King's Business - 1928-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1928

littleMistakes InEnglish MakeOthersJudge YouUnfairly Does your English reveal your lack of education or does it prove that you are a person of culture and refinement? Eng­ lish is the one tool you must use every day. This tells how you can improve it almost at once.

O u r Literature Table W H A T TO PURCHASE A T B IO LA BOO K ROOM -85

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and ministry o f the great apostle. He shows Paul as a man among men, quick to understand and deal with every situation. As one reviewer said: “Dr. Macartney lights up areas that have before lain in the shadow.” In connection with the In­ ternational Sunday School Lessons this book will make familiar facts take on new meaning and will be well worth the $2.00 for any Sunday-school teacher.—B. H istoricist, Praeterist, F u tu rist;, W h a t Are These? B y R ev . E. P. C achemaille The title of this small book would not seem especially inviting to the ordinary student. Yet it contains information of value to all interested in the study oT the book o f Revelation. The author shows the three methods that have been used in interpreting Revelation: the his­ toric, which proceeds upon the principle that these visions represent in continuous form the church’s history as a whole up to the consummation; the Praeterist, which restricts the prophecy, except of the last two or three chapters, to the catastrophe o f the Jewish nation in A.D. 70; the Futurist, which makes the whole o f the prophecy following chapter 5 to represent the events o f the consummation ■and the Lord’s coming in the future. He gives the history o f the three schools and favors the historic system as it has ex­ isted from the second century of the Christian era, and includes perhaps the larger number of the outstanding ex­ positors throughout the centuries. He traces the origin of the futurist and prae- teris't systems to the era of the Reforma­ tion at the end of the 16th century and declares that the futurist method was first promoted by Romish expositors who were not pleased with the popular idea o f hav- jfing the Roman church considered the Anti-Christ system. In order to set aside this application, the author states that the futurist method was devised. This is the system held by the Plymouth Brethren and a large number o f the best-known prophetic teachers today. The writer of this review has always followed this plan o f interpreting Revelation because the opening chapters seem so clearly to suggest that the displays of wrath which occupy the greater portion of the book, follow the gathering of the church into heaven. This necessarily throws the major portion o f the prophecy into the future, where it seems to fit in with the time o f Great Tribulation predicted at the age end. Furthermore, we have never been satisfied with the attempts o f those of the historic school to apply these visions to the past centuries. O f neces­ sity there must be a great deal of guess­ work and scarcely any two expositors agree. These interpreters have also been wont to bring in their year-day theories which have yielded such varying results. The author o f this book admits that only the modern-day student is in a position to rightly interpret by this plan, for the — o —

The Gospel For A n Age of T h ou gh t B y A. Z. C onrad , P h .D., D.D. Dr. Conrad has brought together a se­ ries of messages intended to show that the body o f Christian truth meets every known test o f both rationality and reality. “Among the mistaken ideas in vogue,” the author says in the preface, “none is more erroneous than that incertitude is a chief characteristic o f the Gospelvy-that it is to be placed in the category o f the theo­ retical, the speculative, the hypothetical; that it is to be classed with the undemon- strable.” Dr. Conrad then proceeds to show that Christian truth is completely validated. Belief is not a leap o f a blind man in the dark. He shows that we have a rational Gospel that is adequate for an age o f thought. The tests of philosophy and psychology are applied. We fear some of the brethren will immediately question approaching fundamental truth from this angle, for there seem to be many who hold that the truth is to be accepted solely on faith and not subjected to any test such as is applied to all other lines of truth in these days. To be sure, God’s W ord needs not man’s endorse­ ment, for it will demonstrate itself; never­ theless in a day when, liberalistic thinkers 'seek to make it appear that Christianity cannot stand the tests o f science and reason, it will be comforting to many peo­ ple to learn that not a single settled fact o f science has ever invalidated the Bible in any particular and that there is ade­ quate testimony from multitudes o f think­ ers who have come to see that no unin­ spired intellectual production has even approached the altitude o f Scripture. Dr. Conrad gave these addresses in the Park Street Church, Boston, of which he is pastor, and has repeated them in many great churches of this and other lands. Revell is the publisher; the price, $2.00. —K. L. B. ---O-r-' This is a new set o f biographies, to be known as the'd“ Excelsior Series.” Thus far four o f this series are in print. They are, “ Mary Slessor in Calabar” ; “ Adon- iram Judson in Burma” ; “With Hudson Taylor in China” ; and “With Hanning- ton to Victoria Nyanza.” The booklets are o f about 30 pages, heavy paper covers and sell for IS cents each; the publisher is John Ritchie in Scotland. The plan is to issue a new number each month. These studies are prepared especially, for use in missionary study classes or schools. They can be read at one sitting, yet are complete in essential information. They are very interestingly written also, and so should appeal to young people’s groups and leaders.—O. G. B. — o — Paul th e M an B y D r . C larence E. M acartney Dr. Macartney’s new book from the presses o f the Revell Company, covers, in a comprehensive way, the life, message M issionary Biographies B y A ndrew B orland , M.A.

You are sized up every day by what you say and write. The words you use, how you use them; your spell­ ing, grammar, punctuation — these tell the measure of your ability, your expe­ rience, your breeding more clearly than anything else. Your English says to all the world, “ This is what I am !”

Sherwin Cody

How Poor English Hurts You English is the advertisement of your abil­ ity. Your language determines your position in the social and business scale. Charming personality, fine clothes, wonderful appear­ ance, count for little if handicapped by im­ perfect or “ sloppy” English. People will think you are lacking in educa­ tion and culture if you spell incorrectly such common words as “ business,” “ abbreviate,” etc.; if you say “between you and 1” instead of “ between you and me” ; if you use “ who” for “ whom” and “ shall” for “ will.” What can you expect people to think if you don’t know when to use one or two “ c’s” or “ m’s” or “ r’s” or when to use “ ei” or “ ie,” or if you say “ hosPITable” when you should say “ HOS- pitable.” Fairly or unfairly, everybody every­ where judges you the same way. Poor English is an unnecessary handicap. 15 Minutes a Day Perfects Your English If your English does not make people think the best of you then it must be improved; Extensive tests show that most men and women are but 61 per cent efficient in the essential points of English. But now there is a way to improve your English. Sher- win Cody, perhaps the best-known teacher of practical English, has perfected aad patented a remarkable device which quickly gives you a commanding mastery of Eng­ lish. He has thrown aside all the “ junk" which makes the old methods so inefficient. The drudgery of rules and tiresome drills is discarded. Each evening you are assigned an easy 15-minute lesson. No time is wasted on what you already know. You are quickly shown your mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and pro­ nunciation, concentrate on the points that need attention. By actual use correct English soon becomes a habit. Free Book on English A command of polished and effective English denotes education and culture. It wins friends and makes a favorable impression upon those with whom you come in contact. In business as well as .in social life, correct English gives you added advantages and better oppor­ tunities while poor English handicaps you more than you now realize. And now, in only 15 minutes a day—in your own home—you can actually check up and see your­ self improve by using the •100 per cent . self-correcting method. Write today for our- new free book, “ How to Speak and Write Masterly English.” Merely mail the coupon, a letter or a postal card. Free yourself of the embar­ rassing errors in English that make you feel ill at ease. Write today. SHEBWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, 7310 Searle Building, Rochester, New York.

SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 7310 Searle Building, Rochester, New York

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