

assistance of the Victim Services Unit, have been in constant contact with the victim’s family, with the goal of determining who struck Jessica and left her to die from her injuries. In March 2012, the Hawkesbury OPP Crime Unit, under the direction of OPP De- tective Inspector Dan Nadeau, Criminal In- vestigation Branch (CIB) released a second video on You Tube to provide information to the public about the ongoing investiga- tion. Go to the O.P.P. You Tube channel found on the OPP website at or click on the following links to view: in English ou en Français. If you have any information about this death please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 222-8477 or call Detective/Constable Dan Fedele at the Hawkesbury OPP at 613-632- 2729. Persons giving tips to Crime Stoppers that lead to an arrest may be eligible for a cash re- ward. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to Call Display. Your call will stay anonymous and your presence won’t be needed in court. Tips can also be sent via text message and e-mail. For more information visit the National Capital Crime Stoppers’ website at www.CrimeStoppers. ca. Further details can be viewed at www.opp. ca, under “What We Do”, “Investigations”, “Crime Files”, under “Jessica Go- din.” Photo: Jessica Godin. Province continues to offer $50,000 reward File photo

FOURNIER | Two years after the body of Jessica Marie Lynn Godin was found in Fournier, the Ontario government contin- ues to offer a $50,000 award for informa- tion leading to the arrest of the person responsible for her death. September 24, 2011 at approximately 2:20 p.m., a passer-by located the body of the 18-year-old in a ditch on Du Parc Street. Investigators believe that the death was the result of a hit and run collision. Thursday, Ontario Provincial Police inves- tigators conducted a roadside canvass on Du Parc Street as they kept seeking people who could provide information about the unsolved death. Godin had been residing at a friend’s house in Fournier. The investigation re- vealed that she left the residence at approx- imately 6 p.m. September 22, 2011 and was last seen alive that day between the hours of 7 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. in Fournier. A post-mortem examination indicated that the injuries she sustained and where she was located were consistent with being struck by an eastbound vehicle travelling on Du Parc Street, Fournier. Officers have conducted over 90 inter- views and have completed over 250 as- signments in an attempt to identify the person(s) responsible. Officers, with the Les élus ne sont pas restés sourds aux commentaires émis par la population quant à l’établissement d’un parc pour chiens à Hawkesbury. Le choix d’un site en milieu résidentiel semble maintenant exclu. Lundi soir, une résolution a été votée pour man- dater l’administration de trouver des sites alternatifs avec les membres du Comité espace canin. Une rencontre d’information organisée le 26 août dernier à l’h ôtel de ville de Hawkesbury avait permis aux résidents de s’exprimer sur la question. L’éventualité d’un parc dans le secteur des rues Higgin- son et Laflèche avait rencontré une opposi- tion certaine. Plusieurs sites ont été suggé- rés lundi soir, dont la Côte abattoir, le parc Cadieux, le parc Larocque, des secteurs avoisinant les rues Taché, Taschereau et Portelance, notamment, en passant par le terrain d’Amoco ou celui de la CIP, quoique ce dernier nécessiterait une entente avec les propriétaires. Le choix du site reste à déterminer


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