King's Business - 1928-10

What Is Descant? DESCANT, the style o f hymn singing common in the days o f the Tudors and Elizabeth, has been revived. In descant the congrega­ tion sings, not shyly, but for all it is worth. The choir sings in parts, and a picked group o f sopranos carries the melody, thus inspiring the congregation to lift their voices to the utmost. DESCANT will sweep the United States as it has swept England, thus stimulating our religious awakening. Issued to meet a twofold demand for a book o f small choruses: first, for evangelis­ tic work, especially adapted to revival and camp meetings; second, for week-day and vacation Bible school work. It contains no less than 106 small choruses, and is attractively bound in gray paper covers. OUR PRICES ARE LOW STANDARD SONGS OF EVANGELISM— 160 pages, including all of the old songs continually called for, and the choicest of the new. Full cloth, $30.00 hundred, not prepaid; tough jute manila, $20.00. LIVING GOSPEL SONGS AND CHORUSES— 96 pages. Gospel songs, two- page choir numbers, short choruses and the best hymns of the church. Issued in manila binding only; price, $12.50 per hundred, not prepaid. nolds, Geo. S. Schuler, E. O. Sellers, J. B. Trowbridge. ¿ » i n g l e copy 60c; four copies $2.00, postpaid. THE BIG FOUR— An exceptional q u a r t e t book arranged for male voices but easily adapt­ ed for ladies’ voices. Editors: I. E. Rey­ Our books very well adapted for this because o f the great wealth o f Gospel Songs contained in them. GOSPEL CHORUSES

A post-mortem o f Caruso*s throat showed a superbdevelopmento fhis Hyo-Glossus muscle — the basicreasonfor hts tremendous vocalpower.

Strengthen V o u r H v o - G l o s s u s -and YOUR Voice will be Powerful, Rich, Compelling Y OU have a Hyo-Glossu9 mu9cle In your throat. But you never use it because the nerve center In the brain controlling this muscle 19 dormant. The great secret of Isolating this great vocal m u scle was discovered by Eugene Feuchtinger, A. M., famous European musi­ cian-scientist, who has now made his simple scientific method of voice development avail­ able to everyone. It is ideally adapted to correspondence instruction. Theexercises are silent. You can practice them in the privacy of your own home. The results are sure. 100% Improvement Guaranteed In fact, we guarantee to refund your tuition if your voice is not improved 100% In your opinion. You alone are to be the judge. Inspiring New Book FREE You will do yourself a great and lasting good by studying this book, “Physical Voice Culture” . It may be the first step in your ca­ reer. Do not delay. Mail the coupon today. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 53-17 Chicago Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 63-17Chicago Please send me FREE your handsome, new book, “ Physical Voice Culture*’. I have put X opposite the subject that interests me most. I assume no obligation whatever. □ Singing □ Speaking □ Stammering □ WeakVoice Nam e ___ . . . . __ __________ . . . __. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . Address _____________________________ ______ ————— ————————— Ags .............

TABERNACLE HYMNS NO. 2— 320 pages of hymns and Gospel songs of every classifica­ tion. Full cloth, $40.00 per hundred, not prepaid; manila, $25.00. THE GREATEST HYMNS— 360 pages containing hymns for every use of the church of the present day. Cloth, $55.00 hundred, not pre­ paid; paper, $32.50. It is always a pleasure to send returnable sam­ ple copies of our publications.

SEVENTEEN CHORUS CHOIR SELECTIONS— Just off the press. An exceptional collection of 17 one-, two- and three- p a g e chorus numbers for evangelistic a n d volunteer chorus choirs. You cannot afford to be without the book in your work. Send for a sample.

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