50 Years of Kappa League


• Province Keepers of Exchequer: An elected Province office who serves as treasurer and pays out Province funds only in ac- cordance with duly approved warrants • Chapter Keepers of Exchequer: shall receive all Monies of the Chapter from the Keeper of Re- cords, pay all bills and keep the accounts in the proper manner • Brother Greer pointed out the need to be very careful with the money. Brother Greer stated “it’s the Keeper of Exchequer’s responsibility to ensure warrants are issued for the chapter and the chapter operates.” Some of the questions from a list of 40 questions raised for example, are noted below: • Does IHQ utilize a specific financial management software/ platform? • Is each chapter supposed to be incorporated? • Is each chapter supposed to file a tax return? Brothers in the Keeper of Exchequer workshop desire more of this type of learning venue, format and platform.

Strategus/Lt. Strategus Workshop

The Strategus/Lt. Strategus work- shop led by Brother Wiggins was a very didactic and detail oriented workshop as evidenced by the participants’ charge as an officer and member of Kappa Alpha Psi. Brother Wiggins articulated that “what we learn and remember repre- sents 10% percent of what we hear, 15% of what we see, 20% of what we see and hear, 40% of what we discuss with others, 80% of what we experience directly, and 90% of what we teach oth- ers.” Brother Wiggins proclaimed, “With responsibility comes accountability and our expectation is that elected officers will diligently discharge their assigned performance responsibilities in concert


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