King's Business - 1928-10


T h è

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1928

ancient interpreters did not have so much history to help them out. The chances are, however, that the guess-work will still continue, and though it be true that a Romanist first discovered the futurist method, and that this school can show a long list of brilliant advocates, the re­ viewer finds more ' satisfaction in the futurist plan. However, we cannot afford to be too dogmatic on issues in which we find many of the most devout Bible schol­ ars differing. This book is published by Chas. J. Thynne, London. Price in the U. S. 25 cents.—K. L. B.

This Month’s Special Book News Cradle R oll Questions, Plans and Programs B y E lizabeth W illiam S udlow A most helpful book is this volume of practical questions, answered in a prac­ tical way, by one who has had abundant experience and practice. It covers every phase of cradle-roll work; it explains just what the cradle roll is jilts relation to Bible school and church; how it should be organized, systematized, equipped, con­ ducted and managed. It is a really no­ table contribution to the important task of cradle-roll work and is the most thor­ oughly complete hook on the subject that has come to our notice in many a day. 104 pages. 6j4x8 inches. Standard. Board. 85 cents. Postage 10 cents. This book drives home the fact that assertions made by the critical scientists agree neither with one another nor with the facts in the case. It is written in clear, untechnical style and is exceptionally in­ teresting and readable. The necessity of such a work as this is apparent to any­ one who is cognizant of the unbelief in God and Christ and His Word that now prevails to a large extent among min-, isters, as well as laymen. In this volume Dr. Campbell presents to all who are per­ plexed and bewildered by the modern at­ tacks on the Bible, an abundant and con­ vincing answer to these attacks. 286 pages. 8^£x5$4 inches. Harper. Cloth. $2.50. Postage 24 cents. In this helpful book, the author shows how, by means of a few crude lines, the teacher or parent can hold the atten­ tion o f children and impress upon their plastic minds religious teaching that could scarcely be imparted as quickly and ef­ fectively in any other manner. Perhaps one o f the greatest values of this book lies in the fact that- none o f the ability or skill o f an artist is required to success­ fully use these simple chalk talks. Those who work with children in Sunday school, Junior work, or other phases o f religious juvenile training, will find this book of great assistance. 162 pages 7j4jx5 inches. Revell. Cloth. $1.50. Postage 13 cents. A thrilling, heart-gripping account of thirty-four years’ Gospel work amongst the lepers' of South Africa, with many original illustrations and photographs. The. author’s loving service among the lepers of Robben Island—without fee or reward —is an outstanding example of de­ votion to God and man, which can only accrue from an intense love for and a determination to imitate the example of our Lord Jesus Christ who, though now enthroned in heavenly glory, is still work- T h e Bible Under Fire B y J ohn L. C ampbell , D.D. Bible Nature Stories In Chalk B y E lla N. W ood R obben Island Bv J ames W . F ish

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TEA PAR , a m ^inHPw iiu i C o s ft t# scHtfiL u m m suppli E s Fimlâme^MÊSke io theBible of the Innrna^ndt^^^^^. Foruse m allWenominations WR ITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ANDRR ICES The Christian Alliance Publishing Co. ESTABLISHED 1886 Third and Reily Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. Individual Cups O rder A T rial O u tfit fo r y ou r •‘Special” Cushioned Tray I Non-Collecting Tray and and 36 Glasses $9.95 • 36 Glasses $6.50 Nickel Filler $5.75, Cover $2.50. Bread Plate $1.76, Collec­ tion Plate $2.00. Catalog free. Pastor's 8ick Outfit $11.00. Thomas Communion Service Co. Box5421Lima, Ohio Earn $ 5 0 to $ 5 0 0 FO R Y O U R C H U R C H A dignified and ethical means for churches, teachers and societies to < raise money, meet budgets and pledges is by selling the famous, Messenger Scripture Text Calen­ dars. These beautiful and useful sacredcalendarssellquicklybecause 1 they are instantly recognized as a welcome Christian influence for * the home.

The Bible teacher who is looking for something in concise form, setting forth the types o f Christ seen in Joseph, will find this little book profitable. It is an English publication (G. F. Vallance, publ lisher) selling in U. S. for 50 cents.—B.

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B ible Character Stories

( Adam to Moses) B y W illiam J. M ay

Mr. May’s Bible character stories have been seen in various Christian magazines. His first American Volume is a collection of the best o f these, and we believe the reader will find pleasure and profit in these life-like messages, even though all may not agree with some o f his view­ points. He seems to have rare ability to adapt his stories to all ages, and writes with fidelity to the Scripture, and rever­ ent imagination. Those who deal with young people, will get some new ideas from this book as to how to make the Old Testament stories live anew. Mr. May’s opening chapter is devoted to the use o f the imagination in the relating of Bible stories. Few have learned the knack o f putting themselves in the places of those concerning whom they are to speak. Mr. May can help teachers to grasp the Bible stories. (Revell $1.75.)—O. G. B. Those who wish to have the inside story of the advance o f prohibition for a quar­ ter o f a century before the adoption of the Eighteenth Amendment, will . find it in this $3.00 volume published by Revell. It is more than a book o f information; it is a thrilling biography of the late Wayne B. Wheeler, who is characterized in the book as “the locomotive in trousers.” Wheeler was a man o f colossal achieve­ ments and some lamentable failures. His inflexible will and remarkable control over national legislation and political con­ ventions, led him to victory. Few realize the tremendous odds against which Wheeler and his co-workers struggled. The hitherto hidden methods o f wet lead­ ers and the ‘ plans o f the dry workers which ultimately won out are all uncov­ ered in this book. Some conversations with A1 Smith recorded in the book should prove enlightening just at this time—B. — o — P rohibition: How W e 'G o t It B y J ustin S tewart

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