King's Business - 1928-10

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Send Coupon for Free Book At great expen se, we have prepared an unusually attractive booklet, printed in two colors, illustrating and describing features of the Chain Reference Bible. A copy of this book sent without charge to any one interested. Fill in and mail coupon below or post card, . .. This book contains sam­ ple pages of the Bible with clippings and reproductions of Bible R e a d in g s, Bio­ graphical Analyses, Con­ trasted Subject Headings, Historical Data and all tho other remarkable features of this great Bible. Every Bible lover, teach er or preacher will profit by reading this book. “ In my judgment the Thompson’s Chain Refer­ ence Bible is the most valuable and useful vol­ ume ever published. Any­ one u s i n g it a week would not part with it at any price.” Rev. E. E. Helms, D.D.. P a s t o r First M. E. C h u r c h , Los Angeles, California. “ It affords me great pleasure to recommend the Thompson’s C h a i n Reference Bible. It ought to be on the desk of every minister, Sunday School teacher, student and worker.” Rev. Mark A. Matthews, D.D., L.L.D., Pastor First Presbyterian C h u r c h , Seattle, Wash. “ For completeness, com ­ pactness and convenience the Thompson’s C h a i n Reference Bible is the greatest single volume it is possible to buy and to own it makes it un­ necessary for you to pur­ chase any other books which would cost a great deal of money.” Rev. Jas. B. Chapman, D.D., Editor of Herald of Holiness (Nazarene Church). “ The more I use the Thompson’s Chain Refer­ ence Bible the more I ap­ preciate its fine points and the more I see how very excellent indeed are i t s many departments. The Thompson’s system of helps certainly sur­ passes anything ever be­ fore attempted.” Rev. Lincoln McConnell, D.D., L.L.D., Pastor First Baptist C h u r c h , Okla­ homa City, Okla. ^

enthusiastically about Thompson’s Chain Reference B IB L E Because it helps you find the Truths you seek and it makes their meaning clear— Because it turns the Searchlight of Knowledge and Understanding on the pages of HOLY SCRIPTURE. ONLY BIBLE W ITH TEX T CYCLOPEDIA A comprehensive encyclopedia of Bible texts and related in­ formation grouped and classified under easy subject headings. A condensed reference library in itself. Nothing like it ever attempted. Fruit of fifteen years of devoted effort. Combines all the reference chains of over 100,000 individual references, each chain complete under its topic, together with general Bible information, dictionary material, biographical sketches, Bible readings, and comprehensive treatment of doctrines, places, manners and customs. CHAIN REFERENCE SYSTEM easily to follow any thought, topic or character straight through the Bible. Only Reference System in existence that does away with letters and figures and confusing signs in the text. EXPOSITORY VERSE ANALYSIS verse in the Bible is analyzed into thought topics:— some into as many as seven. These are printed in the reference column directly opposite the verse. Being both suggestive and ex­ pository, they throw light on hidden truths. FULL BIBLE LIBRARY IN ONE VOLUME Turns the searchlight of knowledge and understanding on the pages of Holy Scripture. Leads you to vital truths and clari­ fies their meaning. Contains full Bible text (King James) Authorized Version, and the equivalent of 3,200 columns of reference data, Bible Helps, etc., or the equal of over 800 pages. SENT FREE ON TRIAL You r i s k nothing. A f t e r three days trial, if you wish to return the Bible for any reason, your money will be promptly refunded, plus postage. Rif! FRFF ROOfC Contains sample Bible pages and D m r full description. Don’t buy any Bible until you have our illustrated book and are familiar with the exclusive features of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. MAIL COUPON NOW B.B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE CO. K18D. Meridian Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind.

“ A copy of this won­ derful Bible Should be in every home.” Milton S. Reese, D. D. Any one able to read, can understand the deepest truths with the aid of this work. It is self-interpret­ ing. Full of unex­ pected information on interesting sub- j e c t s. Especially teaches truths that apply to home life a n d problems of young people.


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Solves the problem o f too many books and a desk littered with commentaries, references, etc. Gives you everything in one volume.

B. B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE COMPANY K18D. Meridian Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind.

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No one but earnest Christian workers need apply for the position of representative of the Chain- Reference Bible. Its sale is distinctly a service for our Lord and Master, since it helps others to know His will and teachings. Hundreds of people in your neighborhood know that they cannot “ live on bread alone, but from every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” These people will quiekty buy a Chain-Reference when it is shown to them that this “ bread of life” can more easily be gotten from it.


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