King's Business - 1928-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1928

painstaking investigations, though not devoid of criticism, is a constructive and even praiseworthy appreciation of the lives o f America’s missionaries in the Orient. This book deserves a wide circu­ lation. It is an informing and awakening volume o f deep concern to the thoughtful people. o f America. 270 pages. 8x5j4 inches. Revell. Cloth. The price is $2.50 Postage 24 cents. . —o— Five Thousand Best Modem Illustrations B y R ev . G. B. F. H allock , D. D. An up-to-date cyclopedia o f incidents, anecdotes, e x p e rie n c e s, world-scenes, fables, legends, facts o f science and other gems for illustrative use, including copi­ ous selections for special days and occasions of the entire church and secular year, all in alphabetical or dictionary order. It is a new comprehensive ready reference manual o f exemplification for, all pastors, evangelists, platform speakers, Sunday-school superintendents a n d teachers, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W . C. A. secretaries, missionaries, conference lead­ ers, Christian Endeavor workers, Bible readers, day-school teachers, and for all home public libraries. There are 770 pages 8J4 x S J/2 inches. Doran. Cloth. Price $4.00. Postage 35 cents. —o— Under Whose Wings B y Z enobia B ird Does God have a hand in the love affairs o f His trusting obedient children? Can young Christians pray and trust with full assurance that God will guide in such matters—so greatly affecting one’s whole future life and service? This splendidly written story, founded on occurrences in real life, is the answer. This new book is entertaining from be­ ginning to end. The character drawing is excellent and the conversation is a de­ light. If you ever have “the blues,” if you ever feel discouraged, worried and harassed, this is the book you should read. 7% x5% inches. Biola Book Room. Cloth. Price $1.75. —o^— This extraordinary book is much more than fiction. It is inferential biography— more human, more gripping, more tremendous in its emotional power, de­ clare many readers, than any other life of Christ ever written. Everyone who reads the book will be the better for it. It is a real wor;k o f art, overwhelming in its beauty and charm—different from any other book you have read about Christ. 244 pages. 7j4x5j4 inches. Longmans. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage 24 cents. The Hidden Years B y J ohn O xenham

ing miracles o f mercy and spiritual heal­ ing in the souls o f men, and bringing them to His feet as disciples and wor­ shipers. 210 pages. 7*4x5 inches. John Ritchie. Cloth. $1.25. Postage 13 cents. The Scandal of the Cross By E dwin M c N eill P oteat , D.D. A series o f profoundly spiritual and scholarly studies in the death of Jesus, which make familiar facts take on a new meaning. Dr. Poteat argues that the Christian estimate of the cross has fol­ lowed through the centuries his own in­ terpretation. The cross must ever remain a stumbling-block, or be transfigured as the focal point of universal history where God wrought the crowning revelation of His Holiness and His Love. This volume also includes Dr. Poteat’s much-discussed essay on “ Tolstoy; Religion Without Re­ demption,” and he discusses the impor­ tant distinction between religion without redemption, and redemption without morals. 190 pages. 7^x5j4 inches. Har­ per. Cloth $2.00. Postage 24 cents. — o — Narrative Dialogues From the Bible B y A lfred C legg Realizing that fresh interest is imparted to a Bible story when young people are taught to represent the actual characters therein, the editor of this volume has ar­ ranged one hundred and eleven o f the most absorbing Bible stories in dialogue form. In some instances whole books have been condensed into a single dia-.‘ logue. The wide range of selection makes it possible to choose a dialogue for every special occasion. For effective individual reading in public, also, ministers, super- • intendents and day-school teachers will find it a great convenience to have these stories thus arranged for them. 296 pages. 724x5j4 inches. Doran. Cloth $2.00. Post­ age 24 cents. — o — The Religion of Religious Psychology B y C harles C alvert E llis , P h .D. I f you want to know what those who claim to speak with authority in the field o f Religious Psychology, have to say relative to the vital matters o f Christian belief, this volume will give you the in­ formation in a brief, concise and easily understood manner. The topics discussed embrace “The Nature of Religion,” “The Origin o f Religion,” “ God,” , “ The Lord Jesus Christ,” “The Bible,” and kindred subjects. This study is unique in that it lets the leaders of modern religious psy­ chology speak for themselves as to their religious positions. The study includes twenty well-known books, together with Criticisms, Book Reviews and Bibliogra­ phy. 48 pages. 7j4x5 inches. Paper. Biola Book Room. 50 cents.

