King's Business - 1928-10

October 1928


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

L ife” (John 6 :4 8 ); “ the Water o f L ife” (John 4 : 14 ) ; “ peace that passeth all understanding” (John 1 4 :27 ); “ joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Pet. 1 :8). Talk about dividends! This is the company that pays the worth­ while dividends. The future benefits of this company are to be enjoyed by the insured individual himself. “ And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life” (1 John 2 :25 )...................“W e should be made heirs accord­ ing to the hope o f eternal life” (Titus 3 :7 ). The resur­ rection from the dead! Eternal life! ! Glory unfading!!! This is the only company which actually- gives life. “ The gift o f God is eternal life” (Rom. 6 :23 ). In the coming day of glory ,and reward there will be bestowed upon the myriads of policy-holders a life that will measure with the life of God. Blessed be His name! “ And the witness is this, that God gave unto us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Sort hath the fife; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not the life” (1 John 5:11, 12). “ Your,'life is hid with Christ in God. Wheq Christ, who is our life, shall be manifested, then shall ye also with Him be manifested in glory” (Col. 3 :3, 4 ). The pplicy from this wonderful company also guar­ antees the holder a beautiful home in the celestial city. W e need have no fear concerning the ability of the company to give that which is promised. The company is rich. The resources back o f the policies can never be wiped out. The authors of all huirtan systems o f life insurance are dead or dying. No one o f them is able to preserve his own life from death and corruption. The, officers o f the Everlasting-Life Insurance Company pos­ sess eternal life. The Living God is back of all life. Jesus was quickened by the “ Eternal Spirit.” ) It is written: “ For as the Father hath life in Himself; even so gave He to the Son also to have life in Himself’) (John 5 :26 ). A human company may fa il; God’s company—never! C onditions of the P olicy The conditions o f the policy are simple. Here they a re: -“ Repentance toward God, and faith toward .our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 2 0 :2 1 ); a full surrender (Luke 14: 22 ) ; obedience (John 14 :15). Primarily it is not a money consideration. “ Without money and without price” (Isa. 55 :1). The richest person has no more chance of getting a policy than the poorest person. “ God is no respecter of persons.” All dying creatures who realize their need of life may receive policies by meeting the simple conditions already stated. Every policy-holder is an agent for the company. In­ surance companies do. some business through their news­ paper advertising; most o f it is done through the agents upon the field. It is the personal interview that counts. I admire the zeal of many insurance agents. I would that all Christians were filled with eager, enthusiasm for the Everlasting-Life Insurance Company. Mr, tyfppdy tells of a little boy who climbed to his father’s knee, looked into his father’s face earnestly, and said: “ Pa, is your soul insured?” “ What are you thinking about, my son ?” repliecj the agitated; father. “ Why do you ask that question?” “ Why, pa, I heard Uncle George say that you had fire insurance, sickness insurance, acci­ dent insurance, insurance against loss from want of employment and loss from robbery. He said you had your

Keystone View Co. RUINS OF THE HOUSE OF NAAM AN THE SYRIAN. IN DAMASCUS, SYRIA, THEY POINT THIS OUT AS ALL THAT IS LEFT OF THE BEAUTIFUL HOME OF N AAM AN , SYRIAN CAPTAIN. IT WILL BE RECALLED HOW WHEN HE WAS AFFLICTED W ITH LEPROSY: THE LITTLE SERVING MAID TOLD H IM OF THE PROPHET ELISHA-, - AND HOW EVENT­ UALLY THE LEPROSY WAS CURED. house insured, and your barn insured, and your life in­ sured; but he didnlmthink: you had thought of your soul, and he was afraid, you would lose it. W on ’t you get it insured; right away?” The question set the father to thinking. It led him to take out a policy in thè Ever­ lasting-Life Insurance Company. During the great epidemic of influenza in 1918 the newspapers .„.pne morning announced the death of a wealthy-oil operator. His estate lost seven thousand dol­ lars o f insurance because he had failed to pay premiums on some policies. When the agent went to his office with the policies one afternoon he was informed that the man was ill. The policies were returned unsigned to the agent’s office. Death followed before the transaction could be completed. Delay meant loss. Delay often means loss. Insure NOW . “ Now is the accepted'tirne” (2 Cor. 6 :2 ): 1All companies Offering'to issue insurance policies after death are frauds. Beware ! Insure today. “ It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9 :27 ). Lay up for yourselves a good foundation against the time to come, that you may lay hold on eternal life. 1 Tim. 6:19. Do you hold a policy from the Everlasting-Life Insur­ ance Company? Are you an agent?

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