). Is the professor ready to admit that all who reject Jesus Christ as a per­ sonal Saviour are without science? The Holy Spirit fills only those who surrender to Christ. Where does that leave most o f the modern scientists? The humblest Bible lover could easily show the professor’s contentions to be absolutely ridiculous. The editor o f The Living Church has said: “ We need to be on our guard against slipping easily from ‘God in me,’ by the alteration o f a single letter, to ‘God IS m e!’ ”

“They Dwelt W i th the Kin g . F o rH i sWo r l f (1 Chron. 4:23) B y R ev . J. M. P ammext Umalpine, Ore. From 'service below t o ' servide’^ ^ i i ^ J ^ A service o f gladness, of joy and ofejfive; ■ From service on earth to service in heaven, This is the reward to God’s childrenygiven. No pen can describe the joy or reward ? For service we render our Saviour and Lord ; Or language set forth the joy and delight; That is theirs, who serve in the mansions o f light. No language o f earth can ever make known, The reward for their labor, whom Jesus will own; When in words o f rich grace, the Christian shall hear, “Ye blest o f my Father, come, dwell with me here.” So we’ll labor as long as He leaves us below, Assured that' at death to heaven we’ll g o ; And renew through the years of eternity long The joy, and the gladness, the service and song. So we banquet on grace, and dwell with the King, Ere the riches o f glory shall cause us to sing Unto Him who hath loved us and caused us to know The joy there is found in service below. That is exactly the .change which Professor Fairchild would like to see made. The deification o f man is attempted first by trying to make all men sons o f God in the same sense as was our Lord, and now it is suggested that the Third Person of the Trinity is science.’ I we. ■ Muddling the Issue B ILL NYE found in reading Webster’s Dictionary that the plot is hard to follow. W e find it more and more difficult to get the viewpoints of some orthodox editors. One editor in reviewing a book by a well-known missionary says : “ We welcome the author’s most clear declaration as to the deity and atonement o f our Lord Jesus Christ. The author, however, will not let us forget that he is a Modernist, for he does not accept verbal and plenary inspiration.” Question No. 1 : Is a man who fully accepts the atone­ ment and deity o f our Lord a ModernistJ^Question No. 2 : How many o f the saints in heaven’ knew anything about verbal and plenary inspiration before they arrived there? Should we not be a bit careful in classifying men as Modernists even though we ourselves have very positive convictions as to the method of inspiration? On the other hand, some of the Modernists set an equally perplexing problem before us. Here is Dr. Shailer Mathews o f Chicago who, according to press reports, affirms: “Modernists as a class are evangelical Christians. That is, they accept Jesus Christ as the revelation o f a Saviour God.” Is a man to be entitled to be classed as

October 1928

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While mother and sister are away in the fields, planting, or plowing, or harvesting, t h e Batak menfolk, including most of the boys o f the tribe, strut around the village, enjoying the ease that is their birthright. O f course, if an enemy threat­ ens the village they are ex­ pected to, and they do, fight in its defense, but the women do no less on such occasions, and they perform all the man­ ual tasks o f the village when no danger threatens it.

The process o f threshing is a dual one. First the women­ folk stamp over the harvested rice, with their bare feet, to separate the grain from the sheaf. o f Farm L ife on the Toba Plateau, Interior o f Sumatra

Here You’ll Get an Idea

Herbert Photos

thyroid, and pituitary glands helps to create the criminal mind. Some glandular deficiencies may be inherited and thus, some have criminal impulses for which they are not responsible. If the outlet for these secretions becomes narrowed or closed, the. result^‘ ‘may deaden the sense of justice or the impulse for good, while the brain may at the same time indicate unusual intellectuality.” If this theory is carried out, the day may come when the proper thing to do when the judge asks whether you are guilty or not will be to. show him a telegram from the family physician declaring that your pituitary gland hasn’t been working for years. However these gentlemen may account for the cause of crime, the fact remains that thousands o f the worst criminals have been made new creatures in Christ, and left the old life immediately and forever. The Word o f -God clearly tells us both the cause and cure for crime. Men who art jalienated and at enmity with God in their minds (Col. 1 :21) are certain to produce “ wicked works.” What­ ever the birth, culture or circumstances o f men, if they are estranged from God in their rational powers, in con­ flict with the divine will, this state o f mind is going to express- itself sooner or later. God has one cure for this condition— only one. Men who have experienced, the new birth do not give them­ selves to wicked works. They are “ transformed by the renewing o f their minds” ( Rom. 12:2). Christianity is the only effective crime deterrent above the horizon. Why look for any other? Does it work? In New York City, o f all the multitude arrested for crime of anysort in the last twenty-five years, less than five per cent have ever been in Sunday school or had any religious instruction whatever; o f the negro arrests for crime, less than one per cent have been con­ nected with the church. This means that 95 per cent of the negro criminals are recruited from outside of the church. In a survey o f two of the great state prisons in America, it was found that of 974 prisoners in the prison, only one had studied the Bible. In the other prison, where there were 1,750 inmates, only six had studied the Bible.