“ The greatest tool ever placed in the hands of God’s people —So writes Rev. W. L. Pettingill, D. D., about the SCOFIELD Reference Bible Edited by REV. C. I. SCOFIELD. D.D. Assisted by Eminent Scholars A BIBLE AND A COMMENTARY COMBINED

Think how much it would add to your enjoyment and understanding o f the Scriptures if you used a Scofield Refer­ ence Bible with its helps to the hard places on the pages where needed. No matter how many other Bibles you have, the exclusive helps in The Scofield Ref­ erence Bible will prove invaluable to you. TWO SIZES— The same, page for page. Handy Size— Minion black-faced type. Size 7x4% inches. Larger Type— Brevier black-faced type. Size 8%x5% inches. Handy Size Larger Size No. Price No. Price 40 $1.95 Sloth (postage extra) Red edges.......................................... 90 $2.75 50 2.50 Superior Cloth ........................ 70 3.25 51 5.00 French Morocco, lim p.............. 71 6.00 53 5.50 French Morocco ........................ 73 6.50 59 7.00 Persian Morocco, leather lined to edge, silk sewed.. . . . . 79 8.50 ON OXFORD INDIA PAPER 53x 7.00 French Morocco ......................... 73r 9.00 55x 8.00 French Morocco, l e a t h e r lined to edge ...................... 75x • 10.00 58x 8.50 Alaska Seal, limp, leather lined.............................................. 78x 11.00 59x 9.00 Persian Morocco, l e a t h e r lined to edge........................... 79x 11.50 65x 10.50 Real Morocco, calf lined to edge.............................................. 85x 12.75 66x 12.00 Levant Morocco, calf lined to edge.............................................. 86x 15.00 68x 13.00 Sealskin, calf lined to edge.. 88x 16.50 to edge .................................... 175x 11.50 158x 10.00 Bound like 58x and 7 8 x ..... 178x 12.50 159x 10.50 Persian Morocco, leather lined to edge ................................. 179x 13.00 165x 12.00 Real Morocco, calf lined to edge.............................................. 185x 14.75 168x 14.00 Sealskin, calf lined to edge.. 188x 18.00 With Cyclopedic Concordance 353 7.00 French Morocco on White Paper ........................................ 473 8.00 ON OXFORD INDIA PAPER 359x 11.00 Persian Morocco, leather lined to edge .................. 479x 13.50 With Helps by Dr. R. A. Torrey 50T 2.75 Cloth ............................................ 70T 3.50 ON OXFORD INDIA PAPER 65xT 11.00 Real Morocco, calf lined to edge.............................................. 85xT 13.50 All with overlappping cover, round corners and red under gold edges unless otherwise noted. All Oxford India Paper styles are silk sewed. The improved thumb index may be had for an additional 50 cents. AT ALL BOOKSELLERS OR FROM OXFORDUNIVERSITYPRESAmericanBranch 114 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Interleaved with a Blank Ruled Leaf Between Every Two Leaves 265x 16.50 Real Morocco, calf lined to edge.............................................. 285x 19.00 With Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, Oxford Index, Concordance and Maps 8.50 French Morocco ........................ 173x 10.50 9.50 French Morocco, leather lined 153 153x 155x 6.50 French Morocco (White Paper) 173 7.50

— o — New Youth Evangelism B y J ohn F. C owan

Are Missions a Failure? B y C harles A. S elden

This is a ringing, vivid and inspiring challenge to the youth o f the country for personal evangelism. The book is replete with pithy suggestions and prac­ tical plans adapted to present-day con­ ditions and needs. All religious edu­ cators, as well as the young men and women to whom the book is primarily

In order to give American readers a true conception o f Christianity in Asia today, The Ladies’ Home Journal sent this able journalist on a seven months’ tour o f the mission stations in Asia, both Catholic and Protestant. Mr. Selden traveled 30,000 miles, interviewing 300 leaders in many lands. The result o f his

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