King's Business - 1928-10

October 192S

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


doubt after reading this inspiring book. 7-Hs x 554 inches. Biola Book Room. Cloth. Price $2.25. Postage 24 cents. —o— M ak ing the Bible Desired B y D orothy D ickinson B arbour . This is a splendid book for use in the religious training o f youth. The author shows how the pupil’s active interest in the materials of religion may be enlisted and the child led to approach the' Bible eagerly through his own problems and experiences. In the first part o f the book she outlines her method with great clarity and then supplies the reader with a score of instances in which the method has worked successfully. A biblipgraphy and many illustrative stories greatly enhance the value and completeness of the book. 146 pages. 734x554 inches. Doran. Cloth. Price $1.50. —o— T h e H eart of a Child B y V irginia T erhune V an de W ater Reminiscences o f the author’s early childhood and the deep impressions then created which molded and fashioned her life. In this interesting volume readers will catch glimpses o f their own story and mothers' will recognize the tremen­ dous importance of wise and sympathetic action during this most impressionable period. The book both entertains and in­ structs. It will be of tremendous help to parents in guiding their children into the happy paths of life. 225 pages. 734x554 inches. Wilde. Cloth. Price $1.50. Post­ age 13 cents:. —o— The Bible School Teacher’s Handbook B y J. B rad C raig It is a well-known fact that the majority of pupils compare or contrast the teacher o f the Bible school with the best teacher in their public-school ex­ perience, and in many cases the teacher of the Bible school fails in such a com­ parison. This volume aims to reduce the embarrassment o f t h e Bible-school teacher in such comparisons. It points the way. to increased efficiency in Bible- school work. Answers are given to more than one -hundred annoying problems which arise in the experience of all Bible- school teachers. 218 pages. 634x454 inches. Cokesbury. ' Cloth. Price $1.35. Postage 13 cents. —o—• The Passing of the W ord— A R om ance of College Life B y H elen H enshaw It is a delight to recommend this un­ usually readable and wholesome story in which the author depicts the modern college girl, whose bubbling spirit of harmless frolic is interspersed with seriousness of character. The story gives a lucid description o f the Geneva C6n- ference summer camp; it depicts the col­ lege girl’s typical friendships and her rhapsodies on flowers, amusements and other subjects. The love theme, too, is developed in a happy, wholesome manner which adds charm to the narrative and makes it entirely natural and in keeping with the surroundings and environment. 754x534 inches. Biola Book Room. Cloth. Price $1.75. Postage 24 cents.

addressed, will find this comprehensive work o f invaluable assistance, for the author gives many sound suggestions as to the “how,” “when” and “where” of evangelism. 160 pages. 7j4x 5 inches. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.50. Postage 13 cents.

“ Who is conscious of possessing little in Christ, the same loveth little, and is little disposed to make Him known. Our experience of Christ is the fountain, our missionary zeal is the stream. The one measures the other.*’ — E gbert W. S mith . The Constitution of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Declares, “The. objects sought by this Society include the following: “To promote unity of faith in the Lord Jesus in His fulness, earnest effort for the conversion of souls, and the deepening of the.spiritual life of Christians everywhere, by means of teaching and testimony in the power of the Holy Spirit, without reference to ecclesiastical uniformity, but in cordial sympathy with all evangelical Christians and organizations.. “To hasten the return of our Lord by following His program for this age, which is- to ‘preach this gospel of the Kingdom in all the world for a witness to all nations,’ and ‘to take out of them a people for His Name,’ as He said, ‘Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.’ Its aim is‘ to engage in only such activities as contribute to world evangelism. Its missionary policy _is- to avoid duplicating existing Gospel agencies abroad by directing its efforts to pioneer service among people, tribes' and nations where Christ is not named.” You may help carry on this work in the following ways: BY PRAYER —That the Word may be preached with power. That the messengers may .be anointed by the Spirit. That the hearers may" be moved to accept ' Christ. BY SUPPORT— Through sending to the Christian and Missionary Alliance treasury a portion of your tithes and freewill offerings as God may direct and enable. BY PERSONAL MINISTRY— In obedience to God’s call. Write, :for. full-gqspel_literature and mission­ ary leaflets to The Christian and Missionary Alliance 260 West 44th Street New York, N. Y. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This, is being done in Africa* China, India, by Native Evangelists and Bible Women who are being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite' Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Green Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature.

Pageants for th e Year B y H enrietta H eron

This, book has been prepared to meet the expressed need o f religious and sec­ ular workers for pageants, and a variety of them suited to various occasions. It provides twenty-two beautifully impres­ sive 'and instructive pageants—one or more for each month in the year—in­ cluding such themes as Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, Thanksgiving, Patriotism, and Missions. These pageants are pre­ pared primarily for use by religious organizations o f young people for pre­ sentation at church services and wherever there is a desire to present a truth in an entertaining way. 192 Pages. 9j4x6j4v Standard Publishing Company. Cloth. Price $1.50. Postage 13 cents. —o— Junior Pageants B y A da R ose D emerest This volume makes available fourteen dramatic programs, suitable for Sunday Schools, Week-day Church School, Va­ cation Church Schools, Junior Churches and Junior Missionary Groups. Almost every special occasion o f the church year is covered in its scope. The dramatiza­ tions are reverent and contain a maxir mum o f Bible material. The programs grew out o f the author’s own experiences in teaching Juniors in Sunday school and as ; supervising teacher of week-day church schools for many years. 94 pages. 9%x6 inches. Standard Publishing Com­ pany. Cloth. Price $1.00. —o— Rules of L ife for Boys and Girls B y M arion C olman The Week-day lessons in religion, for Junior grades, presented in this volume have been written for actual classes un­ der the author’s direction. Religious educators will find Miss Colman’s book a forerunner of a new type o f textbook upon which they can, depend for curricu­ lum material o f the very best characters. The author has a clear-cut philosophy of Christian education, and her knowledge gives breadth, sanity, unity and compre­ hensiveness to her work, 236 pages. 7 ^ x 5 inches. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.50. ^—o—- T h e Revival a t Broad Lane B y K ate D rew An intensely interesting story that will find a ready response in the hearts of those who are now in spiritually dead churches, for it is a splendidly written account o f what a real revival accom­ plished in a church whose first love had waxed cold. Through the fervent prayers o f a faithful few the preacher is restored, an agnostic is brought into a saving faith and sinners are soundly converted. That the glorious Gospel of God has not lost its power; that God can “ revive His work in the midst of the years,” no one can

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