“ evangelical” * because he makes use o f orthodox terms when everyone knows he gives an interpretation to the words which will not bear the light o f Scripture? There are Modernists of the earnest type o f Dr. Mathews and Dr. Fosdick who are making quite too easy the task of contrasting their own and their opponents’ views. What do they mean by “ accepting Jesus Christ as the revelation o f a Saviour God” ? Do they mean that He was “ God-like” or that He was “ the express image o f the invisible God” ? Do they mean that He died to teach men how to love God and how to die, or that He “ came to give His life a ransom fo r sinners?” ■ It is apparently the devil’s strategy to get the issues so confused that the ordinary layman will be unable to tell where the dividing line falls. It is high time for both Evangelicals and Modernists to clearly define the issues, to resolve to be fair and square, and to stop playing fast and loose with one another’s vocabularies. The Only Crime Deterrent Z ION ’S Herald, reporting an address by Dr. William J. Hickson, delivered at the Race Betterment Con­ ference, quotes him as having said that as a result of examining 40,000 criminals over a period o f twelve years, he has arrived at the conclusion that criminals cannot be reformed. They are constitutionally defective. Struthers Bert, writing in The Saturday Evening Post, reasons that crime has always been with us and that the cure for it will soon be found when we are forced to take drastic steps. Mankind does not move until it has to, he declares, and it is only when conditions become impossible that they are changed. He tells how our engineers were forced to investigate the cause of yellow fever in building the Panama Canal. He reminds us of the plagues that swept Europe m the Middle Ages and were the mothers of sanitation and preventative medicine. In the same way, he thinks, when we are driven to it, we will raise up someone who will discover the cause and cure of crime. On top of this statement from Mr. Bert comes the announcement from the head of the New York Neurolog­ ical Institute that the action or inaction of the thyrus,

October 1928


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I’d rather be o f Adam’s race And know for sure without disputes From whence I came and who I am, Than one o f Darwin’s evolutes. I’d rather be his fallen son With privileges to recruit Than risen son from monks and skunks And then be nothing but an evolute! * * * “ If babies weren’t going out of fash­ ion,” says the Los Angeles Times, “it would be only a matter o f time until every home would' have a built-in spanker.’^?, * * * “Up to the age o f 40,” Henry Ford said recently, “a manis in training— every man is. He is assembling the tools with which to work.” * * * A man said, some time ag o: “ I love humanity but I do not like people.” It was said o f Rousseau" that he combined love o f all mankind in general with a hatred o f all mankind in particular. Christianity teaches love to the individual. Our Lord had compassion on multitudes and taught men one by one. Ministers should beware o f “pulpit passion” when not accompanied by the passion to deal with men one by one, * * * Says The Churchman : “ The letters which Compose the word ^Presbyterian might be rearranged as ‘Best in prayer,’ or another might use them to spell ‘Priest near by.’ Some wretch turned ‘Congregationalist’ into ‘Got a scant religion.’ ” * * * The data gathered by Dr. Charles Stelzle a year ago indicate that 87 per cent o f the adult population o f the cities of the country believe the fundamental teachings o f Christianity, and 77 per cent o f them are members o f the church. * * * At the Congregational conference in Chicago Dr. Malcolm Dana said:. “ It is not true that country people are intensely religious and inveterate church-goers. As a result o f four years’ study of rural con­ ditions, we find that- only one-fifth of country people go to church. There are 101,000 town and country churches in America. Two-fifths of them are standing still or losing ground. There are 38,000 rural churches, or 42 per cent of all, which have no pastors.” * * ♦ According to Century Magazine : “ Sixty per cent of all Protestant churches made not a single convert in 1927. And in the same year Will Durant’s publishers sold nearly 200,000 copies o f his ‘Story of Philosophy.’ It seems that Americans would rather know the definition and his­ tory of God than praise him in His tem- ples.”

Evangelical Messenger discusses a rap­ idly spreading disease called “Morbus Sabbaticus,” which attacks the patient suddenly every Sunday. No symptoms are felt on Saturday night; the patient sleeps well, wakes feeling well; eats a hearty breakfast; but about church time the attackcomes on and continues until services are over for the morning. * * * There were in the United States 223 lodges o f The American Theosophical Society in 1926, with 7,448 members, as compared with 157 lodges and 5,097 mem­ bers reported in 1916. * * * Many valuable drugs may be very dan­ gerous when administered by unskilled persons. “There are branches o f learning that have like unfavorable possibilities,” says The Biblical Review. “Few people comprehend the requirements for satis­ factory and safe research in certain fields; the fascination o f a subject may blind one to many o f the facts concern­ ing it ;• the very technical language some people use so glibly they do not always . understand. Psychology has a great host of dabbling disciples who follow it afar o ff,; intellectually. Naturally , they are easily led astray by the behavioristic type o f leader, so that faith suffers. Yet psy­ chology is not necessarily hostile to the Christian faith.” * * * ‘ According to figures furnished by the motion-picture industry o f the United States for the year 1926, the box-office re-

ceipts amounted to more than $600,000,- 000,” says an exchange. “According to figures compiled by church statisticians, the entire contributions to the Protestant churches o f America, for all purposes, in­ cluding foreign missions, were a little over $500,000,000. In other words, the mo­ tion-picture business received $100,000,000 more cash from the American public than all the Protestant churches put together.” * * * Department o f Commerce data show 252 active Pentecostal Holiness churches with 8,096 members in 1926. Ten years ago there were 192 churches with 5,353 members. The average membership per church is 32. * * * Will Rogers, humorist, who reported for many daily papers the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, had considerable to say about preachers who were called upon to open the session with prayer, and who read their prayers. Some have accused Rogers of being im­ pious, However,"’ we "have been some­ what impressed by the comment o f Harry Carr, Los Angeles news writer, who said: “ To my mind it was the preachers who were shockingly sacrilegious. Reading a stump speech from a piece of paper and calling it prayer would seem to be about the final depth o f hypocrisy, not to speak of one reverend gentleman who favored heaven with some red-hot election bul­ letins. Strange to say, the impropriety o f these ‘prayers’ was so bitterly resented in the press gallery, that mahy corres­ pondents refused to take their seats until they had been delivered. ‘Delivered” is right 1” * * * Eighty-three German neurologists and insanity specialists recently sent out an urgent call not to take Christian teaching from the young people in the public schools o f Germany. Their plea is as fol­ low s: “In the present lamentable struggle of political parties over the schools, attempts are being made, in a folly - truly irre­ sponsible, to shake the foundations of Christianity. ^ We . . . . earnestly warn a g a i n s t allowing the ' belief in Christ, even in the least degree, to lapse in the hearts o f our youth, since it is this that is the real anchor in the storms in our times. The Christian reli­ gion is now, and will remain, the philoso­ phy, the ethic, the socialism.” * * * A Los Angeles newspaper correspon­ dent, in an interview with one o f Krishna- murti’s staff, was told of an amusing perplexity that confronted this “ world- teacher.” America is too easy. Amer­ icans gleefully and enthusiastically accept him—or anybody else—as the last o f the prophets— a new Messiah—or anything else he likes. W e question nothing, but we just greet him with a whoop and a

Lincoln W a s Right "Oh, no, at least not now," said Lincoln once. “I f I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how—the very best / , can; and I intend to keep on doing so until the end. I f the end brings. me out all right, what is said, against me won’t amount to anything. I f the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference." We are reminded o f an inscription on the town house o f Zittau: “Bene facere et male audire regnum e st" “ To do good and hear evil spoken o f you is kingly."

October 1928


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The Cook Stove Apostasy T HE early church prayed in the upper room. The Twentieth Century church cooks in the supper room. Today the supper room has taken the place o f the upper room. Play has taken the place o f prayer, and feasting the place o f fasting. There are more full stomachs in the church than bended knees and broken hearts. There is more fire in the kitchen range than there is in the church pulpit. Ice cream chills the fervor o f spiritual life. The early Christians were not cooking in the supper room the day the Holy Ghost came, but they were praying in the upper room. They were not waiting on tables ; they were waiting on God. They were not waiting for fire from the stove, but for the fire from above. They were detained by the command o f God, and not enter­ tained by the cunning of men. They were filled with the Holy Ghost, not stuffed with stew or roast. Oh, I should like to sëe the cooking squad put out, and the praying band put in. Less ham and sham and more heaven. Less pie and more piety. Less use for the cook and more itse for the old Book. Put out the fire in the church kitchen and build' it on the church altar. More love and more life. Fewer dinners and get a f­ ter more sinners. Let us have a church full o f waiters, waiting on God; a church full o f servers, serving God and waiting for His dear Son from heaven.^(Se­ lected. Inserted by request). The Meaning of Pain Said an eloquent preacher: “A man can no more become a man till life has dealt with him than a daffodil can burst its sheath till it is put into the grip o f the earth. A part o f that experience is the experience of pain.” Willingly would all o f us be spared pain, but there are some o f the deepest elements of character that seem to come only through suffering. One look at the face o f the Christ, lit up amid the shadows o f Gethsemane by the passion which burns His heart, will give you more insight into the meaning o f pain than all the volumes that were ever written. Bible in a Nutshell Martin Luther said that if anyone has mastered the book of Romans, he has mastered the Bible as a whole, and it is true, for in this book we have the deepest truths in the Word o f God.

“ O-o, looky what we found!” W e stick him up in a niche; do a grand war dance around him; and then find somebody else. * * * The Chicago ministers were circular­ ized with a questionnaire containing forty-seven questions, prepared and sent out by Professor George K. Betts of the religious education department o f North­ western University. The only thing these 436 ministers agree upon, so far as belief is concerned, is that God exists. “Twenty per cent doubt or deny that God exists in three distinct persons; thirteen per cent, that He is omnipotent; thirty per cent doubt whether the inspiration of the Bible is different from that o f other great religious literature; sixty-six per cent doubt or deny the equal authority o f all parts o f the Bible, and only 38 per cent are sure that it is free from myth or legend; twenty-nine per cent doubt the Virgin Birth of Jesus; eight per cent His sinlessness; sixteen per cent His bodily resurrection ; only three per cent doubt the continuance o f life after death, but thirty-eight per cent the bodily resurrec­ tion ; rather surprisingly, sixty per cent say that they believe in a personal devil, fifty-three per cent in hell as an actual place and fifty-seven per cent in heaven as having a definite location somewhere in the universe.” These Out-of-Door Worshipers Dr. L. S. Bauman, of Long Beach, re­ cently used the illustration that Roosevelt was a church-goer. It is said that on one gloomy Sunday morning during the world war, he walked three miles in order to at­ tend worship. One of his neighbors, no­ ticing this, said to him : “I can worship in the fields or anywhere else.” “ Yes,” replied Mr. Roosevelt, “but no one will ever suspect you o f it!” As with most great statesmen, church­ going was a regular habit with Roose­ velt. He set a good example. Your regu­ lar attendance at all the regular services of the Church is a duty you owe to God, and not to man. It is a shame that so many are so ready to neglect this sacred duty they owe to God, and blame the preacher, or the baby, o f the “ Sunday vis­ itors,” or “the rheumatiz’,” or any other thing on which they can hang an excuse for their neglect of that which they owe to God alone. In that day, when even Christians must stand at the judgment seat o f Christ, are you going to tell the Lord that the reason you stayed away from the services o f the Church, or at most could only attend one o f the regular Sunday services, was because the preacher “preached too long” ? Or, are you going to get downright honest before the great Searcher o f hearts, and admit that the real reason for your slack attendance was because you had vpry little interest in the Church and the-; things that concerned HIM, and the salvation o f souls for whom He died?

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Dean In g e : “ The history o f a church ought to be a biography of ideals. It is actually a history o f controversy and creeds.” * * * Richard H. Edmons, editor, Baltimore: “ Above all else this country needs a nation-wide revival o f the old fashioned Christian religion.” * * * Henry Watterson: “The paramount question un­ derlying Democracy is the re­ ligion of Jesus Christ. Elimi­ nate Christ, and you leave the world to eternal war.” * * * Roger Babson: “ The need o f the hour is more religion everywhere, from the halls o f Congress to the fac­ tories, mines and forests. It is one thing to talk about plans and policies of reformation, but without a religious motive they are like a watch without a mainspring or a body with­ out the breath o f life.” * * * John E. Edgerton, at annual convention National Association o f Manufacturers: (A fter speaking o f the legal profession) “ The other par­ ticular profession that is be­ coming more closely identi­ fied with our industrial and economic life is the ministe­ rial, which I acknowledge as the most essential o f all fac­ tors in the world’s harmo­ nious progress. As religion is the most vital and necessary force in the affairs o f men, it is the more important that the ministry hold itself above re­ proach.” * * ♦ Dr. G. E. Shipler, editor ‘‘The Churchman "1: “ There is something out of adjustment in the universe when people will give millions for building cathedrals and scorn appeals for a few thou­ sand dollars for maintaining an instrument for promoting that enlightenment without which cathedrals are but un­ meaning gestures. I have hope that there will be a better conception o f values in the future. Sooner or later church people who have money to give for the promotion o f the religion o f Jesus will see the inescapable value of the en­ lightened, free, and forward- looking religious journal.”

October 1928


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The Life That Blossoms Red B y the E ditor - in -C h ief

HE life that blossoms red is the life o f the cross issuing in resurrection, power and victory. It is the more abundant and uncommon life that Jesus Christ came to make a reality in the life o f every one who is willing to accept it in the only way in which it can be experienced. It is the supreme need o f the average Christian o f our day. Men everywhere are recognizing a fatal lack in their own experience and in the experience of the church as a whole. The words o f the Apostle Paul, “ Wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me out o f the body o f this death?” were the language of a defeated and fruitless lifte and they often spring to our lips in the consciousness of our own failure and restlessness. Men and women know they are not experiencing that abundant and uncommon life spoken of by Jesus. When Paul cried he,cried for a pur­ pose. The point and end o f the great story of his letter to the Romans is not in chapter seven, but in what fol­ lows. It is not the story o f drought, sterility and failure, but of life, fruitage and victory—a story o f confidence and power. It is the story of the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, making him free from this law of sin and death and meeting his .needs in a way in which they were not met in the old life. In the old life the emphasis was put on the law and formalism, as expressed in the exter­ nals of life. The new life finds its source'and secret of power, as well as of victory, in the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which always emphasizes, not the things without, but the things of the spirit and the inner life. It is the way of the cross through which alone life blossoms red in fruitage and victory. “ O cross that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee; I lay in dust life’s glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red Life that shall endless be.” The reason that we are failing today is that we do want to escape the cross, and, like the men o f Christ’s day, we are trying to meet the needs of life, that can only be met by the cross, through mere forms and shibboleths. The men of His day were willing enough to say, “ Lord, Lord,” but He told them that this is not enough, for it is not the way o f life. If men would know the uncommon life that blossoms red they must do the will of the Father who is in heaven. This is not salvation by works, but it is the works o f a salvation through faith in Christ. The men of that day were correct in their forms, rituals and creeds. They prayed,- gave alms and brought gifts to the altars of the temple, according to the accepted rules. But Christ said: “ Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness o f the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom o f Heaven.” s These things in the life that blossoms red are not done to be seen of men but are the expression of an impelling

life that is rooted in an inner relation with God. The men o f that day also thought that righteousness was to be secured and established through material power, but Jesus said that those who take the sword, the weapon of mate­ rialism, and follow its methods, Shall perish by the sword. He reminded them that, on the contrary, the weapons of His warfare.are spiritual. Paul understood what Christ meant, for, when he comes to describe the Christian weapons, he clearly shows they are, all weapons that are related to the experience o f the inner life, the life of the Spirit in Christ Jesus. All of this life of mere talk and form and force is clearly an expression o f the self life. It gives the self a chance to boast and put on airs, but it does not bring the deep satisfaction of the soul and it lacks spiritual power. C orrect C reed W ithout L ife Recently an honored servant o f God preached a won­ derful sermon manifesting a good deal of knowledge about certain theories of the Bible prophecies. A fter the service was over an earnest Christian was heard to say, “ It may be all very true, but there is nothing in it to help me to live a better life this week;” , The tragedy of the men o f Christ’s day was that they had correct forms and creeds but they rejected Jesus Christ and His offer of the life more abundant. They did not understand Him and they did not want Him. That does not mean that they lost their interest in reli­ gion ; on the contrary they were so tremendously interested •that they would encompass land and sea to make a convert and were willing to destroy all who differed from them in their interpretation of God and His Book.. How unlike the life that blossoms red in love, patience and sacrificial service, seeking not its own but always the things of other's. It is not altogether pleasant to bring our lives and activities to the test of these standards, but it is of tre­ mendous importance that we should do so. We are thor­ oughly convinced that our failures, restlessness and lack of power are due to the fact that we are still in the exter­ nals of religion and not carried on by the boundless tides of the life that blossoms red. While we are talking much about Jesus Christ and loyalty to Him, we are simply deliberately refusing to obey Him in the most real and tremendous things that He revealed and commanded. Where we are going wrong Paul went right, and there­ fore he could speak the gripping words o f a living expe­ rience through the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which actually made him free, not in theory but in reality, from the law of sin and death. No man can frankly accept Christ as Paul accepted Him and not know something o f the satisfaction, confi­ dence, conscious power and fruitage o f that wondrous life that blossoms red.

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